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I rolled over in bed and snuggled into Loki, my face pressing into his chest. He hummed and threw an arm over my waist. “I missed waking up next to you.” He whispered, his voice deep from sleep. “I know, but I have a solution for that.” He hummed and I pulled out of his arms. I reached over the side of the bed and grabbed my bag. “Shuri helped me design these and I wanted to give it to you for your birthday.” I grabbed the gift and moved to straddle him. He sat up and I handed him a small box. He lifted off the top and stared at it in confusion. “It’s a portal. And it connects to mine.” I opened a second box, this one being red in color and slightly smaller. “It stays open as long as yours is on. Cooper can come through and you’ll hear everything from here in my room back in Wakanda. Shuri said she wanted to meet you and knew that it was practically impossible for you and Cooper to get here because of our schedules. This is her idea and our design. So happy birthday.” Loki grinned and leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine softly. “I love it, thank you.” I smiled and we heard our door open. I leaned back and grinned at Cooper. “C’mere bud.” He pushed the door open further and jumped into our bed. 

I situated him between Loki and I. “Happy birthday Papa.” Cooper whispered and Loki grinned, leaning down to kiss him on the forehead. “Thank you Cooper.” We stayed in bed for a good hour before Cooper declared that he's hungry. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked Loki and he thought before grinning. "IHOP." I chuckled and pulled him out of our bed. "Then you better get dressed." He grabbed Cooper out of our bed and our son's giggling grew quieter when Loki took him to his room. I quickly got dressed and the three of us headed out for breakfast.

"Thank you for taking him." I mumbled to Bruce and he smiled. "You haven't seen your husband in a month and a half Pete, you're allowed to have alone time." My ears grew hot and Tony burst into laughter. "Use protection!" I rolled my eyes and gave him the finger. "Don't make me call Stephen in here, bullying his protectee." I shook my head in mock disappointment and Loki grabbed my hand. "Come on." He urged and I let him drag me to the car, where he promptly sped home.

We got into the house and he pushed me against the door, his hands going up my shirt and his lips to mine. "I've missed you." He hummed and I sighed in content. "I've missed you more." I whispered back and he moved his hands to my ass, tapping the back of my thighs with his long fingers. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands tangling in his hair. "Let's take this upstairs." His breathing ragged and I leaned my head against his neck, peppering kisses. I gently bite the skin around his collar bone and he groaned softly. I quickly sucked a mark into the dip between his collarbone and neck. He laid us down on the bed and he pulled my shirt off. He attacked my collarbones and chest. I leaned my head against the mattress, my eyes shut. That was until he decided to grind against me and I released a breathy moan. He pulled his lips back up to mine and I tugged at the end of his shirt. He pulled away from the kiss, took off his shirt and tossed it somewhere. I slipped my fingers in the waist band of his jeans and he smirked. "You're eager." I rolled my eyes playfully and gripped his hips, flipping us over. "Just you wait." I kissed him again, more hungry and rough. He responded quickly, his hands tugging bits of my hair. I moved my lips to his jaw, neck and chest, leaving marks in every single place. He bucked his hips and I laughed. "Eager?" He scrunched up his nose and I quickly unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down.

Loki and I migrated to the couch. He's laying on my chest and I have my arms wrapped around him. "When do you go back?" He questioned softly and I sighed, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. "January. I'm going to spend Christmas with you and Cooper, then all three of us will go to San Fran to see Scott and Eddie, then I've got to go back." He nodded and laid his head on my chest. I carded my hands through his hair and he sighed in content. "Incoming call from Wakanda." I sat up in worry and pulled Loki into my lap. "White Boy! And Loki?" Shuri sounded a little confused and I chuckled. "Yes Shuri, this is Loki. Lo, this is the famous Shuri." Loki waved and Shuri pulled her gaze to me. "Is everything okay?" I saw Sam in the background, lift his head and then walk to us. "Yes everything is going according to plan. But you said to call about updates and I have an update." I leaned around Loki, placing a kiss on his forehead and then staring intently at the screen. "I have built the machine, but I need to be absolutely sure that he is ready to be pulled back from the conditioning and his mind won't fall apart from the melding of the forties and the life he's spent here. That being said, I have to create a new arm, the artificial nerves and such will take about two weeks to create." I nodded and Sam sighed. "He also won't get his arm until we're sure the conditioning has gone away." I nodded again and rubbed the side of my face. "Okay, we'll work with him. Sam didn't you say that helping him through exercises, that are created for PTSD patients that don't remember bits of their life, would help?" He hummed and rubbed his shoulder. "I've gone through a few with him, but he's had a hard time getting past the conditioning."

"Okay, like I said we'll work with him. Buck is strong and we won't give up on him. That being said, Steve is going to stay here with Nat and Sage. Nat is due in May and has been having some trouble dealing with a hormonal teenager." Loki chuckled and Sam nodded. "Of course, well we'll let you get back to it. It was nice meeting you Loki." Shuri grinned before the call clicked off. "She's nice." I nodded in agreement and stretched back out, Loki doing the same. "Do you really think he's going to be okay?" I sighed, playing with his hair. "I don't know."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now