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I stood outside the surgery room, my hands gripping the windowsill. "Loki." I looked to my left and found Scott and Hope. "Hey." They gave me hugs and I looked back at Peter. "What're they doing to him?" I blew a shaky breath out of my nose. "He was shot and the bullet split into fragments in his body, the surgeons couldn't get them all out, it would've killed him. They are practically microscopic but there are enough that it's deadly. They gave him two months before they reached his heart and ripped it to shreds." I sighed and gripped my wedding ring. "Peter made an extra arc reactor in case the one he made Tony failed, Bruce and Cho are installing it now with Tony's help. He's been in surgery for three hours." Scott put his hands over his mouth and Hope rubbed her forehead. "I'm so sorry Loki." I shook my head and wiped away the tears that built. "All I ask is that he lives. I-I don't know what I'm going to do when the time rightfully comes. But that time is not now."

Two hours later
Tony stepped out of the room and he smiled. "The installment was successful and he's awake." I rushed into the room and nearly tripped over my feet trying to get to his side.

"How do you feel?" Loki asked, grabbing my hand. "Peter continue breathing, we're going to transfer you over to the hospital bed." Cho told me and I was lifted up and onto a bed. I groaned and gripped Loki's hand. "I feel like I got hit by a bus." Loki laughed through a few shaky breaths and I made grabby hands toward him. "Pete you just had surgery." He said gently and I frowned. I shifted in the bed and made room for him. "I haven't slept with you for twelve days and I honestly think its killing me." He looked worriedly at Cho and she sighed. "Here." Loki got in bed with me and Cho shifted us so that my chest was facing up but his arms were around me and I was curled into him. "Better?" He whispered and I nodded, closing my eyes.

Peter fell asleep and the only thing keeping me sane was the rhythmic rising and falling of his chest. Someone stepped into the room and I pushed myself into a propped up position. I moved Peter to be in between my legs and his chest up. "Tony said the installation was successful." Bucky spoke softly as to not wake Peter. "Yeah, he fell asleep not too long ago. He's going to live." Saying it made tears jump to my eyes. "I-I...I thought he was going t-to d-die." I stuttered out and Bucky put his hand on my shoulder. "Its okay to cry Loki, you literally just witnessed the scariest thing that could happen to your partner. I cry every time Sam gets as much as a papercut." I chuckled, wiping the tears away.  I pressed a kiss to Peter's forehead and gently lifted him up. "I need to go take a shower and get some stuff from home." I covered Pete with a blanket and left the room.

I woke up alone and for a second, I thought I had dreamed everything. I sat up and gasped in pain at my chest. "Peter!" Sam pushed me back down on the mattress and I panted, my eyes squeezing shut in pain. "Where's Loki?" I questioned and Sam grabbed my hand. "He went home to get some stuff for you two." I relaxed into the bed and reached over to the little bedside table. I gripped my wedding ring and twisted it onto my finger. "How's the pain?" My breath felt shortened and I closed my eyes. "I feel like I got hit by a train again." I gasped and Sam pressed some button. A few moments later, the pain started to dull and I was able to breathe again. "Bruce developed those so Bucky, you and Steve could have meds without them wearing off after a short amount of time." I nodded and curled into a ball, my eyes drooping shut.

I showered and got dressed before packing a bag of stuff for both Peter and I. I drove back to the compound and ended up in the kitchen. "He woke up not too long ago. He tried to sit up and Sam had to give him a dose of meds." Steve informed me and I nodded, rubbing my tired eyes. "You look like you haven't slept." Nat pulled me into a hug and I rested my chin on her head. "I can't sleep without him and I've been too worried to sleep." Nat released me and pointed to the med bay. "Go sleep with him then, call for us if you need to."

I slid into the hospital bed and Peter turned, burying his face in my chest. I wrapped an arm around his waist and laid down next to him, burying my face in his hair. "I love you." He whispered and I smiled, pressing a kiss into his hair. "I love you too handsome."

I popped my head into the hospital room and sighed when I found both men asleep. Peter has curled himself into Loki's chest and Loki has his arms wrapped around Peter protectively. "Friday take a picture." I left the room and walked back upstairs. "Both asleep." Everyone sighed in relief and Bucky opened his arms. I sat in his lap and put my head against the wall he sat against. "Those two have had so much shit." Rhodey shook his head and sat at the table. "Peter's not even in his twenties yet and he nearly died. How is any of that fair?" It was silent before Tony's shoulders started to shake. "F-Fuck man." Pepper put her hands on his back and he turned, hugging her tight. "God I can't imagine the pain we'd all feel if..." Steve shook his head and Nat put her hand in his shoulder. "He didn't and that's all that matters. When he's able to move around a bit, we'll help him as much as he or Loki allows us to. We'll make sure the kids know he has had a serious procedure and he's still healing. And when he can go home, we let him be."

I hummed and the arm around my waist only tightened. "How do you feel?" Loki whispered and I sighed, putting my hand to my chest. "Okay, I don't feel any pain and I'm really hungry." I sat up and Loki looked me over. "You want to go upstairs?" I nodded and he got out of the bed before helping me out. "You have to take the IV with you." He compromised and I smiled, taking his hand. Together we walked up to the main room, where everyone was. "You're up sooner than expected." Bruce got everyone's attention and I nodded, wincing at a rattling breath in my chest. "I'm still sore but I need to be up and moving around." Loki had me sat on the counter and he grabbed pizza from the fridge. Pepper held out Morgan to me and I gently took her. "Hey baby." I bounced her in my arms and closed my eyes, relaxing my back. "Here you go." I opened my eyes and I switched Morgan for the food he had given me. "So, what happened while I was out those...thirteen days? I could've sworn I was awake for most of that." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Awake? Pete you were barely breathing." Loki pointed out incredulously. I shrugged and tried to remember the few days in between. "I remember Cooper asking if he could lay down with me...I was awake for the surgery, that hurt." I rubbed the scar on my stomach and I reached for Loki's hand. "I know you were with me the entire time. It kind of felt like I was floating."

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