Sleep Potion

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I watched as Nine coming out from the bathroom after taking a short shower. Lucky, Nine asked me to stop when I was teasing him, or else I was almost losing my mind and did more than I was supposed to. My inside was a jumble of emotions, anger, longing, confusion and possession.

"Sorry P', what I did just now, a little bit over the limit...are you mad?"

Nine looked at me and shook his head, "It's okay, Joong. I was just shocked. I was afraid that I would accidentally hurt you had you not stopped, that's all".

"You want me to put your mattress back on the bed?", I asked tentatively, my heart felt a little down that the best part of my night, sleeping besides him, was about to end shortly.

Nine came and kneel down quietly in front of me. He stared deeply into my eyes and we stayed that way for a full minute. He then held both my hands firmly.

"Will you be able to sleep then?", he asked sincerely, "You looked like you can collapse anytime, but if my guess is right, you won't be able to sleep still. Something is bothering you, isn't it? What is it?"

Desperate little laughs escaped my lips, my eyes had started to feel prickly. Nine. Nine. Nine. How come he could always blow my lies? Am I really an actor or just a clown of one?

"I hate you P'. Hate that you can read me so well, when I can't do the same. Can't you just play along and pretend you believe my ramblings? This is embarrassing", I said, pulled my hands, laid down and cover myself fully with the blanket.

Nine remained quiet, but I could sense the movements around me. The sound of the light being switched off, the feel of a person who had lain closely beside me.

"It's dark already. I can't even see your face now. You can uncover yourself; lest you'll feel breathless". Nine said that softly and trying to pull the blanket a little from my face. I held on back tightly.

"I won't ask you to talk, I promise. But I can't kiss a blanket now, can't I?". I heard Nine said teasingly, while his pull on the blanket was getting stronger. I remained stubborn. His hold loosening and I could feel that he had lain on his side of the bed. Nine was right, I started to breathe heavily. It was really suffocating, submerging yourself under a thick blanket. Slowly, I pulled the blanket down and peek at his side.

"That's better", Nine said and immediately held the edge of the blanket before I could even raise it back up. "Stay still, so I can kiss you goodnight properly". He rose up from his side, his hands caged my cheeks firmly.

His first kiss only landed on the side of my lips, out of target. The second one on my chin. The third was a bite on my jaw. I realized, after the third kiss, it was out of target purposely. More kisses were scattered all over my face, my neck down to my chest bone and abs. When did he unbuttoned my shirt? Gosh! He was teasing around mercilessly, both with his lips and his caressing touches.

"Nai, don't test my limit, please, or else, I need to bring myself to the far corner of the room, out of your reach", I said while pulling him back up and holding his shoulders back , shivers were running all over my skin.

"Why? Are you panicking? Do you know now how I felt when you technically, licking me all over?", he spilled my words back brazenly, with a little laugh, "Shall I stop then?". The kitty, this damn feisty kitty. I understood what he was doing. He wanted me to ask, nicely, liked what he had stated before. I circled my hands around his waist and back and pulled him to land atop me fully.

"Can I kiss you? And, it's not going to be in any way innocent..".

"Hmm, thought you would never ask...".

Consent granted. I held the back of his head, pulled him down and kissed as lasciviously as I wanted, deep, wet, tongues and all. Nine was reciprocating with the same intensity. Damn, if only my shoulder was not injured, I couldn't imagine to what extent this would go. Let just savor this moment. Let just pretend for a while that there's no dragon to fight.

This is one potent sleep potion that I willingly take in overdose.

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