Special Chapter 3: The Bed

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I looked at the new bed in my considerably small room. Why did I buy a bed this large? I sighed, and laid down. The size of this bed almost equal to what I had back then. The empty space next to me felt too cold to the touch. How long has it been, to feel a warm body next to mine? How could I have gone through 9 years of solitude without feeling a cold such as this? A nostalgic feeling started to envelope me, made me feel so alone too.

Hours had passed, yet still I'd lain awake. Every night, I tried to just ignore the restless feeling, and sleep, but I couldn't. Finally, I gave up and took my phone from the bedside table. As soon as it's opened, a picture was displayed on my screen. "I have become just like you, big baby", I said quietly, and kissed the picture of a sleeping Joong that I secretly took when he was here. Then, and only then, I could close my eyes, and feel the warmth that I missed.


Nine was crying? What are you dreaming about, little one? I wiped the tears that fell down from the corner of his eyes, and smoothed the frown in between his brows. I called him softly, to wake him up from whatever dream that caused him to feel sad. He slowly opened his eyes, looked at me as if I was not real, raised his hand and touched my face.

"Are you really here?", his question gave me the answer to what the dream was about.

I kissed his fingers tenderly, hold his hand and brought it to my chest. Feeling my heartbeats; finally, he released a breath of relief.

"Still having bad dreams, about us?"

"No, not bad dreams, memories...".

I held him tightly, "It's okay, Nai. Let it go slowly, we still got a long road ahead. We can build more good, happy ones to be remembered after this", I said and kissed his lips, "Liked this...".

He started to smile, and kissed me back.

"So, which part of your memories was it, in that dream?"

"The bed".

"Oh, you mean this bed? You bought it with us in mind, wasn't it?", I said to him teasingly.

"No, not at all. Didn't I already tell you that?". The way he answered so confidently made me waver.

"Oh? But...I thought...you were just embarrassed, because you're blushing so hard!".

"Well, err, the blush...I was thinking of something else...to do with you...yeah, we did, so...it's done" he was muttering incoherently. I was smiling at his stuttering. So, I was right, he got a corrupted mind, more so than me.

"Eyyy, Ai Pervert!", I said and pinched his cheek playfully, "Though it hurts my pride, now spill, what's the actual story about this bed, then?".


I didn't know why I was persuaded into this. P'Mook was the one who's getting married, but her pleading power caused me to follow her to help. As soon as we arrived at the furniture store, her eyes were twinkling liked a child at a candy shop.

"Nai, you go look around too, you have a good taste on things, might find something better". P'Mook had a girlish taste, if it was left to her, the bedroom would be showered in pink all over. So, I understood why she wanted a guy point of view.

I was walking around in the store, looking at beds from every shape and colour, when suddenly a sales person approached and cheerfully greeted me, "Helloooo. What kind of bed are you looking for, Sir?".

"A bed that will fit 2 persons comfortably, wood based, and sturdy enough to last up to years"

"Excellent! We have just the right bed here for you, come!". I followed him and was shown to look at an array of choices. I called P'Mook to come and have a look together. After debating for almost an hour, it narrowed down to the shortlisted three. P'Mook had made her choice, but now was looking at me with her puppy eyes. The reason; you'll get 30% discount for two!.

"Nai...please...you need it too, anyway".

"For what P'? My single bed is comfortable enough for me already".

"Ermm, just imagine, mayyybeee, what if, you have a "guest", again?"

I almost laughed out loud. P'Mook was very careful not to mention his name.

"Not happening P'. Even if any "guest" will come by, I'll show them to the nearest inn".

"Oyyy, Nai, please...this is such a big saving for P' na, naaaa..."

"50%! So, how does it sound now? Amaaazing, right!". P'Mook's eyes almost went out of it's socket hearing such a big discount.

Maybe because it was P'Mook, maybe because she grabbed my arms and held it in her iron grips while I was trying to run away, maybe because she was almost, almost kneeling dramatically on the floor to get that discounted price....finally, I surrender.

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