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A week later
"Peter?" I hummed, my eyes glued to my notes. "Pete." I looked up and Loki handed me a piece of paper. I took it from him and read it over. "You're switching your major?" He nodded and sat next to me on the couch. "I'm going to go into law." I looked at him. "After New York and my mom dying, I knew that I needed to turn my life around. SHIELD has agreed to clear my name and Matt is mentoring me." I smiled and leaned forward, pressing my lips to his lightly. "I'm proud of you handsome." He chuckled and gently took my notes from me. "What even is this?" He mumbled, his forehead scrunching in confusion. I laughed and pointed to a series of equations. "This is, hypothetically, a time machine. I've developed it sort of like Pym's quantum tunnel but its still rusty. This is going to be my thesis for my masters and later my doctorate." He shook his head with a small smile. "You're the smartest person I've ever met you know that?" I blushed and dropped my head. "I think that award goes to Stark. But thanks Lo." He chuckled and set my notes aside. "Come on, Steve invited us to dinner and you know how he gets when we say we can't." I laughed, "You mean him accusing us of skipping 'family time' for sex?" Loki pulled me into our room. "Exactly like that."

We pulled up to the compound and went in. "You're late." Tony announced when we walked into the kitchen. "We got sidetracked with work." Steve whirled away from the stove and I hid a smirk. "What did I tell you?" Loki yelled out, throwing his hands up. "That I should put my notes aside or Steve's going to think we had a quickie before leaving the house?" Tony laughed out loud, shaking his head. "I wouldn't put it past you." I shoved his shoulder and went to the fridge. "Lo, drink?" I tossed him a beer and he shrugged before popping off the top. "You're getting cut off at four because the last time I let Thor get you drunk, you insisted that I shouldn't sleep in bed with you because you were in a relationship." I scrunched my nose and Tony laughed again. "You two I swear."

I heard the elevator come up and I whirled around to see my favorite kids. "Peter!" Cooper ran into my arms, followed by Sage. "Hey munchkins." I hugged them both tightly before making sure that Sage was okay. Their arm is still in a cast and they have a boot now, but they look to be okay. "Go say hi to Loki before he explodes." The two ran to my boyfriend and Pepper handed me Morgan, who is now just over two months old. "Hey baby." I whispered, kissing her forehead. "I love this child more than I love my job." Everyone laughed and Loki took Morgan from me. "Its only a matter of time before you and Loki adopt." I blushed and dropped my head. "Too soon Sam." My phone began to ring and I quickly answered it.

"Is this Peter Parker?" I walked into the living room. "This is he." Loki walked in, still holding Morgan. I smiled and grabbed her hand, letting her hand wrap around my finger. "Hello Peter, this is the Master's advisor for Empire State, we understand that you are looking to pursue your masters." "Yes sir I am." Pepper called for Loki and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before jogging out of the room. "Perfect. We would like to inform you that you have been approved to continue with your master's degree. Is there a specific field you are looking to pursue?" I bit back a wide grin. "Quantum physics and astrophysics." The man on the other side hummed. "Okay, we ask that you come in Monday morning to iron out the details and we can set up a plan." I smiled, my heart beating quickly. "Of course, and you are in the student advisory building?" He confirmed and said his goodbyes. I hung up and walked back into the kitchen. "Who was that?" Loki asked, turning away from Thor. Everyone tuned into our conversation and I grinned. "Empire State. My masters proposal was accepted." Loki set down his drink and pulled me into a hug. "That's great! What is your thesis?" Tony questioned and I hummed. "A secret. Its quantum based." He nodded understandably and pointed a beer in my direction. "Proud of you kid." I smiled softly and Loki tightened his grip on me.
"Thanks Tony."

The kids went to bed and we all sat around the living room. "But I don't see how time travel could be accessible in our life time." Rhodey said in response to Sam saying he'd go back in time to punch Steve for leaving Bucky somewhere. "But it is." I rebutted and pointed my beer at him. "We're halfway to discovering it. Pym already has the right idea, a pocket in the space time continuum that is ever changing. All we need to do is punch a hole in that, cross it to get to the past we desire." Everyone stared at me and Loki patted me on the shoulder. "I did say you were the smartest I knew." I rolled my eyes playfully. "How do you know that Pete? You seem sure." Tony accused and I smiled guiltily. "I've been developing a hypothetical situation in which I could build a machine strong enough to punch a hole through the continuum. The key is in the quantum realm, but I don't know if it's with the quantum particles or what." Loki smiled and leaned forward. "He's been working on it for weeks. I have had such a headache getting him to do much else." I gasped mockingly. "You do not! I do other things." Loki gave me a look. "Okay I admit I've put all my time into it but I've also put time aside for you." He chuckled and messed up my hair. "All I'm saying is you should sleep and eat more often. Unless I have to br-" I put my hand over his mouth and everyone erupted into laughter.

"The last time someone figured out our relationship, Steve started to think work was a code word for sex." Everyone laughed again. I removed my hand from Loki's mouth and he playfully glared at me. "Back to time travel, I think you can do it Pete. If you need help, let me know." Tony encouraged and I nodded happily. "Aw look at Tony being a dad." Bucky teased and Clint shot a glare in my direction. I sighed and grabbed an unopened beer from the table. "So Loki, how has college and work been going for you?" Sam asked, throwing a chip at Bucky, who only caught it with his tongue. "I switched my major to law and Matt Murdock gave me a job at his law firm." Thor looked confused but proud. "The cultural studies not working for you?" Loki shrugged and looked at me for a moment. "I wanted to help people who have had a rough time in life. Give them a fighting chance. What better way to do that than representing the good people in court?" I smiled softly and leaned into the couch. "That's great brother." Thor praised and Loki tapped my leg. "I'm going to the bathroom." I chuckled and threw a paper towel at him, making him laugh and throw it back. "You're a dork." I shook my head and drank from my bottle.

"I literally have never seen you this happy." Tony said in disbelief and I tilted my head. "I was pretty happy when you asked me to kick Steve's ass." He laughed, "Not what I meant." I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "For the first time, I feel like I don't have to fight. Literally nothing mattered up until this point, I had lost everything and I was close to just saying fuck it and giving up. After Mysterio and the trial, it just didn't seem doable anymore, the world could've went on without Spiderman and Peter Parker would be no more. Than he walked up to me and I immediately knew that I had to protect him, be his...friend if anything. I never expected to be able to get over what Wade did and I never knew that being in a relationship could be so easy, especially when he's right there fighting with me. You can thank him for walking into my life, I wouldn't be here otherwise."

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