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11 years ago

I was brought to see a recognize doctor just as P'Mhee had promised. I really wanted to heal, I couldn't help feeling helpless and in the dark all the time. I wanted to be able to be with people without feeling liked they were all bad. Most of all, I wanted to be with Nine, wanted to be able to hold him without the fear of strangling him next. I wore a cap and a mask, to not have to talk to people.

I sat quietly, waiting for my turn to see the doctor next. Besides me, sat a young lady that wore a pretty light-colored dress. She looked tall, but I couldn't guess her age. People always thought I was an adult when in actuality, I was just an 18 years old teen. It didn't matter anyway. As long as we mind our own business.

"Sorry, but you are that actor, right?", the lady suddenly said.

I turned to my side and looked at her. The first thing I noticed was her light brown eyes, but couple with a dark hair, I could guess that she was mixed. Pretty too.

"You can tell, even with this mask?", I asked curiously.

"Of course, I watched both seasons, and also followed all the social media you both in".

I asked her to keep my identity a secret, and she just nodded.

"What are you doing here?", she asked casually.

"What else people come here for? Whatever the reason is, definitely not because they wanted to be here, and I'm not crazy!", I retorted back, a bit harsh. I shook my head, "Sorry, sorry...I didn't mean to do that, but sometimes it just...beyond my control". I immediately swept my face in shame.

"It's alright. I am used to this. You are up after this, right? Since only two of us are here".

"My manager got an urgent call. He'll come back to fetch me after this. You'll see the doctor after me?".

"No, I am waiting for my brother, he's inside the room right now".

"I'm sorry".

"It's okay. Both of my parents worked. I am the one who usually come with my brother to his sessions. He needed to be with someone, or else he'd feel lost".

"If you don't mind, for how long, already? I mean, his condition".

"3 years. I've been with him on this since I was 13. We only have each other, no other siblings".

"So, you're 16?"

The girl just smiled, "Just liked you, I am always thought to be older. Poor us, right?".

At the moment, the door to the doctor's office was opened, and out came a good-looking guy, even taller than me with almost the same features as the girl. The guy looked at his sister and smiled tiredly.

"Done?", the girl asked. The guy just nodded.

"Glad to meet you, (Joong)", she said my name in silence, just mouthed them, and walked away to leave with her brother.

7 months ago

Today, a prestigious function would be held in a five-star hotel, the signing ceremony of a deal with an international telco company that was based in America. I was chosen as the spokesperson for Thailand and across Asia market, and I was told another actress would be coming to the function as well as she was going to endorse the brand with me, catering specifically to Thai market. Because of my busy schedules, most of the arrangement was done through managers of both artists, and tonight would be the first time that we actually met.

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