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"P'Nai, wake up".

Joong. My mind was screaming, Joong. It's his voice.

I opened my eyes slowly. Joong.

I saw him.

"Why are you looking at me like that P'?".

I felt a cold hand on my forehead.

"Hmm, a fever. You are burning hot".

He was about to pull his hand away, I grabbed it immediately.

"P', you're sick. Let me go fetch a wet towel first. We need to cool you down".

I wanted to call his name. I wanted to say Joong as many time as I could.

There's no voice coming out. I could only look.

"P', let go. I'll come back".

No, not letting go, I would lose you. You won't come back.

Joong laughed a little, "If it is like this, I wish you are sick everyday, so clingy!".

That smile, that naughty smile, that confused face, that clear eyes.

"You wanted me to hold you for a bit? Want to sleep some more?"

I was put back to bed, inside his embrace, I didn't want to close my eyes, yet I felt so sleepy.

No, don't sleep, don't.

"Rest P', sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. And we'll eat something".

My lids were getting heavy. I was fighting hard not to sleep. Yet I lost the battle.

Tears fell down my cheeks. Somehow, I knew I'd wake up alone again.

Someone That I left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now