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One week later
"What are we doing at the compound?" Loki questioned when I pulled up the road. "Stark needs his reactor and I've got to check on Nat. I'll be quick, promise." I leaned over the center console and gave him a quick kiss. I got out, grabbing my bag and closing the door. I jogged into the compound, ignoring the greetings. "Tony, Nat, me now." I said hurriedly and rushed them into the living room. "Shirt off." I pointed at Tony and he pulled his shirt over his head. I twisted the old arc reactor out of his chest and quickly attached the new one. "Breathe." I reminded him and he yelled out when a bright light emitted from his chest. People ran in and I grabbed Tony's shoulders. "Breathe!" He sucked in a few deep breaths and I turned to Nat. I leaned close and slid a bag into her hands. "Prenatal meds, my SHIELD contact and morning sickness meds. Don't train too hard and eat healthy. Work on putting some weight on." I pulled away and she nodded, gripping the bag with a grin. "You feeling good man?" I looked at Tony and he nodded quickly. "Okay, that should keep you alive and power all of your suits for fifty years. I've got to go, I'll see you guys next week." I slid out of the room, kissing the kids on the forehead before jogging back outside.

"They're going to kill us." I announced when Loki and I pulled into a courthouse. "They'll get over it." I turned to him and he pressed his lips to mine happily. "Let's go get married baby." I chuckled and we got out of the car. I led him into the courthouse and we are showed to a courtroom. "Mr. Parker. I didn't expect to see you so soon." The same judge I've seen for all my trials commented in a bored tone. "Neither did I, I'm sure you know the nature of our visit?" She nodded and I smiled, grabbing Loki's hand. "So how do we go about getting court married?" She pulled out paperwork and a confetti popper. "Do you have the rings?" We both nodded and pulled out separate rings. "Okay, do you take this man to be your husband in sickness and in health, through thick and thin, until death does you part?" Loki slid the ring onto my finger, "I do." I grinned and pulled the ring out. "Mr. Parker do you take this man to be your husband in sickness and in health, through thick and thin, until death does you part?" I repeated the action and whispered, "I abso-fucking-lutely do." The judge lightly pounded her gavel against her desk. "I pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss." I chuckled and leaned forward, kissing him, more heatedly than I probably should have. "Fill out this paperwork and come by next week for your marriage license. Congratulations." She slid paperwork over to us and we hurriedly filled it out.

I pulled him into the SHIELD headquarters, smiling wide. "Parker and Loki, what a surprise." Hill gave us both a skeptical look and I blushed. "I've got permission to take a Quinjet to San Francisco." She nodded and handed me a badge. "This'll start the Quinjet and it'll fly you to San Fran. Don't lose it." I nodded and thanked her, dragging Loki to the landing strip.

I touched down in San Francisco and Loki picked me up, making me laugh. "Come on Mr. Parker-Odinson." I grinned and let him carry me to a familiar van. "Hey Peter, friend of Peter's." Scott greeted and we were eyed by some sort of familiar people. "Not friend. Husband." I corrected and Scott gasped. "What! Why does nobody tell me things?" He shouted and I giggled, leaning my body against Loki's. "Thank you for agreeing to work with us Scott." Scott shrugged and pulled out of the airport and onto a busy street. "I wouldn't work under anyone else. Hope is half onboard, she said she'll join as long as you don't bind her suit to her body." I nodded, tapping my watch to make a note of it. "Not a problem. I wouldn't mind having her in the lab with me, she's very smart and of course mission capable. Oh and Scott?" He looked up at the rearview mirror. "Not a word of my marriage. Our family doesn't know we decided to elope." He pretended to zip his mouth and throw away the key. "So you're like an Avenger?" Someone I didn't recognize asked. "That's Luis and that's Kurt and Dave." Scott introduced and I nodded. "I'm Peter and this is Loki. To answer your question, I am the Avenger's director. I am also Spiderman so I do missions and such, but I do everything Fury does. Which is why I'm here, Scott is going to have his suit bound to his body."

I walked into the Pym house and heard loud giggling. "Cassie, Hope, Hank!" Scott called and little footsteps ran towards us. "Peter!" Cassie yelled out and crashed into my body. I picked her up and hugged her tight. "I missed you CassBear." I set her back on her feet and she looked up at Loki. "Are you Peter's boyfriend?" He chuckled and bent down. "I'm Peter's husband." She gasped and hugged him around the neck. "Its great to see you Peter." Hope hugged me and I returned the gesture. I shook Hank's hand and he led us into his work area. "You can set up here, but I don't know how my stuff can be of use to you." He said in a somewhat apologetic tone and I smiled. "No worries, I came prepared." I pulled out the devices I had used on the Avengers a week earlier and started to set them up. "Scott, stand in the circle." I pointed to the blue ring and he stood in it. "You are allowed to move, sit down and speak as you wish, do not leave the circle. Hope," I turned to her and she rose an eyebrow. "welcome to the team. I'll have you stand in the same circle, take a body scan, but you will not be given the same technology I am giving Scott. I will be upgrading your suit and giving you a new version. You both will be given passwords into the database I have set up with my AI. When you visit New York, you will have a body signature and password to get past the perimeter for my house and to get into the compound. Karen body scan, everything please."

I switched Scott out with Hope and I handed Scott a cup. "Drink all of it." He did as I told and I looked at my tablet. "Okay, your microbot has been activated. It will go through your digestive system, move into your bloodstream, move to your brain stem and attach where it meets your spinal cord. Your trigger word will be shrink." I explained and Hank gave me a skeptical look. "That technology can't possibly exist! That's the most advanced thing I've ever heard." Loki chuckled and stood up from where he had sat with everyone else. "He is a genius." He pressed a kiss to my cheek and I smiled lovingly. "I'll show you. Underoos." My suit molded around my body and I shook out my limbs, making sure everything was in place. "You'll say the trigger word once again to remove it. Underoos." It seeped back into my skin and I did a tiny bow jokingly. "Okay Hope you are good to go." She stepped out of the circle and I started to clean up. "Thank you both for joining and I look forward to working with you individually and together. You know where to find me and if I need you, I'll let you know."

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