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Three days later
"Parker." Fury greeted when I handed him a file. He eyed me over and stopped short. "Congratulations on the engagement." I cleared my throat and offered a polite, formal smile. "Thank you sir." He flipped through the papers before giving me a nod of approval. "Go ahead and push for it. Do you need material?" I shook my head and tapped a couple of buttons on my watch. "I have all the materials, I just need body scans and check ups before I proceed." Fury nodded and turned to leave. "You're doing great Parker." A small smile adorned my face and I left the headquarters, heading straight to the compound.

"Peter, I didn't think you were going to be here today." Steve commented when I walked in and I gave him a sour look. "I come in four times a week Rogers." I pulled out a small device from my backpack and set it on the counter. "Karen expand." The small device turned into a much larger device, resembling a slightly bigger iPad with a hologram interface. "Bring up file name Rogers." I dug around in my bag and pulled out my blood kit and a few more devices. I tossed a device on the floor and it expanded into a work table. "Friday call all the Avengers in here please." I tapped a few more buttons and grinned in triumph when a small pop sounded and my lab sort of grew from a device I had tossed on the floor. "Pete it's Wednesday wh-What the fuck is that?" Tony asked incredulously, pointing to the mini lab. "Portable lab. I'll set you up with one soon. Not the point. Sit down and wait. Rogers stand here." I pointed to a blue ring on the floor and he hesitantly moved towards it. "Come on Cap, it's not going to hurt you." He moved quicker and finally was situated in the circle. "This may feel weird. Karen take a full body scan, I want to know everything about his anatomy, super serum included. Rogers you'll be there for some time, you can move, but you can't leave the circle. Sit down if you wish." I waved my hand and walked over to the counter.

"What is all this?" Clint questioned and I looked up from the file I was studying. "New project I'm working on. You're all getting new suits, except for Tony and Sam you're getting new wings. This-" I grabbed a tube from my backpack and held it up. Inside, I could see little moving robotic organisms. "What is that?" Bucky asked cautiously and I smiled. "This is a microbot. You will eat one and it will travel through your digestive system. The large intestine will recognize it as a nutrient, it will travel into your bloodstream and up to your brain where it will embed into where your brain stem meets your spinal cord. In it is hundreds of nanoparticles that make up your suit. Once the trigger word is said, your suit will melt out of your body and mold around you. Iron Man, Falcon and Hulk are an exception." Everyone had varying degrees of concern and 'fuck that' faces. "Underoos." I muttered with a bored expression and my suit molded around my body. "See, it's fine." I promised and they all gave each other looks. "You have no choice. Besides, it doesn't impede sexual acts, medical procedures, pregnancies or any other human functions. You're all safe. Scott agreed to it quicker than you did, then again Scott completely trusts me." I blanked.

"Okay Rogers you're good to go, up and at 'em." He stood up and I handed him a cup of coffee. "Drink all of it." I ordered and motioned for Tony to step in. "I need to check your bodily functions regardless of a suit being put into your body or not. Karen full body scan." I stepped away and turned to Rogers. I pulled up my bots' readings. "Karen pull up the activated bot." A screen pulled up and I grinned. "You sir, are good to go." I patted Rogers and he sat down in a chair, his eyes not leaving me.

"Sir your fiance is calling." Karen informed me and I double tapped my ear. "Hey baby, are you home?" I motioned for Tony to stand up and I pointed to Clint then at the circle. "I am, I thought you said you were just going to the headquarters today?" I hummed and looked at Tony's body, my eyebrows furrowing. "I was, but I got the okay to push for Project Six, so I thought I would get ahead." I expanded Tony's results and zoomed in on the arc reactor. " you need my help?" I thought for a second. "I would like your company at least." He chuckled and promised to be here in fifteen. "Tony." The man turned to me and he looked at his results. "Did you know this was happening?" I questioned, pointing to the arteries and heart itself. "No." He breathed out and I hummed. "I'll make a new one. You aren't in immediate danger but if you feel even the slightest bit off, you tell me immediately." He nodded and I smiled, patting him on the chest. "Clint drink this."

The elevator opened and I was pulled into Loki's arms. "Hey baby." I muttered, pressing my face against his chest. "Sam out, Bucky in." I called out when my tablet beeped. "Look at me." I lifted my head and smiled fondly. "I missed you." I mumbled and he leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. "I missed you too handsome. You can get back to work, I love you." I kissed him again and turned to back to the group. "I love you too." I checked through the bots, making sure they ran their course. "That's odd." I muttered and expanded the scan. "Oh. Nat, I need to talk to you." I stood up and grabbed the woman's hand. "Buck don't leave that circle or you're getting hit." I half threatened and he gave me a patronizing look. I led Natasha into the living room and gave her a once over before checking my scans again. "How far along are you?" I questioned, zooming in on the fetus I found. She gasped and took the tablet from my hand. "I...I-I didn't know." I hummed and grabbed her shoulders. "Congratulations you're pregnant. Karen predicts you're only six weeks along, makes sense as to why you didn't know. Who's the father?" Her cheeks turned red, "Steve." I snickered and patted her hand lightly. "I'll keep it a secret until you become too pregnant that I no longer can keep it a secret. We can do check ups at SHIELD and I'll make sure it all gets filed with me and Stark doesn't know." She smiled and thanked me quietly. "I'm happy for you. I would tell Sage, that way they aren't surprised."

"Okay, all bots are activated and are making their way through your bodies now. Let me know if you are feeling short of breath, memory loss, odd dreams that are not PTSD related, your blood pressure is high or low and or you are experiencing extreme dizzy spells. Stark I'll have your new arc reactor likely next week and after that, Loki and I will be in California doing business with the Pym's and other SHIELD personnel."

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