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A vibrating through the entire room made me wake up and jolt up onto my feet. It stopped just as I woke up and I realized it was an alarm. I quickly grabbed clothes and rushed into the bathroom. After a quick shower, I got dressed and grabbed my hearing aids. I stuffed them in and jumped from the top of the stairs to the kitchen floor. "First class starts at nine." Karen announced and I grabbed a Monster from my fridge. I wrapped it in webs, to protect it from exploding in my bike. I grabbed my wallet, keys, backpack and bike safety. "Bye Karen!" I called before leaving the house and making sure the door was locked. I opened the seat, popping my Monster into the cup holder and making sure my suit was locked in its carrier. I kept it in my bike as a just in case. I got onto my bike and headed for the city.

I got onto campus and put my finger to my ear. "Karen is the collapsed helmet deployed?" I questioned and I got a hum in response. I swear that Karen is more humanoid from my upgrade than I meant. I pulled off my helmet and pressed the button on outside. It folded up and I stuck it into my backpack. I opened the seat and grabbed out my drink before closing it and locking it. I ventured into the physics building. My first class started in fifteen minutes and it's in Quantum Mechanics, something I found easy. I sauntered to the classroom and quickly walked in. I sat down in the back and pulled out a notebook. I opened my Monster and waited for class to start. The teacher walked in, a couple more students filed in. "Peter Parker." Everyone turned to me as the teacher said my name. He walked to where I sat and put his hand on my desk. "Dr. Stephen Strange." I rose an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Am I supposed to know who you are?" I asked and the man dropped a business card on my desk. "Not yet, but I know who you are. Identity and all." He turned and walked back to his desk. I picked up the card and eyed it. "Welcome to Quantum mechanics." Strange stated, waving his hand to the board.

The rest of my classes were uneventful. By the end of the day, which for me ended at two thirty, I was ready to go home. "Excuse me?" Drawled a male just behind me. I turned and my senses immediately warned me of this guy's power. "Loki." I said, his eyes telling me exactly who he was. They shined bright green in some places and blue in others. "W-What?" I held my hand out, offering a hand shake. "Peter Parker. What can I do for you?" His eyes lit up with some recognition. "Can we talk in a place more private?" I nodded and got on my bike. "Climb on." He did and gripped my middle section. I drove us to my house, the safest place I know.

"What is this place?" Loki questioned when we pulled up. "My house." I said simply and fear pulled into his eyes. "I live alone." I promised and he calmed down visibly. I grabbed my stuff and led him inside. "Karen, perimeter check. No one in and mute all microphones. Loki is a friendly." I quickly said and Loki sat on my couch. My front door locked and the house went quiet. "We're safe here. That was my AI, she won't let it slip that you are with me. What can I do for you?" I asked, sitting in a chair across from him. "I faked my death a couple years back-" I nodded and sighed. "Thor was insistent that you are a good person, told me a whole bunch of stories." Loki smiled softly. "I came to Midguard, wanting a normal life. The whole God thing was not really my cup of tea. I've been going to what you mortals call college for two years. I think I've been found out, I found a threat in my hideout." He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me.

Turn yourself in monster.

I hummed and put it on the table. I'd have Karen analyze it for DNA and fingerprints. "Where have you been staying?" Loki played with his fingers. "In an abandoned apartment building in Hell's Kitchen." I nodded understandably. "The area is not the best, I can attest to that first hand. Listen, I'll let you stay here." Loki looked at me in disbelief. "You don't exactly look like the threatening type and I only ask of two things from you." I held up two fingers and Loki seemed to be content with that. "You get a job, I'll make sure you can get one that will keep your identity under wraps, I'll pull some strings. And you help pay for food. Because of my powers, I eat a lot already and we're going to be roommates, so as long as you pay for the amount you eat, I'll be cool with you staying here." I shrugged and Loki smiled. "That's it?" I nodded and he held out a hand. "Deal." I shook his hand and snapped my fingers. The sound of electronics turning on started to fill my ears and Karen went back online. "Karen, this is Loki. He will be staying in one of the guest rooms. He is our new roommate, treat him with respect and I expect that if anyone shows up here, that isn't me, you warn him. He is allowed everywhere in the house." "Yes sir." Loki looked around in wonder.

"Did you have anything you wanted to go pick up?" Loki shook his head and held out his hand. A bag materialized, small at first and then grew to the size of a duffle bag. "I keep all my valuables in this." He stood up and I motioned for him to follow me. "Down those stairs is my lab, you are allowed in there and that's where I'm likely to be found unless I tell you otherwise. Uh in there is the kitchen and living room, and up here.." I led him up the stairs and pointed out three rooms. "That's my room, across it are two more rooms and bathrooms. Choose one and make it yours, you can do whatever you want to it. I'll let you unpack and wash up and I'll be in my lab. Just holler if you need anything. Also," I pointed to my hearing aids. "I'm deaf, so if I don't respond and Karen says I'm here, I'm likely not wearing my hearing aids." Loki nodded slowly and chose a room directly in across from mine. "Alright, I'll leave you to it."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now