Golden Goose

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Mr. Kla

The smell of leather always made me feel calm. Reminded me that I was still in power. It was rare that I went down to deal with a fly that bugged me. But this was a different case. A fly could only last less than a month, but this one, had caused me to be anxious for so many years.

I admired his gut since the start. He was almost liked me in my younger years, yet couldn't be more different too. He was white, and I was tainted. But sometimes, purity should only be left for angels in heaven, here on earth, a little dirt would help you to build a pathway.

It started when a small production company was vying for a merger to survive in a trying economic instability that happened globally. The running cost kept getting high, competition was fierce and interest in certain genre could only last so long.

The first thing that was done after a merger was staffing redistribution; those who couldn't perform, couldn't keep up fast enough, should either voluntarily quit or be cut off. Artists were also reevaluated, so those that hadn't benefit the company was also let go. New flowers are in abundance, so why should I water a dying tree? After 3 months, almost half were already cut off, except a few profitable ones.

Having good eyes for things, had led me towards vast opportunities, and add to the richness that I owned now. The secret was easy, found a golden goose that will lay you a golden egg. Once you had that, you could buy more goose to lay more eggs. In this new merger, I'd already found my golden goose. Joong Archen Aydin. Good looking, tall, multilingual, good in acting, dancing and singing. A triple threat they said. Out of all the artists, he was the youngest, yet he earned the most projects in such a short time being in the company. It didn't matter if all was just extra work, the recognition would come in time when the current "it" artists grew out of their youth and popularity. My lips curved into a smile just thinking of my golden goose and my golden eggs.

So, just liked any gold, it needed to be burnt to be pliable, tempered and molded; again and again until finally the shape that you wanted would be visible; harden and shining, because my goose should be the most beautiful, the most valuable. Nobody dared to raise any objection, because those who dared, should be able to find their way out just as soon.

Except one person. Nine.

I look at him that sits in front of me. The bravery of a tiger, but all I see is a tiny kitten that bares it's not yet sharp fangs. Such a pretty face for a boy. Just liked everyone else, I have the same thought too. A multifaceted persona liked him caught the interest of a lot of fans. It is the only reason that made me keep this kitten in my gilded cage. Yet, fans alone can't bring money to the table, an artist needed projects. The beauty that he is graced with, became a curse in disguise. "Prettier than the actress that we have in mind", "didn't look manly enough when group with other actors", "too petite to act as the main hero", and every other excuses that have nothing to do with any lack of talent itself. Since this has continued, he shall be let go as well, smoothly, to not bring uproar in the fandom and tarnish the company's reputation.

"What are you here for, Nine?".

"It's not about me, it's about Joong". Ahhh...I forgot, they came as a package, not a twin, too contrasting to be a twin.

"What about Joong?".

"I know it's not my place to question your decision. I didn't say anything when he worked non-stop for projects. I kept my mouth shut when he nearly collapsed a few times during filming because of lack of rest, and just be his support whenever he came back home".

"Yes, you're right. You can't question my decision. So, what's the point of you coming here then?".

"Let him go from the oncoming project".

"Now, that's as stupid as I can be as the director of this company".

"Mr.Kla, can't you see?. He couldn't handle it! The 2 months training had started to mess up his sanity. I can't bear to see him crumble!".

"Who are you to decide for him in the first place? Did he blow his mouth off about the training? Then, he broke the clause on contract's confidentiality!".

"He said nothing at all, but I'm not blind, nor can I stay mute anymore! This time it is way out of line".

"And that's what you are doing now, Nine. My precious time is wasted, hearing rubbish coming off from a mere youngster. If you dare mess this project, you'll have to pay. Now, get out of my sight!".

The memory was so vivid liked it just happened yesterday. Nine that I saw today, didn't change much than the person he was years ago; fiery and didn't give a damn of who I am. Though I was anxious, I had no doubt that he would relent. My golden goose would always be his biggest weakness.

When anybody tried to steal my golden goose, the thief needed to pay, back then...and even now.

Poor, foolish, Nine. You keep saving him, but who will save you little one?

I laced my fingers, breathed deeply, and smiled. I really liked the smell of leather.

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