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I opened the door to an already darken room. Only the bedside lamp was left on, but that was enough to let me see the small back that looked so still lying on the floor. So, Nine still didn't put his mattress back on the bed. We would still sleep besides each other for another night. How many nights would I still be here? When the schedule was back on again, I would be at a distance away filming somewhere, or go for televised shoots, another award shows, another fan meets, another new projects to review. It would be endless.

I didn't care for a shower; my priority was to hold this person first. Slowly I laid down, hugged him from behind and buried my face on his soft hair. Since the first time, I was always intrigued by Nine. Fair skin, delicate hands, sweet eyes and gorgeous smile; all his features were too pretty for a guy; yet he was not in any way soft in manner. The odd combination made me questioned myself indefinitely; of the way I looked at him, whether it was right to look at someone manly as beautiful too. Was it because of the onscreen chemistry? Was it because I never experienced love other than this? How to know the difference? Yet, the questions only lead to a single answer; Nine. I just wanted to love Nine, in whatever form it happened to be.

"You're not yet asleep..", I said, my voice muffled by the closeness.

"How do you know?".

"You're not one to break promise. Though you didn't say yes to our "agreed" plan, you will still wait for me to come back. It is ingrained in your system, to care for people, liked you said, you'll always think about me first".

Nine turned and we looked at each other. Our face only inches apart. He raised his hand and caressed my face slowly.

"It's so late. You don't even have a phone for me to call. Are you tired? Did something happen?".

Nine was perceptive. It took my acting skill to the next level to be devoid of any feeling and tried to compose a placid face, "I am a little tired. Nothing happened, there's flood everywhere, so we had to wait for the rainstorms to dampen first before taking the road back. It was still muddy, and only cleared up when we reached the highways. My shoulder hurts, bumped hard to the seat a few times...and I smell liked dirt", I whined easily to distract Nine from detecting that I was actually, rambling.

Nine just laughed and gave a small kiss to the side of my jaw.

"Want me to help you shaved? These bristles are prickly already. I can rub your shoulder too".

"Shower together?"

"You smell mister, I'm not".

"Hmm, in that case...". I attacked Nine with wet kisses all over his face, his throat, pulled the neck of his shirt down and bite kiss his shoulder, went lower, raised his shirt and licked his tummy.

"Okay, enough, stop!. What kind of attack is this Joong, urghh!", Nine struggled to release himself from my hold.

"Dirty attack", I said and smirked.

"For someone who is tired and hurting, you're still a pervert! I almost kicked you. Now I need to shower again", Nine whined loudly, his face red.

"Why? Are you panicking? Now you know how I felt last night? But, I don't mind if you want to repeat that too".

"Up! Go shower!", he said and pushed me to go.

"With you?"


I took my towel and entered the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, I took a huge, calming breath to ease the anger that crept up my veins since this evening. Something bad was brewing for a long time, yet the stench had only reached me now.

I must search for the source; and destroy it.

Or else, this love would face an imminent death.

Someone That I left BehindWhere stories live. Discover now