Eternal Bond

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[A/N: Finally, we come to the final chapter. When I started, I didn't expect it to be these many chapters, haha, I didn't even think people will read a story from so many stories. But, whoever, wherever you are, as long as we are the in the same J9 nameless fandom, we rock! Thank you to all. Byebye.]

Mr. Kla

I sat on my beloved leather seat, closing my eyes. I was savouring my last moment in power. For 20 years, this smell had calmed me down tremendously. Crawling my way from an errand boy, to be able to sit on this throne, was not easy. I admit, I am no angel. But the world is not fair either, if you played it good and safe, you'll forever be a nobody that will be trampled on.

Never had I imagined, this day would finally come, the day that I am dethroned, not by another scum liked me, but by the person that I had nurtured to become a somebody. Just liked I said, the world is not fair, see? You couldn't be too good to people, better to feed a stray dog than raising a dog that bites you back. Though my initial plan was just to use him, the interference of a small fly, but a firebrand nonetheless; forced me to reroute my course. And somehow, the plan worked liked a well-oiled machine; getting rid of unwanted fly and make use of a goose that had benefited me tremendously in these past years.

My only mistake was, I failed in my judgement about the power of human devotion. Urghh! Even thinking about it made me felt too greasy, but yet, it was what had caused my fall from power. I'd blocked the fly from distracting my goose, but I missed to see, that my goose had grown up too, and had a mind on his own. It must be my old age, causing this silly mistake to happen, that I grew a soft spot for a goose that laid me so many eggs, and let it roamed free. I should have tied the feet tighter.

But, alas, things had happened, and all I could do was sitting here waiting for my call to leave this place, into the iron dungeon somewhere. It seems, the world is truly round. I used to sleep on the hard floor growing up poor, and now back again to sleep on the hard floor in my old age.

I took a deep breath again and again. I could hear my door was pushed opened. Even without opening my eyes, I knew who had come in. Well, why not? Before going to the dungeon, I should see my ungrateful traitor first.


I came to face the devil for the last time. As thing stood, the most I had is 10 minutes, before the enforcement team arrived and bring him out from this place.

"Hello, Joong. Wanted to see this old man before he'll be gone?"

"If I could, I never wanted to see your face again".

"Why are you here then? Ahh, this remind me of someone who did come just as you now. You two are funny, do you know that? He came for you and now you come, I could guess to finish the chapter off in his stead".

"Yes, you are right. I come for him, but also for myself".

"Alright. I was done witnessing both of you doing this cheesy, love and devotion thing. My time is limited, so just spill it off and get out".

"You should just use me, alone, you know. Bind me with an iron chain, locked me up and worked me off liked a buffalo, anything. If I had known of what you'd done to Nine, I would rather be crazy all my life, rather than having him sacrifice in my stead".

"You said that so easily, but will you really be able to handle it, being crazy? It didn't supposed to be that way, the training was designed to only make you give up halfway, but turned out, your mind was just that...fragile". The old man just sneered.

"And your mind is full of shit. You trampled on people easily liked it was just a rag doll".

"A rag doll? Look at yourself Joong! If I had "trampled" on you as you said, then I'd never seen a richer rag doll in my life. I'd made you. Regardless of how it started, the end justified it, you ungrateful dog!".

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