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The shooting at the sanctuary was breakneck as P'Mhee had said. Five full days of shooting already gone.

Looking at the surrounding, the place was beautiful, just as it was years ago when Nine and I were here shooting for the show. It was a travel show, but fans teased it as our honeymoon show. At the time I was too naïve to think about it that way, we were just so happy and felt so free. Remembering it now from an adult view, indeed, it looked like one.

We were on a break after shooting continuously from the morning. The elephants that were involved in a few scenes an hour back, needed to be fed and rested nearby. I took out my phone and leaned on a big tree. The size providing ample shade from the burning sun. Though the shooting went on until midnight every day, I couldn't help but think about Nine all the time, so between shoots, I'd bug P'Mook for news. I knew, I shouldn't burden P'Mook this way, but I couldn't concentrate otherwise. I wanted to finish the shoot as early as possible and ran back to Nine. There's this inner fear that he would disappear. I didn't want to face another let down again. I would go crazy.

P'Mhee never asked anything, but the way I acted like a nervous bunny waiting for the chance to open my phone each time, had given away the biggest sign that I found Nine. I kept quite because I couldn't confirm anything, whether this would end with having it all or lost everything just like the dust in the air.

"Joong, watch out!". A sudden loud voice alarmed me.

I looked and saw an elephant break away from the resting herd. It's size and power caused me to fall down hard quite a distance away from the impact. After the commotion, the first thing that caught my eyes was a big chunk of falling branches. I was so lucky, the heavy wood could have knocked my head open. The elephant must had the intention to save me from a bad accident.

I wanted to stand up and rub it's body, I was so thankful. Yet, there's this sharp pain shooting from my left shoulder. Oh, this is not good, not good at all.

The staffs surrounded me immediately, and I was taken to the nearest hospital. Luckily, it was just dislocated and nothing broken. I was advised to rest for at least 2 weeks from any heavy activities.

The team felt responsible, although it wasn't their fault to begin with. They were willing to fly me back to Bangkok as soon as possible to get proper treatment and rest. No,no,no,no. I need to stay. What to do? What to say? How to reject? . I felt so down, and turned to look at P'Mhee.

Help Me...

"It's okay, Joong will stay in Chiang Mai. Too much hassle to return back here after recovery", P'Mhee suddenly said out loud.

"But P'Mhee...", one of the crew started to protest. P'Mhee raised his hand to stop any argument,"Now, he can get that much needed vacation". P'Mhee said and smile, "Err, so.. about the delay..."

"It's all on us P', we'll re arrange the schedule to fit his recovery. We'll go back to Bangkok and edit from the finished shoot first, actually there's already a lot of scenes covered earlier than what we'd projected, so there'll be enough time to shoot the additional scenes later".

"That's great. We'll trust you won't tell the reporters of his whereabouts during this break".

"Of course, definitely, we'll make up something fast. Our PR teams are pro".

P'Mhee turned towards me and mouthed you owe me again , with a damn huge smile.

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