Part 4

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Cappie's POV 

It's been a few days since she appeared in my room. My Emie and I can't think of anything else. I can't be bothered with the girls throwing themselves at me at shows. I've been retreating to my room more hoping she is just gonna appear again, pathetic right?

I pick up my phone and summon my assistant Benji to my room. He arrives a little dishevelled 20mins later.

"Alright man, you’re not normally up this early!" He yawns, handing me a coffee.

"I need to find a girl," I tell him.

"I know you've been off the last couple of days. But I really don't think you don't need me to help you pull, just walk outside" he rolls his eyes.

"Not any girl, she was here a few nights ago but she left before I woke up" I tell him.

"Aw Cap did someone finally fuck and leave you, how does it feel to be on the other side?" He laughs 

"We didn't fuck, not that, that is any of your business. We just talked and smoked" I tell him

"So what did she steal something? Why do we have to find her?" He asks, giving me a puzzled look.

"No she was just beautiful, funny and she wouldn't give me her number, but now I can't stop thinking about her, so now you have to find her for me." I inform him firmly.

"Really, I have to chase down the one girl that didn't want to sleep with you? Do you even know her name" He whines

"Her name is Emie, she was pretty short, maybe this tall" I say, indicating roughly her height '''she had massive brown eyes, long red hair" I start to get distracted thinking about her and Benji clears his throat. "her brother is the drum tech for that asshole support act, that should be plenty to start you off. so go do your fucking job" I say ignoring his shocked face and ushering him out the door.

It's a few hours later when Benji returns with a red haired guy who I can only assume is the brother.

"You wanted to see me about something?" He asks confused I glare at Benji who just shrugs

"You had one job mate!" I muttered to him. He just shrugs

"I erm met your sister the other night and..." I say, trying to gauge his reaction. He looks at me warily

"And what? Did she do something wrong?" He asks 

"No" fuck how I am supposed to do this. "We just talked and we got on and I just wanted to see her again" I reply honestly

"Did you touch my baby sister? You do realise she's 17" he snaps at me. I can see Benji flinch behind him.

"Really she told me it was her 18th birthday, and her brother was too busy to spend time with her." I reply coldly, his eyes flicker between guilt and rage. "And no I did not touch her, we just talked" as if I am going to tell him she spent the night in my bed.

"If she wanted to see you, she would have given you her number herself." He says standing up. "Look I'm a big fan. I really respect you, but you've got to be in your 30s. She's a teenager, find someone your own age there are plenty of them about" he says shaking his head and leaves.

"That went well" Benji laughed

"It's not over yet!" I say determinedly.

"You sure, you didn't mention her age before" he's giving me a weary look

"I'm sure" I try instantly.

I made Benji spend the next day scrolling through her brother's social media. All he managed to find was a picture of him giving her a piggyback ride backstage at the show. She looks so beautiful and happy. It was posted with the status "lil sis is finally 18 time to rock '' this is followed by some lewd comments about "Emie finally being legal" which make my blood boil. She's mine. Unfortunately she wasn't tagged and his friends lists were all private so that became a dead end. I came to the conclusion that the only way to find her was talking to the brother again.

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