Part 17

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Emie's POV 

I really can't listen to anymore interviewers tear apart my relationship. Cappie doesn't seem to mind me going so I headed back to the hotel.

I sit and smoke alone for a while but I'm sick of thinking about everything. So I pull out my phone and message my friend Aaron who is the only person I know who lives in London

So long story but I'm in London, don't suppose you want to hang out? X

It's another 20mins before I get a reply.

How can I resist, I love hearing about your drama! You wanna come meet me in Hyde Park I need to walk Jade. 

Jade is his dog. She is a beautiful blue staffy and so friendly. I grab my bag and one of Cappie’s leather jackets. I text Benji to say I'm going for a walk so that he doesn't freak out if Cappie sends him to check on me. I consider messaging Cappie but he doesn't need anything distracting him while he is trying to keep his cool.

It takes me 20mins of tube and walking before I arrive at the gates of Hyde Park. I see a tall guy with a Mohawk standing to one side there are a couple of girls talking to him playing with Jade. Best thing about Jade is she is a total girl magnet, anytime he is out with her he seems to get flirted with. He looks up and sees me, I stand back. I don't want to cock block him. He says a quick goodbye before strolling over and giving me a big hug. One of the girls gives me a filthy look.

"Careful you're fab club is getting angry" I tease him

"From what I've heard it's not my fans you need to worry about" he loves winding me up. 

"Don't start I've spent the whole morning listen to interviewers accuse my boyfriend of being a paedophile" I beg pouting

"Boyfriend eh?" He replies raising his eyebrows "that happened fast, have you ever actually had a boyfriend?"

"Why did I call you again?" I ask dramatically.

"Because you love me" he smirks down at me "you know you can't lie to me I've known you too long! I know all your tells"

We begin walking through the park. 

"It's a big park you may as well tell me what happened, but leave out any graphic details, I don't want to imagine my ex fucking my idol" he laughs. 

"Ex, really? I'm not sure we ever dated" I question.

"Hey you're the one who decided to bed a Rockstar so now I get to brag I saw you naked first" He jokes.

"Yeah just don't mention it to him, he's. He got it into his head that I didn't fuck him immediately to mean I was a virgin" Aaron doubles over in laughter.

"What exactly is so funny?" I ask annoyed.

"I'm not sure what's funnier, the idea of you not putting out or that Anyone could think you are a virgin! Aw stop pouting we both know that doesn't work on me...anymore" I let out an annoyed huff as he continues to chuckle.

We begin our walk and I tell him everything that happened, occasionally answering a question. After nearly an hour I'm done.

"Wow girl, that's a bit of a roller coaster you've been on!" He exclaims sitting down in the shade and pulling out a joint.

"I know, it's been pretty fucking intense" I say sitting down next to him.

"Sounds like he is really into you though. Do you feel the same? You're not just getting caught up in it all?" He asks

"He's amazing, he feels like home I haven't felt this safe since my dad died" I haven't admitted that to anyone not even myself

"I guess that answers that. Happy for you little one" he says smiling at me while passing me the joint.

"If only the rest of the world was, or even better they could just not care" I moan.

"Well is he worth it" he asks looking straight at me

"Definitely" I reply without hesitation.

We're still sitting in the shade. Aaron is now catching me up on his life when he stops suddenly staring at the space behind me. I turn and see a slightly annoyed Rock star walking towards me.

"Hey I'm Aaron, Emie's friend I'm a big fan of yours it's an honour to meet you" Aaron is on his feet offering his hand as Cappie arrives. He shakes Aaron's hand but I can tell he isn't happy even with his sunglasses on.

"Aaron's Alex and my friend, he moved here for Uni last year. I was going mad in the hotel I had to get out." I ramble quickly at him and he breaks into a smile. 

"No worries love, just let me know where you are going next time" he smiles pulling me in for a hug, but something he said has raised a question and I push him back.

"I didn't tell anyone where I was going" I say

"Yes I know don't do it again" he playfully scolds

"So how do you know where I am?" I ask peering up at his sunglass covered eyes

"Babe, don't be stupid after all the things people have been saying do you really think I would let you wander around London alone" he says playfully. Nodding to two big guys I hadn't noticed standing a little way off.

"You could have told me" I point out, still a little annoyed.

"If you had told me you were going out I would have, you hardly need security to sit and smoke in a hotel room" he replies quickly.

So now I'm stumped staring at him open mouthed while he grins down at me having won.

"Listen, Em it's been fun catching up, but I need to get Jade home before work. Text me if you wanna hang out again" Aaron says giving me a quick hug and waving.

"So Babe what would you like to do now?" He peers down as he begins to steer us towards the exit.

"I don't mind, what were you thinking?" I reply

"Well I was thinking I owe you a birthday present" he smiles sexily down at me.

"Aren't you a good enough present, I'm not sure I can handle anything else" I joke back at him.

"What kind of man would I be if I didn't get my girl a gift for her Birthday" he asks back.

"The kind that met me on my birthday" I quipped back "Besides I stole your top" I remind him.

"Yeah a habit you continue, why do all my clothes look so fucking sexy on you?" he says stroking the lapels of his jacket "obviously it would be better if you were just wearing this" he says gently stroking one of my boobs. I give him a little nudge as a woman gives us a dirty look. Cappie just smiles at her and kisses me.

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