Part 24

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Emie's POV

I smile as I put down my phone I love when he tells me I'm his. His over protectiveness makes me feel safe.

I slip on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and black wrap around shirt. I decided to take the time to apply my makeup, smokey eye shadow and a thick coat of mascara. Checking the time I realise I have no idea what time I am meant to be leaving. I quickly text Cappie as I head to roll.

What time is Benji coming to get me?xx

I don't hear back for nearly an hour before I give up waiting and message Benji instead.

Hey what time are we leaving?

Cappie told me to bring you as soon as you want.

What is he doing right now?

Meet and greet with some fans, signing autographs and taking pictures mostly.

Won't I just be in the way? When will they be done?

Trust me Cappie wants you there! They'll be done in about an hour but there are some competition winners going to be backstage before the show.

If you are sure he wants me there, we can go whenever.

I'll meet you in the lobby in 20mins

Ok see you soon!

Hey I know you are busy with your fans!

ust letting you know I'm heading to
 see you soon xx 

Can't wait beautiful xx

I smile when he finally replies.

True to this word Benji is waiting for me by the elevators in the lobby.

"Hey" I smile up at him.

"Hey Emie, let's go shall we?" He smiles back offering me his arm. I take it and he usher's me out into a waiting town car.

"So" I say after a few moments of awkward silence "what's it like working for Cappie?"

"Honestly a lot easier since he met you" he smiles back at me "It used to be a lot harder to get him to go anywhere, he was always late and half cut…" he stops himself suddenly looking at me worriedly.

"It's ok I'm not gonna tell him you said anything. I'm really just trying to get to know him a better" I tell him hopefully reassuringly.

"Thanks Emie, you know when he asked me to help find him a girl I really never expected someone as nice as you" Benji tells me kindly.

"Thank you, I think" I reply.

"We're here" Benji calls having already excited the car. "Come on" I stumble after him feeling a little overwhelmed this arena is huge there are so many people running around. I make sure to keep as close to Benji as possible. He leads me through a Warren of corridors before finally stopping outside a white door and knocks.

"Come in" a voice shouts out

"Emie" Brodie beams excitedly as we lock eyes; he gives me a cheeky wink.

"Hey Brodie, where is he?" I smile back politely

"Wow" Brodie exclaims "no nice to see you Brodie. No, how are you doing Brodie? Not even an, I missed you Brodie. I'm hurt babe. I thought we had something." Brodie playfully admonishes me.

"Sorry dear Brodie it's so wonderful to see you! How are you? I have missed you terribly since last I saw you" I sarcastically respond and he snickers at me. "Now where is he?"

"Where is who?" Brodie asks innocently

"Really? Where is Cappie?" I snap rolling my eyes

"Hmmm Cappie, not sure I know who you mean" Brodie jokes again.

"Come on please" I beg him and give him big puppy dog eyes and batting my eyelashes.

"Fuck, what is it with that look" Brodie grumbles "He went to speak to his tech he'll be back in a few"

"Was that so hard?" I ask, shaking my head at him.

"No, but it wasn't anywhere near as fun" He smirks.

I am about to reply when the door swings open and I am treated to the only face I want to see. Cappie looks tired but his face brightens when he sees me.

"Ah there's my girl" he sighs closing the distance pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Hey" I say into his chest and he chuckles.

"Well as much as I would love to see where this leads, we do have to go meet the competition winners in half an hour so I am gonna give you some space" Brodie states leaving us alone.

"I missed you today," Cappie says, pulling me down onto the sofa next to him. I reach into my jacket and pass him a joint I rolled before leaving. "You really are an angel" he beams, lighting it.

"I missed you too" I purr into his chest. "Well I missed you while I was awake"

"Aw is that because you were dreaming about me" Cappie jokes

"Sure let's go with that, sounds much better than I was so exhausted that I slept dreamlessly for hours' ' I tease back and I can feel his chest move as he laughs.

"Well after tomorrow night you will be able to sleep whenever you want." he promises

"Sounds good" I moan into his chest. He nudges me and I sit up to take the joint he is offering.

"So who do you have to meet?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

"A couple of competition winners and their friends. It's normally screaming teenage girls" He sighs again

"Hey I'm a teenage girl" I snap at him

"Yeah but you have only ever screamed my name in bed and I will never tire of that" He smirks back at me making me blush furiously. "You're so cute," he adds, kissing me on the tip of my nose.

"What should I do while you play nice with those fans?" I ask tentatively.

"Come with" he says in obvious tone

"Erm Cappie I don't think they want to meet your… whatever I am" I mutter quietly.

"You are my girl, or girlfriend or whatever title you want to put on us. All I care about is that you are mine. You don't have to meet them, you just come and hang out." Cappie tells me firmly

"Ok" I say quietly.

"Come on then" he says standing up pulling me with him. "Wait" We are just about to leave the room when he grabs me by the waist and spins me round to face him. He bends down and our lips meet. 

"Much better" he groans as he pulls back leaving me breathless. He has the most gorgeous sexy smile on his face.

I follow him back through the maze holding his hand tightly. He pulls me into another room without knocking, we are met by Brodie and the rest of the guys minus Chad.

"Where's Chad? I thought I had permanent dibs on arriving last" Cappie asks his friends light heartedly.

"He's with his missus saying night to the kids" Mick replies emotionlessly.

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