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Five days later
"Cooper we're here." He whined and I chuckled, picking him up and shouldering my backpack. "Loki you got your stuff?" He nodded and we walked off the jet. "Peter! Loki!" Cassie yelled and she ran to us. Loki intercepted her and picked her up, hugging her tight. "Hey CassieBear." We reached Scott and I gave him a side hug. "Cooper, this is Scott and Cassie." My son pulled his face away from my chest and waved shyly. "He just woke up." I admitted and Scott chuckled. "That's cool. Eddie is chilling back at the house with Hope, Cassie begged to come with me." We climbed into the van and I pulled Cooper close to me, making sure he wouldn't get hurt. "How have you been Scott?" He was silent for a moment and I saw him glance at Cassie in the front seat. "Got it, we'll talk at the house." He nodded and we drove down the hallway. "What have you been up to Pete? The last I talked to the team, they said you weren't even in the country." I hummed and ran my fingers through Cooper's hair. "I have been in Wakanda with Bucky. He's getting a treatment done to get rid of the Winter Soldier." Scott made a noise of surprise and we pulled down a street. "T'Challa could do that?" I shook my head with a chuckle. "He can't but his sister can. I go back after our visit here."

We pulled into Pym's house and I picked Cooper up. "I want Papa." He whined and I looked at Loki, who only held his arms out. I transferred Cooper to him and Cassie raced into my arms. "Hey muchkin." We took the kids inside, Loki setting Cooper on the couch to nap a bit more. We had to be up a bit early this morning. "He'll be up after lunch." I promised Cassie and she ran off, likely in search of Hope. "Guys!" Scott called and I slid my arms around Loki's neck. "Did you sleep on the plane?" He shook his head and I leaned in, kissing him softly. "You should try and sleep later, we may be out late tonight." He hummed and kissed me again. "Scott, what di-Peter! Loki!" We pulled away and pulled Hope into a hug. "God you guys look so different. How's parenthood treating you?" She eyed Cooper on the couch and we both smiled. "Its definitely a challenge sometimes but Cooper is an angel. He's very calm for a five year old." Loki only chuckled. "We're glad you could come. We...well we have someone we want you to meet." I tapped Loki and nodded toward Cooper. "Let me know if you need anything." He whispered and I smiled. I followed Hope and Scott to a different part of the house.

"After Scott went Quantum the first time and then the whole Civil War business, he started to have these weird dreams. It was of this women calling to him, asking for help." I put my hand on his back. "Scott you have to tell me about these things." He waved it off and pointed to Hope. "A door was open and she was able to inhabit Scott's body, giving us the ability to rebuild the Quantum tunnel and get her back." We went through a doorway and there stood a woman that had to be in her sixties. "Ah! Scott you're back...Gh-Who's this?" Hope went to go stand by her. "This is Janet van Dyne? As in the original Wasp? Why didn't you guys call me sooner?" I reached forward, holding my hand out. "I'm Peter." She took it, shaking it gingerly. "Peter, Scott and Hope have told me so much about you." I eyed my team members and they both chuckled. "All good things." Hope promised and I smiled. "That's good to hear. got out of the Quantum Realm?" Janet nodded and I laughed quietly. "That's incredible really. Scott was this what you wanted to talk about or..?" He shook his head and he reached for a girl that was not much older than me. "This is Ava Starr." I stepped back, surprised. "Ghost? Jeez you guys are digging up SHIELD agents left and right." She eyed me warily and I smiled softly. "I promise I won't hurt you."

"Peter is our leader, of the Avengers that is. He himself is Spiderman and has a small family." Hope explained and Ava held out her hand. It looked to be rippling and I gently grabbed it. "Oh boy. Ava, how long has this been going on?" She frowned and I ran my hand up her arm. "Since I was a child. SHIELD took advantage of it and I went into hiding in two thousand fourteen." I stopped, doing quick math. "The HYDRA uprising. Have you guys been able to find a way to cure this?" Janet placed her hands on Ava's face and her body became a solid mass. "I've been using my power, but we don't know how long that'll last. We were thinking that we'd send Scott through the Quantum Realm and have him gather some particles." Janet explained and I hummed. "That could work. Keep me updated, Ava I'd love to have you apart of the team if you ever want to get back into things. I, of course, will keep SHIELD off your back." She smiled small and I turned to Scott and Hope. "I haven't been able to update you guys on some things. Where is Eddie?"

"Here." He stuck his hand up and I twisted to see him sat in a chair. "Awesome, if you three will stay here, I have to grab my equipment and run some tests." I jogged back out to Loki and Cooper and grinned when I found them curled up and asleep. I pulled a blanket off a chair and draped it over them. I made my way back to the group. "Okay, let me set things up and I'll update you on some happenings back at New York and how things are going to be looking now that the new year is coming up." I grabbed out my devices and began to set stuff up. "Clint is no longer a part of the team. He was arrested a month or so ago and will be spending the rest of his life on The Raft." Scott winced and Hope gaped. "What? What in God's name did he do to earn that?" I sighed and stood up. "He shot three agents, killing them and went after my son with a gun. Not to mention the multiple domestic violence cases. He admitted that he had planned to kill Pietro and Cooper before I ever found out about the abuse and had him suspended. So he's been charged with second degree premeditated."

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