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One week later
"Okay remember our plan. Don't say anything unless brought up." Loki nodded and we got out of the car. We rode the elevator up and entered into a room of chaos. "Cooper put down the baby!" Clint yelled at the same time that Sage tried to grab Morgan from him. I strode over and plucked Morgan out of Cooper's arms. "Let's not play fetch with the six month old baby." I chastised the two and held Morgan out, kissing her face. "How's my baby?" She giggled and I smiled, hugging her tightly. "Here you go Clint." I handed him Morgan and he thanked me quietly. "Alright, front and center you two." I demanded and the two scrambled to stand tall in front of me. "Good form both of you. Now come here." They barreled into my arms and I squeezed them. They ran out of the room, Cooper yelling something about tag. "You are so good with them." Natasha complimented and I smiled. "Well I've been raising Sage since they was like four, so I've got practice." Nat chuckled and pulled me into her arms. "I've missed having you here. Someone who is sane to talk to." She let me go and shot glares at the other adults in the room. "Pepper is sane, she's just busy." Tony pointed out and gave me a side hug. "Busy wrangling your ass." I teased to which he punched me in the arm.

"Pete can you help me with the dishes?" Wanda called over her shoulder and I strode over. I twisted off my ring and looked to Loki. "Babe, catch!" I tossed it to him and he caught it, pocketing it with a grin. I helped Wanda wash and dry the dishes before going back to Loki. I hugged him and slipped my hand into his back pocket. I pulled the ring out and leaned up on my toes to kiss him. "I love you." He muttered and I grinned. "I love you too." Pietro made a gagging sound and Steve hit him. "You would think they'd notice it, we're not exactly hiding it." I whispered and Loki snickered. "They're dense baby." I shook my head and separated from him, choosing to lean my back against his chest and entwine our fingers. "Wait." I popped open an eye and looked at Nat. "What was that?" I opened my other eye and gave her a confused look. "What was what?" She narrowed her eyes at me and walked over. "Hand." I gave her my right and she hummed. "Thor always wears a ring on his left hand, it's not any different if Loki does." She shrugged and turned away.

We ate and the kids went to bed before we broke out the beers and decided to spend the night at the compound. "So what was Loki's present to you, other than the bed stuff." Tony asked and Steve hit him on the back of the head. I looked at Loki and he motioned for me to talk. "Uh..Thor helped him set up a picnic, thank for that by the way, and we just hung out under the stars." Their faces turned sour. "That's it? We get you both a car and he gives you a dinner under the stars?" Sam shook his head and Loki sighed. "He doesn't want to say it, it makes him nervous." I scrunched my nose up. "So there's more?" Nat inquired and I nodded, my fingers twisting the ring on my left hand. "We're engaged." It was silent for a moment. "You've guys been together for like eight months." Steve stated and I nodded. "Peter your heartbeat is rising." Karen informed me in my ear and I reached for Loki's hand. I squeezed it three times, the universal sign that something is wrong and I stood up. I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. I didn't think they would take it like that. I honestly thought they'd be happy.

"What's wrong?" Loki nearly jogged to me and I breathed out shakily. "I just want to go home. The bad response is worrying me and I don't want to fight with them." He nodded and walked back into the living room for our things. "Let's go." He muttered, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"What happened?" I questioned when Loki walked back into the living room and started to gather their stuff. "Peter's having a panic attack because of the bad response you guys had." He snapped and left just as quick. "Well shit." I muttered and Bucky rubbed my arm comfortingly. "Steve did you really have to point that their relationship was only eight months? You literally said you loved a woman after she turned you into a weapon." Nat muttered in disbelief and she shook her head. "No matter how long their relationship has been, they're happy and I'm happy that they're getting married and you all should be too. I'm going to call him tomorrow and explain my silence, I expect you all to do the same." She stood up and sent a bone chilling glare at Steve. "I've never seen someone make Loki as happy as Peter does. I don't blame him for wanting to kick start his life with the mortal." That's when it hit. Loki will live for years after Peter dies. "Shit guys, we messed up." I whispered and stood up, taking Bucky with me.

Peter went straight to bed when we got home. I felt bad, maybe I shouldn't have urged him into saying anything. I just thought that the longer people are kept from the truth, the bigger the explosion and Peter didn't need to deal with that. I sighed and sat on the couch, staring at the TV with a blank expression. "Incoming call from Aunt Tasha." I clicked accept and the TV let up. "Hey, he went to bed didn't he?" I nodded and pushed a hand through my hair. "I didn't mean to upset him. I was just shocked and Steve had no right commenting like that. I'm happy for you two." I smiled softly and looked at the stairs. "Sam feels horrible, Thor said that he doesn't blame you for wanting to kick start your life with a mortal and Sam kind of broke down. Are you okay?" I sighed and nodded, putting my head into my chin. "I hate to see him upset. And you guys work for him. He goes to work tomorrow, be civil and I'll drag Steve through the mud." Nat chuckled and pointed behind her, where Tony had decided to sit on Steve's back with his arms crossed. "They've been like that for an hour. Tony isn't leaving into he apologizes." I snickered and looked back at the stairs. "I'm going to go make sure he's okay. I have the car tomorrow, so I doubt you'll see me, but I'll talk soon. Bye Nat." She smiled and waved goodbye as the call ended. I pushed myself off the couch and pulled my shirt over my head.

Loki crashed next to me in bed and I hastily wiped away my tears. "Hey, Nat apologized, Stark is sitting on Steve and Sam blew up." I bit back a smile. "Now come here." He grabbed my hips and pulled me into his lap, having me straddle him while he leaned against the headboard. "I know that they are your family and that they work for you, but all I care about is you. So to hell with them if they don't support us because I love you and there isn't anyone else I went to spend forever with." I leaned forward, putting my hands against his chest and I kissed him lightly. "I love and care about you too. I don't care who's at our wedding or what we do, I just want to get married. We can elope for all I care." Loki smiled and pulled me in for a longer, more needy kiss. "The sex is an added bonus." He laughed and leaned forward, his lips going to my neck.

I sighed and wound my fingers in his hair, my eyes sliding closed. He flipped us over and I draped my legs lazily over his waist. "You're so beautiful." I felt my cheeks heat up and he slipped his hands under my shirt. Our lip molded together and I arched my back when he gripped my hips. "I love you so much." I whispered and the rest of the night is history.

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