Part 16

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Cappie's POV

"So Cappie there have been a lot of pictures of you with the same young woman. Love is the air?" another interviewer asks.

"Yup" I replied bored. Corey clears his throat loudly 

"Sure I have a wonderful girlfriend I am very happy with and we would both prefer if you stop printing shit about us. Our relationship is our business" I repeat for the 10th time today.

"Any comment on the recent reports about the appropriateness of the relationship?" A random interviewer asks


"You don't think you owe it to your fans to explain why you are dating a teenage girl?" The smug bastard asks. I feel Brodie tense against me preparing to pull me back.

"What is it exactly you want me to explain?" I ask through gritted teeth

"There are a lot of beautiful older women who have been associated with the band over the years, what is that so special about this girl?" He is trying to get me to snap.

"It's pretty simple mate. I love this girl" I tell him as 

coolly as I can and get up and walk away.

"Ok then, well I guess that's it" the interviewer announces. I can see Corey watching me closely. Emie left after the 3rd interview like this, she never really wanted all this attention.

"Thanks for keeping your cool there" Corey says "I wanted to smack him so I can't imagine how much you wanted to" he offers me a smile. I've done everything he has asked as far as what to say. 

"No worries, just tell me I am done now, I wanna go check on my girl" I ask

"Yeah that was it, a car is here to take you boys back to the hotel." Corey tells me and I head out the door, and climb into the back of the waiting car.

"You alright Cap? that last one was a dick, surprised you didn't hit him" Brodie’s voice invades the car.

"Emie made me promise I wouldn't hit anyone" I admit to him.

"Yeah but she's not here" Brodie presses 

"Yeah but she threatened to withhold sex so not worth it" I tell him

"Ah so you finally got some then?" Mick asks. 

"So was it worth it?" Drew chimes in

"Best I've ever had, and although I will not claim to be a gentleman I will respect my lady so that's all you're getting" I tell them

They spend the rest of the ride light heartedly teasing me, I'm relieved when we arrive back at the hotel after an afternoon of torture I want my girl. Saying bye to the guys I head straight up.

"Babe I'm back" I call out as I open the door "you'll be glad you left it only got worse"

 She doesn't reply and a quick search of the room tells me she isn't here. I call her but she doesn't reply.

Babe I'm back at the hotel where are you? Xx

Without waiting for a reply I message Benji

You seen Em? She isn't in our room. 

A few minutes later neither have replied so I have sat down to smoke.

Knock knock knock

"Hey Cap, she went for a walk but that was a while ago. I've spoken to security apparently she is sitting in Hyde Park with some guy she met" He rambles breathlessly.

"So I need to go to Hyde Park then" I tell him and he nods grabbing his phone.

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