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Three days later
I woke up with a jolt. "Peter." Karen said when I started to panic. "You're okay. Breathe. In five and out three." She spoke calmly and I followed her orders, calming myself in a matter of minutes. "How does your shoulder feel?" I tore off the bandage and put my hand on either side of the wound. "My shoulder is still sore, but the wound is gone." I sighed. "Where am I?" I questioned, not really recognizing the room. "The Avengers Compound. You've been passed out for three days." I hummed and pulled the hammock down from the ceiling. I used it to lower myself to the ground before simply tugging lightly on the other end. The web fell into my hands and I balled it up. "What time is it?" I checked my watch and it showed the time as noon. "Not bad." I muttered and walked into the kitchen. "Peter." Pepper breathed out, Morgan in her arms. "Hey Pep." She held out Morgan, who I gently took from her and cradled in my arms. "She's even more beautiful than I remember." I laughed quietly and stroked her pretty nose with my finger. "That's the most calm I've seen her. Besides when she's grabbing onto Tony's beard or my hair." I chuckled and pressed a small kiss to her forehead. "Where is everyone?" Pepper waved her hand about and I chuckled. "Sam, Steve and Bucky are at work. Natasha and Clint went to SHIELD headquarters with Sage, Pietro and Wanda are out doing god knows what. Tony is asleep because Morgan was up all night. And I have no idea where Thor and Bruce are."

I ate and gathered my stuff to leave. "Thanks for letting me stay that long. And Pep," she turned to look at me. "I'll gladly babysit any time." She laughed and gently pushed me to the elevator. "Go home and do your thing. I'll have Tony call you when he wakes up." I thanked her and left, still wearing no shirt. I climbed onto my bike and shouldered my jacket. I stuffed my helmet on and drove off.

Karen urged me to not go out on patrol. She said that my vitals were still low and I needed some time to really ensure that I was okay. "Peter, classes start in two days." Karen suddenly reminded me when I sat on the couch. "Shit!" I ran upstairs to get dressed. I needed to buy a new laptop and a few more school supplies. I threw on shoes and grabbed my wallet. "Go grocery shopping!" Karen added before I left and I hummed. This whole being alone thing was sometimes really difficult to manage. I often forgot to feed myself and would just sit around, nearly passing out from hunger. It also didn't help that I ate more than a normal person and had to buy double of what a normal person would need. I grumbled and got onto my bike, already making a mental list of what I needed. "Karen do I need a new phone?" I couldn't exactly remember if mine was broken or confiscated. "Yes." I sighed and leaned my head against the handle bar of my bike. "Anything else on the agenda?" I muttered as I pressed the key against the agenda. "Laundry and dishes. And the ventilation system needs fixing. You're going to end up getting sick from overheating." I breathed out deeply. "Karen. Unless it is school or patrol, I'm not going anywhere for the next week." I promised and drove off my property, speeding up until I hit the city line.

"Remind me to buy an actual car." I said into my watch and I heard someone laugh. I turned and came face to face with MJ and Ned. "O-Oh hey guys." They both smiled and Ned rushed forward to hug me. I tensed a bit and he let go, his smile growing bigger. "Need help?" MJ mused, a cocky smile on her face. I glanced at her car before glancing back at my bike. "Please?" She laughed and took my groceries from me. "Anywhere else?" I nodded and pulled up my list on my watch. "Best Buy, my laptop was taken by the government and they won't give it back. Uh Office Depot, Home Depot and...Walmart." I finished and MJ gave me a surprised look. "I've been needing to buy stuff for awhile." I admitted and she chuckled. "I'll follow behind you." She promised and got into her car, Ned following the lead. I hopped on my bike and started to drive toward the strip mall that had all the stores I needed.

My high school friends followed me through the computer section of Best Buy. I stopped at the recent model Dell had put out. "A Dell? Don't you live with Tony Stark?" MJ snorted and I chuckled. "Actually no, I live alone, and normally I would build my own computer but classes start in two days. I'm just going to settle for a regular laptop that I can slowly upgrade." I picked up the box and grabbed some of the accessories I would need. I was a bit sad that I had to put the hologram technology into the laptop, but for now this would work. I walked to the register and waited for them to ring it up. "A-Arent you Spiderman?" The cashier questioned when they looked up. I smiled softly. "Only in the suit." He chuckled lightly and told me my total. "Thank you." He nodded and I grabbed my bags.

We finished putting all the bags into MJ's car and she looked at me curiously. "How do you have all this money? You work at the Daily Bugle." I laughed quietly. "I'll explain once we get home. I'll cook dinner and you both can stay the night if you would like." They nodded and climbed back into MJ's car. And once again, they followed me back to the small part of the country that I own. 

The two helped me carry all my bags inside and immediately made themselves at home. "Peter, I don't know the two at the bar." Karen spoke and I chuckled at the two confused faces. "Karen they're friends. MJ and Ned, don't worry about categorizing them, they aren't SHIELD or Avengers." I explained and my AI did not respond. "That was Karen?" Ned asked wide eyed and I nodded. "I created a house wide security system, modeled after the Avengers Compound, and I uploaded Karen to the mainframe. She is in my house, suit, watch and my left hearing aid." I rattled off and began to put away groceries. "How did you even afford this place?" MJ asked and I smirked. "I got to Empire State on a full ride. Tony gave me my college fund, which I used some to pay for the house upfront. I also have a fifteen thousand paycheck come in from SHIELD." I explained and Ned gasped. "Dude, you work for SHIELD?" I hummed and nodded. "After Europe-" both winced and I understood why. "After Europe and the charges were dropped, I had been approached by one of Fury's head agents and she said they want me to go through their program, eventually move up in the ranks. I'm not really an Avenger, not currently at least, and for now I'm just a neighborhood hero. I'll go to college and go through proper training, I'll have a gun, not like I'll need to use it but still."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now