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"So, how's your vacation with Thalia?", Mr.Kla was asking with a delightful tone.

"Enjoyable. We visited a few places there, but 2 weeks hardly enough to cover everything, The States is so large. Might go there again, if we got time".

"I'm glad that you found love through work, made it so worth it, wasn't it? Is it a year, or more? Did you two click-off from the start?".

"Mr.Kla, it is rare, for you to be so interested in my love life", I said with a smile, but my heart was full of hatred towards this man.

"Because, you never have one before, Joong. I felt like a father, you grow up in front of my eyes. Besides, Thalia is a good match too. Both in status and popularity. Your relationship is balance and beneficial to each other".

"Oh, if whom I chose does not meet your expectation, what then? You gonna hack the relationship, or show the way out?", I asked lightly, but purposely too. I saw Mr.Kla tried to compose his expression, and gave a fake smile.

"You are still young Joong. Fate, destiny or whatever the heck it's called, is just a fiction that romanticist made up to justify stupid things people in love did. You must craft your own pattern in life, and also love. Grab it only if the opportunity is to the best of your interest. If being in love only bring you down, then you're better off without it".

"Hmm, really, Mr.Kla? Yet, half of my life that is spent in this company, most of the deals were solely decided by you. Thank you anyway, for your golden advice. Ah, by the way, the reason I asked to see you now is more or less adhering to your advice as well, to be more involved in "crafting my own pattern", as you said. About the Hollywood's project that you sent to me during my vacation; I've decided to review it carefully with a lawyer in tow, you know, just in case this project might mess up my mind again. Well, you don't want to have a cuckoo artist in your care, right?".

"It is a legit offer, Joong".

"Did I say anything about it being a fake? Hmm, must be your own misunderstanding of what I meant. So, until then, whatever decision you made without my consent will be null and void".

I stood up and left the old man without feeling a bit remorseful for what I said.


Joong had started to rebel. He was smiling, but I could see the high spirit to fight is burning in his eyes. I'd already warned Nine not to expose anything. They'd broken up cleanly, I made sure of that. My people would already notify me if they were back in contact. But, after a year and half, everything still lay dormant. Joong was even with somebody else now.

At first, I thought that he just made it up, but they were really in love, so openly too. It seemed fans were happy with this pair. News about them always went viral. People were thirsty for more. Thalia also updated her social platforms regularly, pictures of them together; spending time, going for holidays and just simple couple pics. It was a majestic match. Two current top people in the industry, being together. The calls for endorsements and tv series were endless.

I was rooting for this match too. Not for any soft feeling or anything. I wanted to vomit when I said I felt like a father, but to say I felt like a winner seemed too out of context. They'd met through a deal that I worked hard to arrange. Well, initially, it was just a contingency plan to bring Joong back to Bangkok; but, just liked a Midas, everything I touched turned to gold. So, yes, I felt like a boastful winner.

Joong could rebel all he wanted, he could even throw a big tantrum and I would still praise him as a good boy, as long as the money kept coming in. His years was counted anyway. Not that many retained popularities for so long. After his years are up, then I shall find another goose to nurture. Or, should I already start? Hmm, which desperate company needs a lifeline now? My mind started working again.

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