Part 10

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Cappie's POV

"Tell me about you?" She asks as we sit down on the sofa to relax. It had been a long boring morning of interviews, she must have been so fed up of listening to the same thing over and over again. But every time I looked up at her she was smiling at me. I did not comment on the questions about our relationship. Adding while I appreciate that people are interested, my private life is very much private.

"What do you wanna know babe?" I ask

"Everything" she replies quickly

"What exactly is everything?" A laugh at her

"Well tell me about your family?" She asks after a few moments to pause for thought.

"I have a younger brother Michael and sister Laura both married with kids, I don't see them as much as I would like." I tell her. I haven't actually seen either of them this year, I will have to try and make the effort while I am home.

"And your parents?" she continues

"Yeah they're still about, they didn't particularly appreciate my life choices, but they eventually made peace with the fact I was never going to be who they wanted me to be. We get on a bit better now." I tell her but before she can press I turn the conversation on her "What about you? I've met your brother and your mum's not my biggest fan, anyone else you're related to likely to come after me?"

"Nope, it's just the three of us" she replies sadly looking down at her hands.

"Your dad?" I ask hesitantly.

"He died not long ago" she takes a deep breath "I would like to tell you all about him, just not right now if that's ok"

"Of course babe, whenever you're ready" I reassure her.

"So how did you end up a famous Rock star?" She's trying to change the sombre direction we've gone and I let her

"You didn't find that out when you did your little Google search?" I tease

"I'd rather hear how it actually happened from you." she tells me.

"Brodie and I grew up in the same town, my uncle bought me a guitar and I got completely obsessed. We met Drew and Mick in secondary school, they were a year above us. We started our first little band. It was shit, but we loved it and played some small gigs on weekends. After we got kicked out of college we just played whenever/wherever we could and worked shitty jobs until eventually we found Chad and everything fell into place." I summarised the first couple of decades of my life.

"What kind of jobs did you have?" She asks

"Lots of temp work mostly, I wasn't really made for a 9-5 kind of life" I tell her honestly

"Why did you get kicked out of college?" She gives me smirk as she asks.

"We never showed up, when we did it was hungover or still drunk, school was never my thing" I sigh.

"Just partying and getting pissed" She says knowingly.

"Just playing music, it was all I ever wanted to do" I sigh.

"Just guitar?"

"Well I can play piano, my parents got us all lessons, and one of the drummers we had before Chad showed me how to play a little. But the guitar will always be my favourite, I fell in love with music playing the guitar."

"Play for me" she asks, her eyes burning into mine.

"You've seen me play" I joke

"I've seen you perform, I want you to play for me"

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