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I dropped down next to Venom and he growled at me. "You shouldn't be here." I shot a web at the monster and pressed the electric shock. "That will do nothing. Heat and sounds will hurt." I grinned and pulled out my right hearing aid. "Karen feedback, boost to twenty." She did it and the monster began to vibrate and separate. "Watch out!" He reached out and grabbed me, throwing me across the street and into a glass building. I groaned and stood up, stuffing the hearing aid into my ear. "Karen how hot can a blast from my chest get?" "Twelve hundred Kelvin." I grinned. "Underoos." The suit disappeared and I pulled off my shirt. "Eddie go!" I shouted and faced the monster. "Karen heat blast now!" The arc reactor made a ticking sound before a stream of hot white light blasted from it and into the monster. It burned and I fell to my knees. The light went out and I crashed to my side. "Peter!" Eddie ran to my side and helped me stand up. "I-I'm okay." I panted and held onto him. "What is that thing?" I questioned, looking at the mass of red goop. "Carnage. He's apart of Venom, weaker but still a bitch to take down. He's become apart of Cletus Kassidy." My eyes widened. "The serial killer?" He nodded and I groaned. "Shit." He breathed and Cletus stood up, still half formed in that thing. He marched over and ripped me from the ground. He smashed my back across his knee and I screamed in pain, my back definitely broken.

"I've got it!" Eddie yelled and transformed into Venom. He tore Carnage off of Cletus and it melted. "Hill." I panted into the comm and it crackled. "I need an ambulance to my position, my back is broken." I gasped out at the pain. "Peter stay with me." I breathed deeply through my nose and squeezed my eyes shut. "Venom and I accept your invitation." Eddie said optimistically and I smiled through the pain. "That's great! It'll help to have you on our side." Sirens screamed in the distance and I gasped out. "Sir what happened?" An EMT asked and I squeezed my eyes shut, the pain turning to numbness. "Back broken." He cursed and with Eddie's help, I was lifted onto a stretcher. "Eddie!" I called and the man turned to me. "Not a word is breathed of what happened here until I say so okay? I'll come to you." I promised and he nodded, turning to talk to Hill.

"Well the good news sir, your back is completely healed. The bad news is your legs are beyond shattered and even with your healing ability, you'll be on crutches at least for three weeks." I nodded and they began to fit casts onto my legs.

I knocked on Eddie's apartment door, leaning back on my crutches. The door opened and Eddie stared at me incredulously. "Super healing." I clarified and he laughed. "Understatment. Come on in." I hobbled in and I set my bag down. "Okay, since you said you would join, I've got to set you up with our systems and you have to sign some paperwork. I know its boring." He chuckled and I set out all my stuff. "Okay, step up into the blue circle. It won't hurt you or Venom. You can sit down and move around, but don't step out of the circle until I tell you to." Eddie stepped into the circle and Venom popped out of his shoulder. "Okay so basically what this will do is scan your body and get your body signature. That signature will be your way of getting into my house and the Avengers Compound if need be. I'll set you up with a hologram system for team meetings, debriefings and database research. My AI will be of help in those situations, say hi Karen." "Hi Eddie, Venom." I looked at my tablet and the circle flashed green with the results. "You can go ahead and step out." Eddie did as told and he sat at the bar. "So signing this basically says that you work for me, I'll be the one supplying your pay, you have to go on missions I send you on, you report to me for anything, like another run in with Carnage or something like it, and I will be visiting you every six months to check on you and do another check up, maybe take blood. You are free to come to New York, we'll get you set up with transportation and ways to get to us."

Eddie signed it and Venom drew his face. "Since Venom is bonded with your system, I will not have to set you up with your suit, so you are okay with that. Any questions?" He shook his head. "Well alrighty, welcome to the team. I'm leaving tomorrow morning so I won't be dropping by." I packed up my stuff and held my hand out for him to shake. "It was nice meeting you and thank you for your help with Carnage." I smiled and nodded. "It's what I do."

Scott and Cassie stood by the van, having dropped me off at the airport. "I'll see you guys soon okay, feel free to visit." Cassie gave me a hug, being careful of my casts. "It was nice seeing you again Peter. Tell Loki we said hi." Scott gave me a hug too and I smiled.

I stepped off the Quinjet at the SHIELD headquarters in New York and I greeted Fury. "Good job with the Carnage job." I thanked him with a nod and we moved into the control room. "I looked into what you asked me do, I think it's a possible, but I need to see actual proof of what you're saying Clint is doing. I don't want to fire him either, but taking away his kid and Pietro moving into an apartment here in the city will help. We'll keep an eye on him." I nodded. "He really fell off the rocker. I just hope that he gets back on it before I have to do something I wish I don't have to." Fury hummed in agreement. "Hill, take Parker here home. Parker, report on my desk by Tuesday." He eyed me and I grinned. "Aye aye Captain." Hill snickered and I hobbled after her.

"Thanks for the ride Maria." She clapped me on the shoulder and I lifted myself out of the car. I hobbled up the stairs to the house and unlocked the door. "Loki? Cooper?" I called into the house and I heard happy laughter coming from upstairs. "Peter!" Cooper ran down the steps and stopped short. "What happened?" I shut the door and leaned against the counter. He hugged me gently and I ruffled his hair. "You're...Peter?" I smiled innocently and pulled Loki in for a kiss. "I got hurt on the job, only three weeks with the crutches and I'll be good as new." I promised and Loki furrowed his eyebrows. "You said you would call if something happened." I sighed. "I wasn't allowed to. I don't have the clearance to talk about it just yet and I could lose my job if I do. I broke my back, but it was healed before I even reached the hospital, my legs were shattered and I have already regained feeling to them." He frowned and kissed me. "I trust you. Now that you're back, Cooper show Pete what you can do." Cooper jumped up excitedly and flipped over backwards, using his hands to balance himself. He started to walk around with his hands, legs straight in the air. "That's so cool Cooper! I'm proud of you."

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