Part 37

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Emie's POV

I wake up excited and nervous knowing Cappie will be heading home tonight. I've arranged to go with the car collecting him to surprise him and tell him what happened. He will be angry but I know he will be pleased to know I'm not going back and that I stopped anything from happening. It's amazing how much you can miss someone in a few days. I get myself showered and ready to go out and make sure the house is stocked with Cappie’s favourite things. When I grab my phone I notice I have multiple notifications. The first is a message from an unknown number, the content made it very clear  it was Tina, I have no idea how or why she would have my number.

Told ya so
and a link to a news article. I sit down slowly scrolling through.

Long Live Rock n Roll pictures of all the guys looking pretty messy. I scan through the pictures until I see one of Cappie there's a tall blonde girl hanging off of him while he is very visibly grabbing her ass. Trouble in paradise is what this kind new site has captioned my public humiliation.

I switch off my phone as it begins to ring, I don't need to see who is calling. I look around the room. There are pictures of us and our belongings intertwined showing our time together, it feels like so much longer than 6months. I feel my stomach clenching and rush to the bathroom to be sick. After I had emptied my stomach and cried for a little while. I set about the depressing job of packing my things I don't want to be here when he gets back.

After a couple of hours I have packed everything I can't leave, into my car. Which Cappie bought so I will give it back but I really need it to escape right now. I gave the house one last sad look, feeling like all my future was being erased in front of my eyes.. I wandered back to the kitchen which had become my safe haven. I sadly ran my hand over the side one last time, before taking off my house keys and leaving them on the worktop next to the phone Cappie had brought me. As I close the front door I feel a presence behind me.

"Where are you going?" He sounds tired and desperate but I don't care, he is the last person I want to see.

"I'm leaving" I try to keep my face as passive as possible. I don't want to let him see me cry, I am saving that for the drive to Roxy's.

"Please babe I can explain" he pleads looking down on me, with sad tired eyes.

"Did you fuck her?" I snap bitterly, tearing my eyes away from him.

"Babe" he begs trying to move closer but I step back feeling repulsed by him.

"Did. You. Fuck. Her?" I spit again, emphasising every word.

"Yes but it meant nothing and I regretted it so much, it was crap I think, I honestly don't remember. I only want to be with you." His desperate  begging fills my ears "This never would have happened if you had just come."

"Are you actually trying to make it my fault you fucked someone else" I snarl at him, still refusing to look directly at him.

"No of course not it’s all my fault." He replies quickly, desperately trying to get me to meet his eye.

"Yeah because I was here alone and managed to not fuck anyone else it's not really that hard" I scathe angrily. Angry is good. Angry isn't curling up in a ball crying.

"I was so wasted I don't even remember. Just please don't go. I never meant to hurt you" He near enough sobs at me

"But you have" I snap spitefully.

He looks down at me, I meet his eye briefly and see  tear filled eyes that match my own.

"I'm going to leave now and I don't want you to follow me" I say calmly tearing my eyes from his.

His eyes shoot up at me pleadingly "babe I won't stop you from having some space but please let me call you tomorrow so we can talk"

I think back to my phone on the kitchen counter. I give him a sad smile and nod. I have never lied to him, but he has never cheated on me so I guess it's fair. I push past him and run to my car. I get going as soon as possible fighting to hold back the tears. 

After heading to the sanctuary of my best friend we spent an evening of catching Roxy up on

Tina, she knows about Cappie, the whole world knows thanks to the internet. Followed by her calling them every name under the sun until I was fed up with moping.

"Let's go away for a bit" I suggest 

She looks shocked but then smiles "we did say we would try the whole backpacking thing. What the fuck let's do it!"

"But I need to call Steve first, I can't go back there, not after all this" I groan sadly

"I'm sure he will understand" she reassures me.

I reach across to Roxy's out stretched phone and type in the familiar shop number lucky for me Steve answers it


"Hey Steve, it's Emie I erm I can't come back in to the shop"

"Look I've seen the news, that guys an idiot for what he did to you"

"Thanks Steve, but erm it isn't just that"

"Oh what's wrong?"

"I can't work with Tina anymore"

"Why? What happened"

"Nothing happened, she just doesn't like me and she's always been rude about my relationship I can't face her, not after what he did"

"I can always talk to her"

"I think I need to get away for a bit, sort my head out"

"If that's what you need then you do that, but call me when you get back, if we don't have space I can always recommend someone else to train you ok?"

"Thanks Steve"

"Good luck Em"

"Ok so where are we going?" I ask her boldly and she smiles pulling her laptop to her as we begin hunting down adventure.

A few weeks of planning and visa forms and the thought of Cappie finding me suddenly became implausible. Which filled me with sadness but it's the only way. If I go back he will convince me to stay and he will just do it again. I have to leave.

The end.

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