Ticking Clock

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"Wake up, sleepyhead!". I heard a teasing voice near me.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the light from the windows streaming into the room.

"What time is it?", I asked since it seemed like the sun was already up and shining.

"Eleven". I slept so well. This was a rare occasion, sleeping undisturbed the whole night till the day. I closed my eyes back and smiled.

"Eyyy, wake up! Don't push me to kick your butt..".

"I'm not on the bed, couldn't fall anywhere", I replied, still not opening my eyes yet.

"Hmm, then you left me no choice...". Suddenly I could feel a hard kick on my butt.

"Ouchh!!!", a shout escaped my lips, I sat up while rubbing the area, my eyes were widely opened.

"You can't fall, but it's sure still stung, right?". I gave a murderous look to the perpetrator but damn, he just smiled cutely. No, don't be swayed, must stay in character.

"You know what P', by the time I leave here, most of my body will be bruised, only one caused by an actual fall, and the rest are from human torture!", I said sulkily.

"Really? Since P'Mook said I'm a stubborn ox, so that must be someone else".

I pouted, "I dreamed of being waken up with a gentle voice, yet, my reality is damn scary..".

"A gentle voice? I did, three times already, trying to wake you up "gently" as you wished. You slept liked a log. No more sulking, up and go shower".

"Ah? Why are you still here? Not working?".

"Weekends are off days for me".

"Wait, you dressed up nicely, are we going on a date?".

"You wish. Didn't I tell you last night. We need to repair your phone", Nine was talking and walking to the door, all ready to leave the room.

I pouted some more. "So fast, don't even have an excuse now to kiss again", I grumbled while taking my towel and walking towards the bathroom.



"A date; or a kiss... try asking nicely, maybe I'll consider". He closed the door and I was left smiling liked an idiot.


I closed the door as soon as my words were out. It was done in the moment, and after that I suddenly felt embarrass. I went downstairs and saw P'Mook already busy catering to the weekend morning rush. The café opened on 10.00 and now half the table were already occupied.

"Morning P'".

"Oh Nai, morning. Wow, you look nice. Hmm, going on a date already, I see".

"Haish, no, not a date. Joong's phone broke. Fell down on the kitchen floor last night P'".

"Oh, glad he did bring you down to eat. Looking at the downpours, P' could guess that both of you won't be able to eat at the night market".

"Thanks P'. Without you, I'll be a living stick by now".

Suddenly, my phone rang. I excused my self and walked outside the café to talk.

A private number? An uneasy feeling started to creep up my veins. I picked up the call.

"Hello, Nine". I recognized the voice immediately, "Is Joong with you?".


"Good. We need to talk".

"No, not right now. I'll decide when. Text me the number".


Nine looked distracted. The easy banter that we had not even an hour ago, seemed like a moment gone too soon. I took his hand and lightly massaged it.

"Your hand is cold. P', are you not feeling well? We can go next time, not in a hurry anyway", I said, carefully assessing the reason for the turn of mood that was too sudden.

Nine just shook his head and remained silent.

I didn't know why, no matter how old I had become, but with Nine, I readily be a baby, wanted to sulk, wanted to be pampered, wanted to be loved. Maybe, he was done with the antics and felt enough. "I'm sorry for being childish and sulked again with you this morning. If that bothers you, I'll try to change my way. So, don't be mad, okay?", I tried to plead with Nine.

Nine took deep breaths. He always did that, whenever he's stressed or trying to control his temper.

"Sorry, Joong. It's not you. I'm sorry", he squeezed my hand back. "Let's start over, okay? We'll eat first, then I'll take you around the city. The phone repair shop is on the way back to the café, so we'll go there at the end".

Nine tried to lift the somber mood and forced a smile that didn't reach his eyes. I could see that, but pretended not to.

If he wanted to play happy, then I would play happy back.

Lucky this was not our first date,

or I would kill whatever it was that ruined the moment for us.


I looked at the person in front of me. He was eating ravenously. Joong and food was a sight to behold. Considering his eating tendency, I wondered how he managed to keep fit. The body that I massaged yesterday, was all veins and muscles.

"P', you're staring. I'm not food, and yours is not yet eaten".

"Not that hungry, you woke up late. I'd already had breakfast this morning. You want this? Go on..", I said and pushed the noodle soup towards him. Joong just smiled and shook his head. "Before we went out, P'Mook gave me the order to "shove" the food on you if you try to skip meals again".

"This is a horror story. I was with her for three years, and now she's your ally? What kind of twist is this?".

"I'm glad you are with P'Mook. She's an angel. Now, eat, please...", he said that and continued eating.

I relented, took the bowl and started eating. The lump in my throat that I felt during the whole car ride, was washed away by the warm soup.



"The limit... I've decided".

Joong stopped eating, put down his spoon, and braced himself to listen.



"You can do anything you wanted, no wall, no line, not even space".

Joong just blinked repeatedly, his lips partly opened, yet no word was said.

"That's a blank script, P'....", he said hesitantly.

"Yes. Write whatever you want", I took his hand, "Don't worry, I'll say no if it's too much".

I could feel his hesitation, but slowly, he held my hand back.

"Hmm, let see if you can handle my charm...", the naughty smile was back, but the blush betrayed his feeling inside. Joong immediately released my hand and continued eating without looking up. I smiled. Ah, this manly baby with a gentle heart.

They said, if you're up there too high, you'll fall down harder.

Let just forget for a while Nai! Time is ticking. Be happy...for now.

I already knew about the fall, it's definite. So, lets climb just as high.

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