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Six days later
"Peter." I looked up from my work station and Shuri waved me over. "I found a solution, but I need to put him on ice after taking his arm out. Do you think you could talk to him about it?" I nodded and grabbed my comms. "Bucky please report to Shuri's lab." I spoke with a calm voice and put my arm on Shuri's shoulder. I insisted my boys wore their comms during the day, that way I could get in contact with them if needed. Bucky walked in, Sam and Steve behind him. "So Shuri has found a solution and before you get too excited, she has to put you on ice after your arm comes off." Bucky froze and Sam put his hand on his back. "Buck it'll be okay, no one is going to use you again. I promise." Shuri sighed almost inaudibly and I reached out to Bucky. "Hey, remember what I said? I may be an asshole but I still care about you. I wouldn't let her do this if I knew something else was going on okay? You're in safe hands here, I promise you that." He calmed down and walked toward Shuri. "Do whatever it takes." She nodded and led him to a table. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She grabbed his arm and pulled it off, leaving behind his shoulder. "I can't trust my own mind."

"Okay this will be only temporary and then once I have built the necessary equipment, you'll be as good as the forties you." Sam walked over to Bucky and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. They exchanged some words before Steve walked over and gave him a hug. "I'm with you till the end of the line bud." Bucky smiled and looked to me. "I'll see you when you get out loser." He rolled his eyes and laughed before stepping into the tube Shuri had built. The doors shut and with a few presses of buttons, Bucky is frozen inside.

"Daddy!" Cooper shouted happily and Loki grinned from behind him. "Hey bud, how was school today?" He rambled on about his class and then his playdate with Sage. "And then they punched the evil monster and saved me! I want to be just like them." His eyes glazed with excitement and I smiled softly. "Maybe when you're older buddy. Do you mind if I talk to Papa for a few minutes?" He shook his head and ran from view. "Hey baby." I looked down and smiled. "Hey Lo, how have things been over there?" He shrugged before smiling. "I got the job." I gasped and clapped excitedly. "I'm so proud of you!" He spoke a bit more about the lawyer firm he now works for before asking me about Bucky. "We put him on ice today. Shuri found a solution, but she needs to make sure it's fully ready before we transfer him into it. I also finished that car today and took it for a spin." Loki grinned before frowning. "What's wrong?" He sighed and looked to see if Cooper was around. "Pepper and Tony are getting a divorce." I gasped and put my hands to my mouth. "What! No what happened?" Loki sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Tony had his great gay awakening and Pepper understood. Morgan will be living full time at the compound, but Pepper has visitation rights. She'll live her life with divorced parents and two gay dads." I hummed and played with my ring. "Who was his awakening with?" Loki bit back a grin. "Dr. Stephen Strange." I gasped and laughed out loud. "No! That's too funny. Well I'm proud of them."

"I miss you both." He nodded and picked up Cooper, setting him on his hip. "We miss you too Pete. And we love you." I grinned. "I love you too." A knock on the door had Loki and I exchanging glances. "Its open!" I called and looked back at my boys. "I'll call you guys Friday okay? I love you both so so so much." I blew kisses, wished Cooper a goodnight and turned off the hologram. I looked to my doorframe where T'challa stood with a small grin. "I thought you'd like to come with me to meet with some leaders." I pushed myself up off the bed and grabbed my official SHIELD badge. "I'd be happy too."

One month later
"You're leaving already?" Shuri pouted and I pulled her into a hug. "Tomorrow is Loki's birthday and I'm going to surprise him. I'll be back here in January, call me about any updates." I waggled a finger at her and she grinned. "I will. Sam is gonna keep me company." I hugged Sam and made sure Steve has his stuff. He wanted to spend Christmas with Nat and Sage, who I think he's unofficially adopted by now. I said bye to the Dora and T'challa before getting into the Quinjet and taking off.

We got to the compound and I all but ran inside. Nat had called me to say that she invited my boys over for dinner and they were gonna be there when we landed. "Pete?" I nodded and I jumped into Loki's arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He hugged me tight and pulled back only to kiss me passionately. "I missed you so much." He breathed out and I smiled, kissing him lightly. "I missed you more." He let me down and I walked into the living room, where Cooper is. I scooped him off the couch and he squealed. "Daddy!" I hugged him and pressed kisses all over his face. "Papa and I missed you!" I smiled, closing my eyes in content. "I missed you guys too, so much! And I brought you something. But you can't have it until Christmas." He pouted and I chuckled, setting him on his feet. I pulled Sage into a hug and they smiled happily. "You're so grown up, I have someone here to see you." They narrowed their eyes and I pulled them to where they could see Steve. Steve saw them and held his arms out, which they jumped into. I found Tony and then Stephen. "Congrats on the coming out thing Tony, really. But just so you know, I'm still calling Pepper Mom." He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you knucklehead." He rubbed his knuckles into my head and I punched his arm.

"Morgan." I cooed and the little girl pulled herself off the floor and ran to me. "Hi baby!" She giggled and I scooped her up into my arms. "Did you miss me?" She nodded and I peppered kisses all over her face. "Pet!" She yelled and everyone nearly froze. "Pete!" She yelled this time and I laughed quietly. "Come on! The first words she ever says and its your name?" Tony whines and I laughed louder, kissing Morgan on the forehead. "Who's that?" I questioned her, pointing to Tony. "Daddy!" She shouted and his eyes lit up with pride. I handed her to him. Loki wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and I set my head on his chest. "I can't wait to have one of those." He whispered and I smiled, wounding our fingers together. "We already have one, but I get what you mean, the baby." He nods and presses his lips to my neck. "We'll take Cooper tonight." Bruce suggested, seeing our interaction and I shook my head. "Take him tomorrow."

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