Part 14

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Cappie's POV

I wake up to the sound of the shower and can't help but sneak a peek at the gorgeous girl washing her hair in my bathroom. She has her back to me so I allow myself to watch the water run down her beautiful figure. Thinking how lucky I am as I head to grab some coffee. By the time I get back she is out and towel drying her hair. just wearing an oversized shirt. She looks amazing with tousled wet hair and her toned legs. She is so very distracting.

"Enjoying the view there perv" she laughs throwing her wet towel at me

"Very much," I say, throwing the towel on the ground. "It's not really perving you're mine" I add, grabbing her into a possessive kiss.

She pushes me away giggling and wandering into the other room. At least she didn't put more clothes on. When I've showered and dressed I find her not instead of her usual cross legged position she has one foot on the floor and crossed over. Clearly someone isn't wearing panties.

"So you know I have to go to London?" I ask tensely, she nods.

"Are you coming with me?" I blurt out

"Are you asking me to?" She looks up shyly.

"I'd say with the amount of gear you brought you were hoping I would" I tease, she blushes "of course I want you to come I don't want you to leave my side" I'm so in love with the smile that has crept up on her face.

"I would really like to come to London with you" she says quietly smiling up at me.

"And after?" Am I pushing it

"What about after?" She rebuts quickly

"Come home with me, I've got 3 whole months to spend just with you! Please babe say yes" I hate begging but if it gets her back in my home then I'll do it.

"Can we see after London?" She asks nervously after a long pause.

"As long as you aren't saying no I can wait a bit longer for that yes" she smiles so brightly at me.

"Now come on little one you seem to have a lot of luggage to pack." She blushes but hops up I get the tiniest flash of ass cheek as she skips off to get ready.

Emie is coming to London, make the arrangements.

Already done.

He instantly replies. He really is the best assistant.

By the time she is dressed and packed. Benji is sitting on the couch going over the plans for the next few days, leading up to the final show and wrap party for the crew. I would be home soon.

"Erm, I can't exactly lift my bags" a quiet voice calls from the bedroom.

Benji goes to help, but I push him back.

"I love you like a brother man, but don't ever think I am gonna let you be alone in a bedroom with my girl" he shakes her head smiling as I retrieve these insanely heavy bags. What did she pack? She gives me a little shrug as I heave her bags out. First things first new luggage, with wheels.

"Cars already I'll get someone to bring your bags down" Benji says hitting the room service button minutes later a man appears and loads her things into the car. She adds her hoodie and glasses in the elevator. Then grips my hand tightly.

There are only a few press still hanging around so it's a much more peaceful run to the car. We get in and she lays against me and we enjoy the peaceful drive down to London.

It isn't far but we both manage to fall asleep. She woke me to see a man holding the door open smiling. We clamber out and stretch the press and don't know where we are staying yet, so it isn't the usual fight to get in. Benji hands us both a room key. I give him an annoyed glare.

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