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I sat on my couch, breathing in a sigh of relief and relaxation. "You've got visitors. Colonel James Rhodes, Sam Wilson and Tony Stark." I groaned and pushed myself up off the couch. "Karen do me a favor and play some music. Preferably from playlist labeled 'Lab'." Music started to softly play through the house and I opened the door just as Tony was about to knock. "Ho-" "Karen." I cut him off and he hummed. I let everyone in and they began to look around. "We met once. I'm Rhodey." The male, I only recognized from the Civil War, held his hand out. I eyed him and cautiously shook his hand. I saw his bionic legs and winced when I remembered what happened. "Peter." I went into the kitchen and pulled out a few beers. "It smells like weed in here." Sam commented when I went into the living room. I handed out the drinks and plopped onto a couch cushion. "Makes sense. I was high when they arrested me." I shrugged and held my wrist out. "Karen what happened to the ventilation system?" I asked when I looked at the patch of error messages that came up. "There was an electrical shortage and one of the fans shorted out." I groaned and sighed. "Put it on the list of things to do." I turned to the men seated in the chairs and end of couch. "Why did you visit?" Tony cleared his throat and Sam looked away. "As the only members of the team who miss you-" Rhodey started and I laughed quietly. "In that case, come over any time you want." The men smiled and relaxed into the furniture.

"When do you start college?" Sam questioned and I thought for a moment. "Next week. I'll be a physics major. They said that I'll likely be in my Junior year. I'm going to go for my doctorate though." Tony grinned and leaned forward to give me a high five. I reluctantly high fived him and he seemed please. "How have you been since the move out?" I shrugged and wished that I was at least a little bit high. "Better." I responded and rubbed my sore shoulder. When I got back from the courthouse, I had to pop my shoulder out of its healed spot and pop it back into place. "You look it. Though the high thing concerns me." Sam muttered, his face scrunching up lightly. "Its not a big deal really." I twisted in my seat and sprawled out on the couch, making sure not to kick Tony. "Clint." Rhodey said suddenly and I tensed. "He wanted us to tell you that he wants you to come home for dinner sometime. He regrets not being there for you when you moved out." I blinked and tried to rationalize the situation. "I'll think about it."

I woke up to an aching back and my phone ringing across the room. I stood up from the couch, cracking my back in several places and giving my shoulder a reason to ache. I grabbed my phone and slid up on the answer button. "Hello?" I answered groggily and Tony began to speak into the phone. "Woah calm down. What's going on?" "Pep is in labor Pete. I need you here." I grabbed my keys and wallet before heading out of the house in just sweats and a loose cropped shirt.

I got to the compound and ran inside. "What're you doing here?" Clint asked quietly and I ran towards the med bay. I slid into the room that had Bruce, Tony, Rhodes and Pepper in it. "I'm here." I panted slightly and Tony pulled me into a tight hug. "Okay Pepper. Push." Bruce encouraged and Tony grabbed her hand. I stood off to the side of the room and held a small smile while the woman, who was like a mother to me, gave birth. It was only twenty minutes before the cries of a baby filed the room. "Girl." Bruce breathed out and Tony immediately started to cry.

I waited out in the hallway while they cleaned up the baby and made sure Pepper was okay. "Pete." Rhodey stuck his head out the door and I moved into the room. "Peter!" Pepper cried out, her voice strained but she still looked excited as ever to see me. "Hey Pep." I walked towards her and gave her a hug. "She's pretty." I remarked, nodding towards the bundle of blankets in Tony's arms. "She is." Pepper agreed and leaned back in the bed, she looked utterly exhausted. I don't blame her, she spent an three hours in labor before she spent twenty minutes pushing something out of her. "What did you name her?" I questioned and Tony looked up from the bundle, tears in his eyes. "Morgan Howard Stark." I smiled and Tony held out the bundle to me. "We've all held her." He promised when he saw me look at Pepper in concern. I gently took the baby from his arms and she snuggled right into my chest. "She likes you." I smiled. Through everything, this is why I do what I do. Because of people like Morgan who deserve the best life.

I got home at three in the morning and immediately went to bed. After the excursions from the last twenty four hours, I was going to need to sleep for at least twelve.

I woke up, feeling nothing out of place or any vibrations. I breathed out deeply and sat up, stuffing my hearing aids in. "Karen what's on the agenda today?" I hummed and looked out my window. "Patrol from noon to four, shower and be at the compound for dinner at six." I nodded and pushed a hand through my hair. "Alright Karen, let's fix the suit shall we?" I exited my room and headed down for the basement. "Sir you need to eat something." Karen reminded gently and I sighed, going into the kitchen I grabbed a Monster and some toast. "Eating." I praised myself and walked toward the lab.

It took me four hours to fix the suit and upgrade it to my liking. "Karen how does the suit feel?" I questioned, just making sure she has her feel. "Great." I smiled and left the basement, still in my suit but the mask was off. "Sir it's nearing eleven thirty." I thanked her for reminding me and grabbed my keys. "It is a god send that I made pockets." I mumbled and locked my door. I stuffed my key in the ignition and sped toward the city.

"Peter, fire in Hell's Kitchen, apartments." I parked at the VA office and swung towards the pillar of smoke I was seeing. "How many inside?" I asked, taking a quick survey of the scene. "Two adults and two children, one under the age of six." I nodded and swung into a window of the apartments, the one with people trapped in it. I quickly grabbed the adults and shot a web, attaching it between two buildings. I tossed them onto it and scooped up a three year old and an unconscious teen. I jumped out the window, the apartment beginning to crumble around me. I landed in between the two adults and I groaned, the impact of the unconscious teen against my chest hurt my ribs. "Everyone okay?" I questioned and earned terrified nods. "Okay, I'm going to take you down one at a time." I promised and grabbed the kids. I swung down and handed them to first responders. I repeated the process with the first female. She thanked me. I heard the snap of my web and the second female went plummeting twenty feet. I ran out and jumped up to catch her, safely in my arms. "I'm sorry." I breathed out and set her on her feet. "Thank you Spiderman."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now