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Four days later
I rolled over in bed, reaching for my hearing aids. I slipped them in and grabbed my phone. "Hello?" I asked groggily and sat up. "Parker, you're cleared for the debriefing." I checked the time and got out of bed, grabbing my crutches. "Is there anything you're wanting me to pick up?" I grabbed a shirt, not caring that it was cropped to mid waist. "Files are being prepared at the headquarters now, Hill will take them over to yours." I hummed and thanked Fury before hanging up. I pulled shorts over the casts and grabbed a flannel, pulling that on. "Pete?" I hummed, turning to see Loki. "It's five in the morning." He grumbled and I hobbled to his side. "I know baby, but Cooper has school and I've got to get some stuff ready for the debriefing today." I gave him a quick kiss, telling him to go back to sleep.

I hobbled into Cooper's room and woke him up. "I'll make breakfast, get dressed." I kissed his forehead and went downstairs, maneuvering around the kitchen. "Karen call Steve." The call sounded in my ear as I made the pancakes. "Hello?" I smiled and flipped a pancake. "Hey Steve, could you come pick Cooper up for school?" I heard some rustling. "Uh sure, is everything okay?" I nodded before realizing that he couldn't see me. "Yeah, I got hurt on the mission, which will be debriefed today, and I'm on crutches. Loki didn't get home until late last night and I don't want to wake him." Steve hummed and I heard his car start. "Thank you." He hung up and Cooper came into the kitchen. "Hey bud, Steve is coming to take you to school and Nat'll pick you up. She'll either take you here or the compound okay?" He nodded and began to eat the pancakes I set out for him.

I hobbled to the door, greeting Hill. "Here you go, in yours are blood samples we've collected from Carnage and Venom. Study them and tell us the results please." I nodded before hearing my name being called from upstairs. "Ah he's awake." I swiped my report of the mission off the counter. "Could you give that to Fury for me?" She nodded and left. I hobbled upstairs and into our room. "You let me sleep in." Loki accused and I chuckled. "Guilty, you didn't get home until late and you've been straining yourself since I got home. Steve took Cooper to school for us and he's going to swing by to pick me up for my meeting with the team today. Nat is picking Cooper up from school and I've got it from there." I promised and Loki smiled, grabbing my hips. "God I love you." I leaned up as far as my legs would allow and pressed a kiss to his lips. "And I love you." Our doorbell went off and Loki called for the person to come in. "I'll see you tonight okay? We can rent a movie and I'll teach Cooper how to make mac and cheese." I suggested and Loki chuckled. "Sounds like a plan." We kissed again and I turned, hobbling out on the crutches.

I hobbled into the compound, the stack of files tucked under my arm. "Hello everyone, are we missing anyone?" I asked, getting everyone's attention. "Rhodey, but he said he'll be here soon." Tony responded and I thanked him with a nod. "I'll answer questions once everyone is here, Karen call Scott Lang, Hope Pym and Eddie Brock." I waited to pass out files and grabbed my own. Three hologram figures popped into view and I grinned. "We're just waiting on Rhodey before we start. Did you three get the files?" They held them up and I gave a thumbs up. "Sorry I'm late!" Rhodey sat in a chair and I waved it off. "Okay, everyone this is Eddie Brock and Venom, our new members. Eddie, Venom this is the team. You know all their names correct?" He hummed and I hobbled around, passing out files. "Before we start, I broke my back on the mission and shattered my legs. Yes I'm fine, just inconvenienced." I pulled myself up on the counter, where I could see everyone and the hologram screens placed at the end of the table.

"Okay this morning I was given clearance to share the nature of my mission with you. My mission was originally tracking down Venom and either taking him in or recruiting him. I recruited him because he's very valuable and poses no threat to us." Steve rose his hand. "Yes Steve?" Sam snickered at my bored tone. "What are his powers?" I waved to Eddie, who sighed and Venom encased his body. "That is Venom. He is a symbiote that has taken Eddie as its host." Venom retracted, sticking to Eddie's shoulder and Eddie snickered. "He's mad you called him it." I chuckled and bent my head to look at the file. "Okay...I fixed Scott's suit, Hope the wings are okay?" I lifted my head and she pressed her particle button, letting her shrink and fly around. "Perfect. Okay, where was I?" I flipped through the paper before humming. "Peter are you okay? You seem distracted." Bucky pointed out and I lifted my head. "Yes I'm fine, just have a million things going on right now. Uh..okay so Venom is not the only symbiote, there was a lab full of them and they were trying to get people to bind with them. Eddie isn't that how you got Venom?" He nodded, "Yeah. He and I destroyed the lab along with symbiotes and their leader Riot." Venom growled at the name and Eddie handed him a tater tot.

"I'm sure you're all familiar with Cletus Kassidy, he somehow acquired a symbiote that is genetically a part of Venom and had become Carnage. Eddie and I took him down and that's how I broke my back. Worst pain in the world, do not reccomend." A few people snickered and I flipped through the file, gathering up the blood symbols. "I have been given blood samples of both Eddie and Carnage and I'm going to test them, take them apart. You all will be updated when I can get those results. I expect you all to treat Eddie and Venom with respect and I'm sure Venom will have no problem biting you otherwise." Venom grinned and I closed my file. "You're all free to go, except for the Maximoffs'." The three holograms disappeared and everyone started to leave. "Clint stay away from the fridge." I warned when I saw him go in that direction.

"Come here." The twins moved to stand in front of me and I grabbed Pietro's hand. "I'm going to check the last six months worth of footage from the compound. There is an investigation against Clint, which is why I have Cooper and why I've bought an apartment in Queens that has two rooms. Pietro you need to move out, for your safety and Wanda you are welcome to go with him. You'll be called here for meetings and for check ups, but other than that you are free." The twins nodded and Pietro smiled. "Thank you. For taking Cooper out of here. I did all I could to keep Clint's anger pointed at me and away from him. If it weren't for Cooper, I would've left a long time ago." I nodded and hugged them both. "Now go pack." I waved them off and slid off the counter.

I hobbled into Tony's lab and sat down. "Hey kid, what're you doing in here?" Tony questioned, handing me a Monster. "I'm opening an investigation against Clint. Pietro is moving out and I've got Cooper. I don't want to fire him because he valuable, but I will if it really boils down to it."

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