Timing...and Mook

365 22 2


2 weeks ago

Hello, Saw what you'd tagged me. Pls DM immediately if you read this.Thanks.

I was scrolling through my social media when suddenly a photo that was tagged to me freeze my movement. The lady was beautiful, but the person at the back of her who was carrying some boxes was the one that caught my eyes.

I could only see the side of his cheek, but the shirt that he wore, there was only one in this world, that alone was enough for me to know that finally, after all these years, I found him. I found Nine.

Hi, read your message.

[Sorry for directly sending you one. Do you mind?]

Nope, good that you noticed. Just to make it clear, I'm not a crazy fan.

[That photo..where was that?]

In front of a café where I work.

[Location ?]

Hmm, you're still a stranger even if you're celebrity.

[But you tagged me?]

Maybe if you'd be more direct, I would answer directly too.

I thought carefully. This was a fan picture. Would I be crazy to ask about a person behind her, maybe that was just taken at the right moment, maybe there's no connection at all. But I must take my chances, it was too close to let go without trying to play the final card out.

[I'm desperate. You must think I'm crazy, but trust me].

Well, go find a partner then. Goodbye.

[Wait, please. The person at your back, you know him?]

You wanted to know the location, right? Okay, I'll share it with you.

[Yes, but...]

Done, already shared. Goodbye. ps: Good luck for your new movie, fighting!

What about the other question?.

There's no more answer. That was the last word. And the account went private.

That was one weird fan for sure.

Weird fan or not, I was at least a step closer to Nine than before.

I got the place, now must go hunting.


A week ago

It was confirmed.

The filming would take place in a week.

Some of the heavier equipment and props already arrived.

This was once a familiar setting for me.

How I missed hanging out with the crews, seeing their hard works behind the scene, made me want to work harder so that the shoot could be finished earlier and everyone could take an early rest.

Seeing the production scale, this must be a high budget production.

What movie was this going to be? A romantic one. A vintage one?

Our café style and setting were minimal. So, this won't be some rich son scene or something.

Why did I care so much about this? I let out a little laugh.

Maybe I miss the odd hours of working. Day in day out in a regular job sometimes made me feel that nothing was exciting anymore. I heaved a heavy sigh. I chose this, so I was not qualified to whine, this job put food on the table, secluded me from the world and found a friend in P'Mook. I was forever grateful.

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