Part 18

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Emie's POV

"So what should I get you?" Cappie asks again

"I really don't need anything" I reply

"Ok you don't need anything, what do you want?" He presses

"You," I replied instantly, looking up at him through my lashes.

"Well babe you already got me" he says leaning down giving me a gentle kiss.

"Best present ever" I smile up at him.

"You don't get away with it that easy," he continued. I grumble in response. "You know if you don't tell me I will just pick something and then you will have to pretend to love it so you don't hurt my fragile male ego" he jokes

"Sounds perfect" I hate asking for things and I have no idea what I want.

He glances up and down the street we are on, then steers me towards a Starbucks "stay here get a drink and I will be back" he tells me handing me some money, which I try to decline but he shoves down my top into my bra leaving me shocked as he saunters away laughing.

I order a drink and a cookie and sit myself in a comfortable chair and begin scrolling through my phone till Cappie comes back. After our talk with Corey I had a bit of a social media cleanse and deleted people I didn't really know anymore and changed everything to private. So at least now I am not bombarded with messages from people I don't know. 

I reply to a few messages and send Aaron one thanking him for today. I'm now on Coffee number 2 and starting to get a little nervous. Did Cappie forget he had left me here. I'm thinking about leaving when my phone buzzes.

Got grabbed by a fan. In a car will pick you up in 5 xx

I grab my bag, abandon my coffee and wait outside. Soon enough a blacked out range rover pulls up and I'm pulled in by Cappie looking a little dishevelled.

"What happened?" I ask him about his appearance. 

"I think I will send Benji shopping in the future" he replied, pulling me close.

"That bad?" I ask looking up 

"A girl tried to drag me into a dressing room by my cock" he replies darkly and I can't help but feel a little prickle of jealousy and I tense up. "Is someone jealous?" He asks, peering down smiling at me.

"Mine" I growl, pulling him in for a kiss. He finally breaks away laughing.

"Maybe it was worth it. you are pretty cute when you're jealous" he teases 

"Oh yeah because you would be so happy if some guy groped me?" I snap back. Damn maybe I am jealous. I see his hands clench and he pulls me closer.

"At least we are as bad as each other" he sighs. I nod against his chest and we sit quietly until we reach the hotel. 

We don't have to fight through any cameras and get quickly to our door. Cappie seems very quiet and preoccupied. I ask him if everything is ok but she just nods. He opens the door and steps back to let me go in first. I walk in and see bags and bags filling up the coffee table and floor.

"I know they aren't wrapped" Purrs Cappie wrapping his arms around my waist. "But honestly I'm shit at wrapping and it's bad for the trees and shit" I just stand there gobsmacked.

"Is it ok?" He asks nervously

"You really didn't have to" I say my voice shaking

"But I wanted to, I wanted to spoil my girl," he says, steering me towards the couch.

"You could have got me one thing" I sigh in exasperation.

"I could have, but I couldn't pick one thing" he admits

"So what you bought everything?" I ask and he gives me a little smirk that tells me that is exactly what he did.

I have a leather jacket of my own, along with a promise I can continue to steal his.

Two pairs of boots, a leather skirt that I'm not sure I would have ever picked. Pretty much everything in Victoria secret, and iPad an apple watch a camera and more if is insane.

"You were gone for like 2 hours" I gasp as he hands me another bag.

This one contains a beautiful matching bracelet, a necklace and earrings with little dangling hearts and stars. I need to stop this.

"Please Cap tell me that's it, I dread to think what you spent" I am begging him.

"There might be one more" he admits and I sigh. "But it's not something I got today I already had this for you" he adds quickly and he has definitely piqued my interest. "technically this would be more of a gift for me" he is beginning to ramble so I nudge him. "Ok, ok here" he says and hands me what looks suspiciously like a ring box.

"I swear to god Cappie if this is a ring" she warns

"It's not, why is that what you actually want? Because we can go right now..." I joke

"No" she snaps quickly.

"You will marry me one day Babe" I tell her firmly.

I open it up and there are a set of keys. I look up at him puzzled. "There for our house" he explains. We are back to the question of me living with Cappie at the end of the tour. I haven't even spoken to mum since I left, I guess she doesn't have my number. Though she could have easily asked Alex. Where would I actually go after this? I could crash with Roxy for a bit. Maybe staying with Cappie wouldn't be the worst thing, we would find out pretty quickly if we are incompatible.

"Babe you know long silences make me nervous" he interrupts my thoughts.

"Ok" I say quietly.

"Ok" he repeats "so ok, like thanks I will let myself in when I visit. Or like ok I'm finally going to do the right thing and agree to come home with you" he asks nervously, but I can see a smile creeping on to his face.

"The second one" I say after making him wait as long as I could. His face lights up and he pulls me in for a long kiss.

"Best belated Birthday ever" I say when we finally break apart, causing him to smile and kiss me all over again.

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