Part 28

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Cappie’s POV

After a week of having Emie here she finally seems to be relaxing and making herself more at home. Everything in the kitchen has been rearranged now and I'm just starting clear of the whole area. Having never been much of a cook I am happy to hand her full control of the kitchen.

It was all going so well when a call from my darling sister threatened our newly found domestic bliss.

"Who was that?" Em asks entering the kitchen as I hang up the phone.

"That was my big sis" I say cautiously

"Oh, everything ok?" She replies hesitantly.

"Yeah she and her husband Richard are having to pick up his twins from a previous marriage, apparently their mum is struggling having two teenage boys in her house and asked Rich to give her a break" I explain.

"I can't blame her living with a grown man is bad enough" she giggles at me.

"Hey I am the best roommate you have ever had!" I exclaim

"Hmmm maybe" she mutters thoughtfully

"So how come she called you? She can't possibly want you to be a good male role model for them" she teases.

"Wow you are just full of compliments for me today" I smirk down at her. "As it happens their mum lives this way, she wanted stop in, say hi" I tell her bluntly "pretty sure she just wants to get a look at you" I add quietly

"Oh so are they coming here?" shock and fear fill her voice.

"Yeah babe they will be an hour, don't look so freaked out they will love you!" I try to reassure her.

"Do they erm" she trails off

"What babe?"

"Do they know about me like, how old I am?" She asks quietly

"Aw babe Lucy and her husband have pretty much the same age difference we do" I reassure her I can feel her relax slightly. I'm trying to work out how to warn her about the twins.

"Come on, we have time for a smoke in the garden before they get back," I tell her, leading her out of the house.

"So will it be all of them?" She asks.

"No just Luce, Rich and the boys, the kids are at friends" I tell her.

"What are their names?"

"Alexander and Andrew…" I go to say more and then stop.

"What?" She asks concerned.

"Well it's just, the thing is, well, Richard is a bit older than my sister, as I said and I don't know if I mentioned he had the boys young, like really young and…"

"And you are rambling because…" she asks getting frustrated

"They're sort of, it's just well they…" I continue.

"Seriously spit it out already!" she finally snaps.

"They're your age" I blurt out.

"Oh!" She exclaims looking shocked before adding "Is that weird for you?"

"It hasn't been so far, guessing it's weird for you?" I tell her.

"Well yeah but I only just found out, you always knew" she grumbles thoughtfully

"I didn't want to freak you out" I explain.

"No, I agree telling me just before I meet them is much better" she replies sarcastically

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