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I slid in past Friday's lockdown and found shattered glass across the room. "Wilson." I growled and stood my ground. "Come out you monster!" I shouted and it was only a matter of time before I heard the familiar footsteps. Having spent five months with his torture, I've learned to recognize foot patterns. Its helped me stop being so jumpy around Loki. "I knew you'd get my message." The man rounded the corner in a red and black suit. "Its time you've met Deadpool. You two will become great friends." I rolled my eyes and his mask turned up with a smile. "Where are the kids?" I snapped and he chuckled. "Your little Sage put up a fight. I didn't touch the other two." I put my hand to my ear. "Sage has been injured." I recapped and I heard a series of curses on the other end. "The other two?" Tony asked frantically. "Negative, he only went after Sage." I looked back at Wade and he stepped towards me. "As much as I would have loved ruining your facility." He grabbed me by the neck and threw me back. I fell through a window and onto my back outside. It was only a fifteen foot drop, so I wasn't too worried about it. Loki rushed to my side and helped me up. "I'm okay." Wade dropped down and I caught him eyeing Loki with a nasty smirk. "Lo, let me handle this." He squeezed my hand and disappeared from sight, only to reappear behind Wade.

"How'd you get out?" Wade threw a punch, which I caught. "Tricked a mutant kid into blowing up the prison. Quite sad really, all those people died." He threw a left hook, I caught it and I jumped up to roundhouse kick him. "Why get out? You know I'm either going to kill you or you're going right back. Maybe Xavier will have you." He grinned. "Because I'm going to do the one thing I promised do."

“This stops here and now Wilson, you’re a murderer.” I hissed at the red and black clad man. His throaty laugh brought back bad memories and I swallowed them. He turned to face the Avengers and I put distance between Loki and I. “I need you to stay out of his way, he’s unstable.” I breathed out and Loki nodded. “I told you I would be back.” Wade sneered and I turned quickly, shooting webs out and pulling him into the ground. “You fight dirty Barton.” I pressed the button on my chest, igniting the electric shock. “It’s Parker.” I snapped and delivered a swift kick to his face, causing, to what I assume is his nose, to break. He slipped off his mask and stood up, glaring at me. “Will you stop going for my nose?” I smirked and punched him in his chest. I put force into it and he stumbled back on his feet. “You come for my family and you get a taste of your medicine.” He chuckled and pulled a gun out of the holster on his thigh. He quickly grabbed me by the neck and pressed the barrel to my head. “Peter!” Loki stepped forward and I held my hands out to stop him. “Listen to me Lo, it’ll be okay. I promise that it’s going to be okay. I love you.” His face steeled and he looked at Wade. “I love you too Peter.” Wade’s grip on my neck loosened and I did the one move Hill taught me in the academy. I twisted in his hold, grabbed the gun and flipped it on him. I didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger and I didn’t look away when the bullet lodged itself in Wade’s head. I dropped the gun and stumbled back. Loki ran for me, his arms going around my waist in a matter of seconds. “Peter.” I let out a shaky breath. “I finally did it.” I whispered and I looked at Loki. “I fought back.”

I sat on the compound’s couch, having just explained the fight to the police. Matt sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “You did the right thing.” I sighed and dropped my head. “I’ve never killed anyone.” I muttered and he patted my shoulder. “It comes with the job.” I heard movement and looked up. Loki walked in, wiping his hands on a towel. I stood up quickly and he pulled me into a tight hug. “I love you huh?” I laughed quietly and looked up. “Too soon?” He shook his head with a small smile. “I love you too. Sage is going to be okay. They have a few broken bones but from the looks of it, they were only hurt because they were protecting the young ones.” I nodded and Loki grabbed my face. “I know that was hard, killing someone is never easy. That doesn’t mean you are any less of a good person okay?” I nodded and straightened my back, pressing my lips lightly to his. “Our house is going to be a crime scene for a few days and we’ll need to stay either here or somewhere else.” I mumbled once we pulled away. “You guys can stay here, I know for a fact that Thor is out of his mind worried and Sam has probably broken Bucky’s flesh hand.” Tony stepped out of the kitchen and I looked at him. “Morgan is sleeping soundly. Friday’s footage showed the lockdown and Sage running to both kids rooms with one of Nat’s guns. They had grabbed Morgan, Cooper’s hand and dragged them to my room. Wilson broke in and Sage heard it. They quickly taught Cooper how to hold a gun, where the safety was and how to shoot. They then blocked the door and when Wilson found them, they fought hard. They’ve had some good training with Mama Spider and I think that SHIELD might recruit them as a baby agent.”

I stopped in the doorway of Sage’s med bay room and knocked. They looked up and smiled. "Hey warrior, how are you feeling?" They lifted up their hand, the one out of cast, and tilted it back and forth. "I heard about what you did today. You're a hero." I sat in a seat next to their bed and they shifted to look at me. "I'm proud of you." They patted my hand and I hummed. "You tired?" They nodded and I stood up. "I'll send your mom in, get some sleep baby." I leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to their forehead. I left the room and spotted Nat at the other end of the hallway. "How are they?" She questioned when I approached. I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. "They're asleep. But thanks to your training, they survived against him. You saved their lives." Nat's body shuddered and I let her cry. "I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't got that gun away from him. I'm sure Loki would've beat any of us to you. You've turned him into a whole 'nother person." Nat pulled away and put her hands on my face. "Thank you." I shook my head. "I did what I had to and I won't hesitate to do it again." Nat nodded and put her hands down. "You've changed too ya know?" I hummed. "The only difference is a couple months ago, I would've let him shoot me. I probably would've begged for it." I turned on my heel and walked out of the med bay. 

Loki and I lay in the guest room. Cooper had taken my room, not that I'm complaining. "I miss the house." I spoke and Loki shifted his head to look at me. He has his arms around me and I'm pressed tightly to his chest. "Why's that?" He mused and I chuckled. "It's much more quiet. Or maybe it feels like home. Though, anywhere with you has that homey feel." Loki pressed a kiss to the side of my head. "You're sappy." I laughed and turned, winding my arms around his waist and hugging him. "I'm blunt." His chest vibrated with a laugh and I closed my eyes. "Hey guys?" The door opened after a knock. "Is he asleep?" Loki shook his head and I grumbled. "What's up?" I loosened my grip on Loki and slid into a sitting position. Loki's arms circled my waist and he put his face in my shoulder blade. "Fury is out there and he's requesting your presence." Bucky mumbled and left the room. "What does Eyepatch want?" Loki questioned and I snorted. "God only knows. Let's go." I grabbed his hand and pulled us out of bed. "I don't see why I have to go." Loki whined as we walked toward the kitchen. "Because you love me which means you suffer through a debriefing." Loki grumbled and punched my shoulder. I laughed and stumbled into the kitchen, catching the attention of everyone. "Finally."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now