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Bucky and I rushed into the ER and Loki turned to see us. "How is he?" He shook his head and put his hand to his mouth. "H-He passed out in the ambulance. A f-fucking EMT tri-ied to sew him up with the bullet still inside. I was on the phone with him when he d-dug it out." I sucked in a breath and Loki quickly wiped away his tears. "They're saying he has a good chance of living, but his body kind of shut down from blood loss." Bucky grabbed my arm. "Hibernation." Loki snapped his head to stare at us and I snapped my fingers. "Its the spider part, if he's in danger of dying, his body goes into hibernation to preserve him. It heals, replenishes or just saves energy. He's going to be okay."

"Mr. Parker, you can see him now." I breathed out in relief and rushed into Peter's room. He's hooked up to a whole bunch of machines and I noticed that all the blood bags I had brought were strung up to one pole, supplying blood through his arm. "You're such an idiot." I sighed and grabbed his hand, my heart clenching at the cold feel of it. "Brother?" I looked up at Thor and he gave me that smile, the same one he gave when Mom died. "He's not dying." I snapped and found his wedding ring on the table by his bed. I grabbed it and clutched it in my hand. "I-I just got him. He can't die. Not now." I whispered and Thor put his hand on my back. "It's going to be okay brother." I sighed and wiped away my tears. "I was on the phone with him when he passed out. When he dug the bullet out. The surgeon said that it saved his life, but hearing his pained yells, that was the worst thing. The last thing he said was that he loved me." The tears spilled over again and I dropped my head. "Why does such bad things happen to such selfless people?" I looked to Thor and he shrugged. "He's going to get through this and you will get to hear him say those three words again. Don't lose hope yet brother." He patted my shoulder and stood up. "Pepper and Tony are outside, they want to come in." I nodded, telling him it's okay.

Six days
"How are you holding up?" I snapped my head up and furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you here Matt?" The man hobbled into the chair next to me. "Because you need someone and I know this boy. He's the strongest person I've ever met." I reached out and carded my hand through Peter's greasy hair. "Mr. Parker, we need to cut the suit off." The doctor informed when he walked in. "Won't be necessary. Underoos." We watched as the suit absorbed into his skin and I gave a sad smile. "For someone so smart, he's the biggest idiot."

8 days
"You should shower and eat." Nat insisted and I snapped my fingers. My clothes changed and I'm clean. "I'm not hungry." She sighed and pushed a sandwich into my hand. "He wouldn't want you to deteriorate like this." I sniffed and looked away. "I just miss him." Nat put her hand on my shoulder. "I miss him too." She sat next to me and I took small nibbles from the sandwich I was given. "Sage needs me back home, but I'll bring them by to see Pete later tomorrow okay? Try and get some sleep." She stood up and hugged me. "I love you Lokes." I offered a small pained smile. "I love you too Nat."

Eleven days later
"Loki?" I gasped and shot up in my seat. "Peter." I breathed out in relief and stood up. "How long has it been since I was shot?" He winced when he attempted to sit up. Tears spilled down my cheeks. "Eleven days." Pete reached forward and wiped my tears. "I'm sorry. I...I didn't mean to scare you like that." I shook my head and grabbed his face lightly. "I'm never going to be mad at you for saving lives. I am going to worry about you." I kissed him lightly and he grabbed my wrists, keeping the hold on his face. "I love you." I whispered and he pressed his forehead against mine. "I love you too."

The doctor walked in and Peter waved at her. "You gave us all quite the scare. Your friend never left your side." Peter's face dropped and he gripped my hand. "I think I scared my husband the most. He was on the phone with me when I passed out." The doctor's face shifted just a bit and I growled under my breath. "Your vitals are steadying and you only have a pink scar where the wound was. I think with this recovery, you can leave tomorrow."

Two pairs of footsteps ran in and stopped dead in their tracks. "Peter!" Cooper shouted and jumped into my lap, Sage following. "Woah woah. Guys calm down. I'm not fully better yet." I pulled Cooper into my lap and sat up, Sage sat crisscross in front of me. "Where are your parents?" Sage looked to Cooper. "They're talking, Loki is out there with them." I sighed and leaned my head against the pillows. "I'm okay guys. I'll be out of here in no time. Then you're getting attacked by the tickle monster." I waggled my fingers at the two and they giggled. The doctor walked in and she held up X-rays. "Alright you two, go out into the hallway." They got out of the bed and ran off. "They yours?" She asked softly and I shook my head. "I wish. The youngest is like a son and the oldest is my adopted sibling. My goddaughter is out there too, I think my husband has her." The doctor grabbed a chair and pulled it up to my side.

"Okay, your enhanced healing is taking quite a bit with this one, I don't think that's anything to worry about. The bullet, it ricocheted off your sternum and broke into several fragments. These fragments ripped open your internal organs and you had massive internal bleeding. We were able to save you in time before you started hemorrhaging. With this in mind, you won't be allowed to go out as Spiderman for a few months and no missions. You're going to feel short of breath and tired often. Keep the sexual activity down to a minimum, and no heavy lifting." I nodded and put my head in my hands. "Does my husband know?" The doctor hummed. "Thanks for letting me know doc."

"How bad is the damage?" I questioned when the doctor came out of Peter's room. She shook her head and sighed. "It's a miracle he's alive. Even after being out for eleven days, the bullet ricocheted off his sternum, broke into fragments and ripped open his organs. He had massive internal bleeding. He's going to be out of commission for quite some time. The worst part, if we pulled all those fragments out, he would die." My heart stopped. "He's still got bullet fragments in his body?" She nodded and I sucked in a breath. "How long until they entire his bloodstream? Rip into his heart?" Tony asked, his voice shaky. "Two months, assuming that he is basically bedridden." I put a hand over my mouth and my body shook with a sob. "I can fix this Loki." Tony promised and walked into Peter's room.

"Where's the extra arc reactor? You said you made two." I furrowed my eyebrows. "In my lab, why?" Tony sighed. "You're dying. There are still fragments in your body and you have two months until they rip into your heart, assuming that you stay bedridden." My breath hitched. "In my lab. Karen will tell you where it is. Tony I can't die, I can't leave Loki, not now." I practically begged and Tony put his hand over my leg. "You won't die. We're going to save you."

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