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"Hey Pete?" Monday rolled around and Loki fidgeted on the couch, waiting for me to finish getting ready. "Yeah?" I stopped tying my tie and looked over at him. "What are we?" I tensed and my face burned red. "What did you want to be?" He shrugged and played with his fingers. "I don't exactly know how this stuff works. I just know that I like you more than I've liked anyone before." I smiled and walked forward. I grabbed Loki's hands and pulled him up. "I like you too." I breathed and he smiled. "How about we label it boyfriends?" I really surprised myself, I never was that smooth. "You know I could be a girl some days too." He pointed out and I chuckled. "Yeah I know. Then we label it as a relationship, we're dating." I mumbled and he put his hands on my waist. "I'd like that." I leaned forward, capturing his lips in a kiss. "Boys you're going to be late." I groaned and rested my forehead against Loki's. "Come on." We pulled away and I finished tying my tie.

I pulled up to the Compound. The party was very telling from the vibration of the music I could feel out here. "I'm nervous." Loki confessed and I grabbed his hands, wounding our fingers together. "I won't let anything happen to you." I promised and he kissed my cheek. We walked into the elevator and let it take us up. We stepped out and Loki instantly moved behind me, hiding himself a little. "Peter! And friend of Peter?" Bruce announced, looking excited. I pulled Loki to the bar that Tony had set up. "Hello Bruce. You remember Loki right?" I pulled my boyfriend out behind my back and he looked really guilty. "Yeah I do." I sighed and rubbed my thumb over Loki's knuckles. "He's not a bad person. Promise." I gave Bruce a look and he relaxed. "Its nice to see you on better terms Loki." He held out his hand and Loki tentatively shook it. "Okay, we got past the hard one." Loki cracked a smile and few people walked in. "Boys." Steve greeted, his face a little scrunched. "Come on Cap, he's sorry. Don't hold grudges." I nudged my foot against the older man's shin and he sighed. "You're right. Glad you're here Loki." I faced the others, which happened to be Natasha, Sage and the Stark's with baby Morgan. "Oh dear so many hugs." I apologetically released Loki's hand and scooped Sage up.

"I missed you!" I yelled hugging them tight. I released them and they signed quickly, 'I missed you too! Is that your boyfriend?' I chuckled and wrapped my arm around Loki's waist. "Yes Sage, this is my partner.' Their eyes lit up and I knew exactly why. "Lo, this is Sage. They are mute so they use ASL." He looked at Sage before using his hands to say hello. "Morgan!" I whispered and Pepper handed me their baby. "How does she keep getting even more beautiful?" I gasped and put my finger on her little nose. "How did you make an absolutely adorable baby Tony? That can't have come from you." I teased and the older man gasped. "Who made you your suit Spider Bitch?" I laughed loudly and quickly turned to Loki. "Lo." I got his attention and he peered at the baby in my arms. "She's beautiful." He praised and waved his fingers around. Little snowflakes rained down and Morgan began to giggle. "She likes you." Loki smiled and I handed Pepper her baby back. "I haven't seen you this happy in awhile Peter." She commented and looked at Loki. "It's nice."

Loki sat between my knees, my hands laid lazily on his shoulders. Thor had yet to show up and I could tell that was why he was so nervous. "Sorry I'm late!" Thor boomed when he walked in. Loki tensed and I put my hands on his shoulder, kneading my thumbs into his skin lightly. "Thor." I called, his attention turned to me and lastly, Loki. "Brother?" Loki stood up and Thor pulled him into a tight hug. "H-How long have you been here?" Loki mumbled something and Thor let him go. "Two years." Loki answered and sat back on the floor. I played with the ends of his hair. "I fell to Earth and once I healed, I started learning. I go to Empire State university for Cultural Studies. I've been living with Peter for about a month now." He tilted his head up at me and I smiled. "That's great. I-I'm sorry, Peter you look different." Thor put his hammer on the table and sat on the couch. "Yeah Peter, you're practically glowing. In the time you've lived here, I've never seen you so happy. Not going to lie, it's a bit unsettling." Bucky commented and Loki grabbed my hand, tapping his fingers against my palm. "I wouldn't blame him, he's been seeing someone." Sam interjected and half the room gasped. "They really are dense." Loki whispered and I giggled.

"Yeah, I've got a partner." The room erupted into loud laughter and excited chatter. "Who is he?" Sam shouted and everyone quieted down. "You're looking at him." Loki rose our hands, the one he had been tapping his fingers against. "W-Wait, really?" Thor looked surprised. "How did that happen?" Clint questioned and I gulped. I hated being questioned by him, he always resorted to the agent. "We met on campus, he gave me a place to stay and we clicked. It wasn't really a ravishing story you mortals publicise. He told me what happened a few months back and we only started dating a couple hours ago." Loki shrugged and his fingers glowed green. I started to feel calm and I took a deep breath. "I want to test something." Tony stood up, handing Morgan to Pepper. He put his hand on the handle of Thor's hammer and tugged. It didn't come up and Tony shrugged. "Peter do it." I started to shake my head and Loki laughed. "Come on Pete!" Natasha urged and I sighed. "I am not worthy." I said standing up. I stepped around Loki and put my hand on the handle. "If I lift this, I can technically be king of Asgard?" Thor nodded and I looked at Loki, winking playfully. He rolled his eyes and I pulled with all my might. It gave way and I stumbled, nearly falling over. "Holy shit!" Thor got to his feet and I handed him the hammer, my face burning red. "Knew it." Tony praised and I gave him a sour look. "Jesus I put my back into that. You're a bunch of assholes." Loki laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me into him. He had stood when I nearly fell. I leaned my head against the top of his chest and sighed.

Loki and I walked into our house, he laughed when I tripped over my own feet. "How could you be so powerful and yet so clumsy?" I chuckled and pulled him through the door. "The spider made me powerful, not balanced." He grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine. I put my hands on his hips and stood up slightly straighter. He pulled away to breathe and we rested our foreheads together and I froze. "What's wrong?" I turned quickly and shot out a web, hitting the person square in the face. The lights turned on and Fury glared at me. "Dammit Parker." I groaned and Loki moved into the kitchen. "One time can I come home without someone being in my house, that doesn't belong here!" Fury tossed a file at me. I grabbed it and opened the cover. In it had all the information I wanted about Stephen Strange. "Oh. Thanks." I tossed it on the counter and looked at Loki, who had grabbed a cup of water. "I best be going." Fury exited my house and I heard a car start just down the road. "Karen, you need a serious upgrade."

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