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Three weeks later
"Where are you going?" Tony asked and I grabbed my gun off the counter. "Fury needs me." I stuffed the gun into my pants. "Parker, he's on the move." Fury said into my ear. "Roger that, where is he headed?" I jogged out of the compound and hopped onto my bike. "Eastbound, he's armed." I cursed and sped into the city.

"Barton!" I shouted, earning his attention. He raised the gun and aimed it at me. "Tell me where Cooper is." He demanded and I shook my head. "I can't do that Clint." His eyes were dilated and I knew he wasn't all there. "Want to tell me why you killed some of my best agents?" His movements faltered and I took that opportunity to tranq him. He fell to the ground, his fingers pulling the trigger and the bullet embedding itself into my arm. I rushed to his side and quickly kicked the gun away, slapping a pair of handcuffs on his hands. "I tried to help you." I muttered and a couple of agents ran to pick him up. "What do you want us to do with him?" I sighed and put a hand to my shoulder. "Take him in for interrogation, I'm going to talk to him myself." They nodded and hauled him off. "Great job agent." Hill praised and I hummed. "He was going after my son." I shook my head in disappointment and sat on the bar of an ambulance that had arrived on scene. I grabbed a pair of tweezers and pulled the bullet out of my arm with a grunt. "I've got to stop getting shot." I muttered with a sigh.

I pushed open the door to the interrogation room and Clint looked up at me. "I want my lawyer." I laughed and set my hand on the table. "Your lawyer is standing on the other side of that glass watching me talk to you." He looked at my shoulder and smirked. "Why? Why did you kill three of my best agents?" His eyes held no emotions and I pursed my lips. "They didn't deserve the lives they had. They never did one thing to deserve their top ranks. I did so many good things and here I am, bottom of the chain." I couldn't stop myself from punching him across the face. "Parker, we've got visitors." I grabbed my hand and slipped from the room, fuming. I punched the concrete and let out a frustrated shout. "What are they doing here?" I asked Hill and she pointed to the TV in the corner. A news reel of me shooting Clint with a tranq and him my arm. "Fuck." I walked out to the room and my team stood up. "Go home. You're not needed here." Bruce stood up and gently grabbed my hand. "What happened?" I set my jaw and looked at the camera that looked into the interrogation room. "That bastard killed three of our agents and went after Cooper." I tore my hand from Bruce's grip and pulled my gun out my pants. "I'm going back in there." I tossed the gun on the table and stalked back into the room.

"Back for more Parker?" I bit my tongue. "I gave you every chance to fix things. You could've been apart of Cooper's life, at one point. You went after him with a gun. I'm sorry Clint, but I'm not keeping you from trouble this time. You're going away for a long time." He shrugged and tugged on the cuffs. "Can I get these off?" I dug the key from my pocket and quickly uncuffed him. He threw a punch, which connected with my cheek. I kicked him in the stomach, pushing him back and doubling over. "You remember the Raft Barton? That's where you're going for life." He shot up and lunged for me. He put a hand against my neck and punched me repeatedly in the face. "You've wanted to do this since I became your boss huh? Take down the one thing that held so much of your life back? Why don't you kill me Barton? Why don't you try?" He stopped punching me and I brought my knee up, smashing it into his groin. "You think you're a saint Parker? One of these days, someone's going to realize you're just a kid with too much power. Then what will you become?" He breathed out and I wiped the blood from my busted lip. "I guess we'll see when that day comes." He pushed me back and I held my arms out, challenging him. "Hawk." He said his password, but nothing happened. "That bot, I destroyed it. You're no longer an Avenger." I sneered and he punched me again. "You're weak Parker." He snapped and I smiled, blood dribbling down my chin. "Maybe I am." He punched me a couple more times.

"I wish I killed Cooper and Pietro before you ever got to them." There it is. "Thank you for cooperating." I smiled and his eyes widened. He threw punch after punch before agents ran in and pulled him off of me. "See you in hell Clint." I sneered and walked out, wiping the blood off my chin. "Oh my god." Bruce gasped when I walked into the viewing room. He reached for me and I shook him off. "I'm fine." I leaned into the trashcan and spit blood out. "I'm leaving." I grabbed my things and stalked out of the headquarters.

"I'm home!" I called into the house and tossed my keys on the counter. "Dad!" Cooper ran into my arms and I picked him up, holding him tight. My eyes teared up and I buried my face in Cooper's neck, the fear of being too late getting to me. "Hey Pete." I set Cooper down and leaned against the front door, sliding down until my butt hit the floor. "Cooper can you go upstairs please?" Cooper's footsteps didn't stop until his door closed and Loki sat down in front of me. "What happened?" Tears slid down my bruised cheeks and a shuddered breath left my mouth. "Clint. He shot three agents and went looking for Cooper. He shot me in the shoulder and we got him in custody. He wasn't talking, so I taunted him a bit and let him fuck me up." I shook my head and I wiped the tears away. "If I had been too late, we would've lost Cooper. I-I can't stop th-thinking about that." Loki pulled me into his arms and I broke down against his chest. "Thank you for saving our son's life." I nodded and slumped against him. "I hurt." I chuckled and I gasped for air. "He just kept going, like he had been waiting for this day his entire life."

Cooper put his hands gently on my face. "Who hurt you?" I put my hands over his and smiled softly. "A bad guy, but we got him. He can't hurt anybody anymore." Cooper smiled and I leaned forward, kissing forehead. "I love you Cooper." He smiled and leaned back on the couch. "I love you too Dad."

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