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Two weeks later
Loki and I walked hand in hand onto the campus. "You'll call me immediately if you feel bad?" I turned and wrapped my arms around Loki's neck, bringing him down to me. "Of course." He gripped my hips and we kissed, ignoring the stares from other students. "Don't be late or I might have to hunt you down." He teased and I chuckled. He put his hand over the arc reactor and I could see the concern. "I'm okay Lokes, there's only some slight pain but I'm alive, and you're stuck with me for several more years." He smiled. "Good, now get to class. I'll see you later."

I sat down in my Theoretical Physics class and began to gather my stuff. "H-Hey you're the guy who stopped the robbery three weeks ago." A male, no younger than forty pointed out. "I am." I acknowledged and pulled out a pencil. "What's that in your chest?" He pointed at the glowing circle that shined under my cropped shirt. It still hurt to lift my arms too high over my head, so I settled for something easier to slip over my head. "The thing keeping me alive." The teacher walked in and the class started.

"Lo I'll be fine. Go to work." I urged when he walked me into the compound. "I know. I just can't help it." My face softened and I wrapped him in a hug. "I'm okay Lo. I love you." He grabbed my face and kissed me. "I'll be home late, have someone drive you home okay?" I nodded and stood up on my tippy toes, kissing him harder. "Children present!" Tony shouted when Loki's hands gripped my hips. I pulled back, smiling when Loki leaned forward again. "I'll likely still be awake when you get home." I winked and he chuckled, pulling me into a tight hug. "I love you too handsome." He gave me an innocent look before stepping back into the elevator. "Is no one going to mention how they made out in the entryway of the kitchen?" I reached forward and flicked Tony's ear. I stole the cookie he was eating and slid away before he could grab me. "We could, but I really don't want to." I stuffed the cookie into my mouth and yelped when I ran into Steve. He held Tony out at arm's length and I snickered. "Okay! I need to have checkups with everyone, making sure your suits took well. So if you would..." They all gathered in the kitchen and I got out my stuff. I set out the blue circle and waited for it to take. "Password." Karen reminded gently and I hummed. I sat on the floor and grabbed a switch blade from my pocket. "Peter what in God's name are you doing?" Nat inquired and I sliced open my finger. "The machine doesn't recognize my body signature because of the arc reactor, I have to give blood and rescan." I explained and stuck my finger on the thumb pad. "Peter Benjamin Odinson." It read aloud and I stood up, stepping into the circle.

"Tony first." I called out and jumped up on the counter, tablet in hand. I read through my vitals and hummed. "Bruce since you don't really need a new check up, could you run and get me some gamma?" He nodded and jogged down to the med bay. "Oh, parents." I turned to face the six parents. "Would I be allowed to do full body scans on the kids? Nothing will be done to them, I just want to have their scans in my system for security and a reference in case something happens." They all nodded and Pietro ran out to gather the three. Bruce walked in, holding three vials of dimly glowing liquid. "Thank you." I took them from him and started to prep a needle. "What are you doing?" Steve asked and I stuck an IV into my arm. "Replenishing my radiation levels." I shrugged and grabbed the IV pole, making sure that it was sturdy.

Everyone but Nat had gone through the check up when Loki walked in. "Matt let me off early." He eyed the IV cautiously. "My radiation levels were low, I'm just putting Gamma in." I held up my arm and he look at the liquid going into my body. "Weird." I chuckled and nodded to Nat. "Okay Tasha, morning sickness?" She hummed and Steve winced. "I know gross. Pain?" She shook her head. "Okay, you're just over a month along, listen." I tapped a button and a thumping sound emitted from my tablet. "That's your baby's heartbeat. I can take some blood and see what kind of hormones your body has been producing in preparation for the baby, that'll tell the gender." She nodded excitedly and I made an appointment for a one on one session with her. "Before I pack up, I want to tell everyone that your bodies are adapting well to the bots and nanotech. Tony the arc reactor is causing no problem at all to your system. Clint, you need new hearing aids, I can get those to you within three days. Ummm.." I looked through the files and came across Cooper's. "Pietro, Clint, Cooper has very serious asthma. He is not in danger, but I suggest scheduling him with an actual doctor to get him an inhaler, otherwise an attack could be very damaging. Morgan is very healthy. Sage you are healthy, all your previous injuries have healed." I shut down my tech and looked up. "Everyone good? I can go home?" They all nodded and I grinned. "Karen close up shop!"

I cuddled into Loki's side, his arm wrapped loosely around my waist. "What if I dyed my hair?" Loki stilled and I giggled. "Okay I won't dye it. A tattoo. I think a tattoo would be fun." Loki traced small shapes into my stomach and chest. "What would you get?" I thought for a second. "The kid's birthdays, your birthday, a little spider on my finger maybe. May's favorite flower was a lillie." I shrugged and tilted my head up to look at him. "We have the day off tomorrow right?" I nodded and he tapped my nose. "Then we can go get you tattoo." I gasped and leaned over, kissing him happily. He chuckled and I put my head on his chest. "I love you." I closed my eyes and he curled around me protectively. "I love you too."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now