Part 36

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Emie's POV

"Just come, the flights are booked and your bag is packed" Cappie half begs half demands

"I told you I have work! Why would you book me a flight and please tell me you didn't actually pack for me" I groan at him

"You don't need to work, and yes I did we have to leave soon" Cappie tells me firmly

"I want to work, I need a life outside of being yours" I pout at him

"Why? You're so perfect at being mine" he gives me a smirk that makes me want to slap 

"Are you fucking kidding me" I snarl

"Is this because of him?" He asks immediately, switching the direction of the conversation.

"Cap I am not doing this with you again" I tell him firmly

"They don't! Stop being stubborn and get your ass in the car you're making us late" he demands

"No you are making you late, I'm not going" I tell him angrily

"So your choosing him" he snaps bitterly

"For fuck sake Cappie I am not interested in him like that and he isn’t interested in me." I repeat again

"Then why does want to spend so much time "working late with you" he asks for the umpteenth time

"Because he is trying to teach me" I gasp exasperated with his jealousy over nothing.

"So your choosing him teaching you over spending time with me" he pouts at mr

"No Cappie I am choosing to do more with my life than just your girlfriend, why don't you want me to have a life beyond you" I sigh 

"Why am I not enough?" He begs

"Cappie you have a life beyond our relationship, why can't I have the same thing?" I ask him sadly

"Cappie if we don't leave now we are gonna miss the flight" Benji shouts from the door.

"Come?" He asks one more time.

"Stay?" I throw back

"I can't" he replies

"Neither can I" I turn away from him and he slowly makes his way out to the car with no more words spoken between us. I barely slept that night. I hate it when he leaves me here alone but it's so much worse knowing he is angry.

I'm so distracted when I get to work the next day Ian just has me do inventory. I barely spoke a word to anyone by the end of the day. I am just lost in my argument, thoughts of my argument with Cappie. I don't think it’s fair for him to ask me to pick him over work, but the more the day goes on the more I am coming to the realisation I could find another job but not another Cappie.

"You alright Em" you look like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.

"Yeah just a stupid fight with Cappie before he left" I reply sadly

"Oh?" He questions.

"He just wanted me to come, he doesn't understand why I want to work, he thinks I should just follow him everywhere" I explain quietly.

"Well that's fucking stupid. You're your own person, you deserve your own life. You know I think you are very talented, when you aren't so distracted. I think you enjoy it here." Ian snaps uncharacteristically.

"I do, I'm so grateful you all gave me a chance. I just wish he could understand that I need more from my life than just being his" I say sadly.

"That makes it sound like he owns you. You need some space between you two" Ian spits angrily.

"He doesn't own me just wants to be with me" I snap back just as angrily

"Oh Emie, when are you gonna see a real man who wouldn't treat you like that? They'd let you live your life as well and not expect you to follow after them like a dog" I stare at him in utter disbelief at what he is saying. Did he just refer to me as Cappie's pet.

"Personally I think you make a great bitch" Tina spat, wandering into the room.

"What the fuck?" I croak finding my voice. As Ian stares at her bewildered.

"Why would he want to be with you, when he can have anyone? You're so dull and unexciting he's probably just bored of you now" she spits in her venomous tone.

"Thanks for your unwanted interest in my life, Cappie and I are in love and you can keep the fuck out of it!" I snap storming out of the shop and heading straight home.

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