Part 31

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Emie's POV

We had an amazing couple of months doing basically nothing, before Cappie suddenly started having to make appearances and head to meetings. We started to spend more time traveling back and forth to London. Cappie tries to involve me but I just feel useless sitting there while he works. After two weeks of this back and forth I had already decided this isn't the life for me. I needed something to do for myself not follow Cappie around like a lost sheep.

I made up my mind,before any of this with Cappie happened I had been talking to Mischa's cousin Ian about him helping me find an apprenticeship. So while sitting in another boring meeting, about God only knows what I decided to send Ian another email. He had always encouraged me with my art. Hopefully he will be just as willing to help now. 

I heard back the next day and was thrilled he had invited me to where he works to meet the manager.

Cappie is away doing some photo shoot with the guys so I get myself ready and borrow Cappie’s car to take myself there, it's novel being able to drive myself anywhere now.

When I arrive Ian greets me with a warm hug before taking me over to his boss. We sit down and go through my sketchbook and he points out some areas to work on. We talk a little longer about College and other interests and it feels like it has gone well by the time I walk out. Ian gives me another big hug and says he will call.

"So you know how your break is pretty much over?" I ask testing the waters of his mood

"Please don't remind me, these last few weeks definitely didn't feel like a break" he moans

"Sorry, but you're gonna be busy…" I start

"Yeah I guess" Cappie agrees

"So I sort of found myself a job. I don't want to sit around here waiting for you to come home and I feel useless when I come to meetings with you" I say as quickly as possibly

"My girl doesn't need to work!" He tells me, looking almost offended by the idea.

"What if I want to?" I question

"Why would you?" Cappie asks

"My friend's cousin is a tattoo artist. He always liked my sketches so I contacted him, and he showed my work to his boss. I went for an interview. Which went well so they offered me an apprenticeship." Again the words come out as quick as possible

"And you're only mentioning this now" he sighs leaning back in the chair.

"They only offered it to me a few minutes ago, I didn't want to mention it before because I didn't want to jinx it." I tell him honestly

"Are you sure that's why?" Cappie questions

"I was worried you might say no" I reply quietly

"Oh, Em as much as I want to control every part of your life I understand you need more. You're a very talented artist and I will happily let you practice on me. I'm proud of you love" His words are full of sincerity 

"When will you start?" He asks

"Next week" I reply

"So soon" he sulks

"Don't you have to be in the studio all next week" I point out

"Yeah but I play so much better when you are there" he carries on pouting.

"You have sold enough records before knowing of my existence to prove that untrue" I tell him bluntly.

"Do you really want this?" He asks all of a sudden.

"Yes" I practically shout.

"More than me?" He asks quietly.

"No! Please tell me you aren't gonna make me choose?" I ask trying to keep them anger in my voice is at bay.

"What no of course not, I just want you to want me more than anything" he blurts out the first part offended but the second part is filled with sweetness. 

"Well you are in luck because I want you most of all no matter what I do, I want to come home to you"

He pulls me into a deep kiss and we spend the rest of the night wrapped in each other celebrating my achievement.

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