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Two weeks later
I dragged Loki into Queenie's. Subconsciously, I looked around and waited to hear that familiar voice to tell me that I deserved to be hurt. I shuddered slightly and brought Loki up to the counter. "Peter!" Frank shouted and opened the counter for me. I pulled Loki through and Frank trapped me in a hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't he-" I shook my head and he cut himself off. "It's okay. Wade is in prison now. I have someone here who needs a job." Frank looked at Loki and smiled brightly. "This is Frank. Frank this is my roommate..." Loki held out his hand. "Loki, like the Norse mythology." He gave an innocent smile, making him look radiant and in his very early twenties. I had to look away, my face grew hot. "Well Loki, have any experience making coffee?" He shook his head and shifted his gaze to me. "He sometimes makes coffee at home, but that's about it. I promise that it's not as hard as your major." Loki chuckled and I watched Frank train Loki in the art of coffee.

"I'll email you a copy of your work schedule, let me know if there are any changes in your schedule." Frank smiled at us both and I thanked him. "What's an e-mail?" Loki questioned when we got outside. I chuckled and we got on my bike. "I'll show you, do you still have the phone I gave you?" He nodded against my back and I tapped his hand, signaling that I was going to start driving. I drove us to campus and he waited for me while I grabbed my things. "I'll meet you in the library okay?" I nodded and he squeezed my shoulder before he left. My face burned red and I stood, staring at where he was retreating.

"Peter." Strange's class ended and I was gathering my stuff. "Yes?" I looked at him and his hands started glowing orange. It reminded me of Mysterio and I immediately grew tense. "What are you?" I snapped, my wrists connecting and my web shooters arming. "An ally. I'm the Earth's primary protector, both in the spiritual and physical sense." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you here?" He dropped his defenses and I kept my finger on the triggers. "I teach in my free time. I was told to keep track of you. Make sure you stayed safe." I made a mental note to research him when I got home. "O-Okay. Listen, I've got to go." I gathered my stuff and he stopped me. "I know you're rooming with Loki Odinson. I also know that he is not a threat." I stiffened and turned my gaze to the floor. "I'll make sure that he is protected from anything that may come for him as well." I nodded and quickly left the room.

I made it to the library and Loki stood up once he saw me. "You're late." He stated bluntly and I blushed slightly. "Professor held me back, you ready to go?" He nodded and stood up. We started the walk to the bike and Loki's hand brushed mine. I blushed and Loki grabbed my hand, intertwining out fingers. He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to. We reached my bike and he let go, much to my dismay. I climbed on and he followed suit, his hands taking place on my hips. His touch didn't make me scared, much like Wade's did. Instead it made me nervous and warm inside. Was this what it was like to like someone?

We got home and Loki went in. I grabbed my stuff and walked into the house. "Lo, what did you want for dinner?" I heard nothing in return and I peeked around to the living room. Tony has his repulsers pointed at my roommate and Steve is stood in a fighting position. I groaned. "Fuck Karen, you were supposed to tell me if someone was here." I chastised and grabbed Loki, putting him behind me. "Peter, he's not supposed to be here! He's supposed to be dead." Steve tried to reason and I shook my head. "Look, as much as I appreciate you trying to protect me, he's not going to hurt me. He faked his death and came to Earth to live a normal life. Now please put your weapons down, this house was very expensive." I glared at Tony and he reluctantly put away his Iron Man arms. I looked behind me to make sure Loki was okay. "I'm going to do homework." He mumbled and grabbed his dropped bag. I watched him walk upstairs and I heard his door close a moment later. "Jeez guys, try not to murder my roommate please." I rolled my eyes and the two adults followed me into the kitchen. I began to get stuff together to make Mac and Cheese.

"How did you even find him?" Tony questioned. "He came up to me as I was getting ready to go home. He said he needed to talk and I took him here. He explained his situation and I gave him a place to stay. He's got a job and is helping me with food costs. I like him, so try not to hurt him." I put water on to boil and double tapped my watch. I searched through Karen's protocols. "Well jeez Karen, I said to warn me not to alarm the entire country of intruders in the house." Video footage showed Friday shutting off Karen's alarm. "Sorry." I shook my head and tapped the counter. "Do me a favor and check on Loki, I don't need him sneaking off because he got scared." Karen didn't respond but I knew she got the order. "Please do me a solid." I begged the two men. "Do not mention Loki's whereabouts to anyone. I've already told Maria that he's here and she trusts me. I don't need Thor breaking into my house because he wants to see his brother again. If Loki wants to see Thor, I'll get Thor here myself. For now, Loki is kept a secret from the team, kapeesh?" The two gave me sour looks but nodded. "Don't make me break into the compound and fuck your shit up, I mean it." I held a finger to the two.

Tony and Steve left. I walked up stairs and my hand hovered just above Loki's door. "Come in!" He called softly and I opened the door. He looked up from the notebook he has laid in his lap. "Hey dinner is ready, sorry for earlier." Loki just shook his head and gently moved his homework to the side of the bed. "I'm just glad they didn't shoot me, that'd be unfortunate." He stared into my eyes and I gulped. "Y-Yeah." I muttered and dropped my gaze. I left the room and instead of the stairs, I jumped over the railing. "That's how you break the floor." He laughed and I smiled. "One of these days." I mumbled playfully and handed him a plate of the pasta. We migrated to the living room and started to eat in silence. "So, what was Stark and Captain Patriotism doing here?" I chuckled at Steve's nickname. "They like to check on me. Make sure I haven't died." I mumbled and Loki looked at me, somewhat alarmed. "I had a bad string of a few months. I was reckless and was hospitalized quite a bit." He nodded slowly and moved closer to me. He had finished eating and set his plate on the table. I wasn't all that hungry and only ate about half of mine. "And how are you doing now?" His breath hit my ear and my breath hitched. I turned my head and our faces were inches apart. "Better." I whispered and he leaned forward, his lips touching mine just slightly. My eyes fluttered closed and I closed the distance, my hands going to Loki's waist, while he cupped my face.

He leaned forward, pushing me up against the arm of the couch. We pulled away to breathe and my eyes opened. "I-I.." He stuttered quickly and I shifted my hands to cup his face. "Don't apologize."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now