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"Peter!" I looked up from my work station. "What Sam?" His eyes were blown wide with fear and I immediately tensed. "Tony called, he said you weren't answering your phone. Loki got into an accident." My stomach dropped and I felt tears rise. "Was Cooper with him?" He shook his head and I grabbed my bag. "Tell Shuri where I'm going." I ran from the lab and to my room, the portal already set up. I walked through it and ended up in our bedroom. I swiped my keys off the dresser and ran downstairs. I hopped onto my bike and sped toward the compound.

The elevator opened and everyone stood up. "Where is he?" I breathed and Cooper ran to me. His cheeks were red and he was still actively sobbing. "Hey buddy." I pulled him into my arms and he cried into my neck. "Bruce has him in the med bay." Steve informed me and I held onto Cooper, running down there. I threw open the door that had Bruce, Thor and Tony in it. "Peter? How'd you get here so fast?" I waved off Tony and handed Cooper to Thor. "Will he be okay?" I looked at his body on the bed. He's pale, his hair is matted with what I'm assuming is blood, his skin is covered in gashes and bruises. "He will be. He's out for now. Pete, your car is totalled." I waved that off and walked to Loki's right side, taking his hand in mine. "I could give less of a fuck about the car. Do you know what happened?" Bruce sighed. "He was driving home from work, someone pulled out in front of him and rammed into his side, the car flipped and rolled several feet. His airbag deployed before he even starting rolling, that saved his life. Had it not deployed, his head-" I cut him off, not wanting to hear it. "I-I got it. Cooper come here." Thor let Cooper go and he crawled into my lap. I held onto him and he buried his face in my chest. "Papa is gonna be okay Cooper. He's just sleeping right now. You remember how I was when I was in the hospital?" He nodded and gripped my shirt. "But Auntie Tasha said you almost died." I held him tighter and reached forward, running my fingers through Loki's hair. "He's not going to die Cooper, I'm going to make sure of it. I'm going to give you to Tony okay, go get some sleep." I kissed his forehead and Tony picked him up.

At some point I fell asleep, but I woke up to someone walking into the room. "Hey Peter." Nat handed me a plate and I sighed. "He's going to be okay." I looked at him, some color has returned to his skin and his breathing is more even. "I know...I just should've been there for him. What if he did die? I wouldn't have been there...I just.." I felt tears rise and I set the plate on the table behind me. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on the top. "I-I don't want to be alone. I don't want to raise Cooper and Lila by myself. I want him by my side and I know I could move on, but I feel like I couldn't. No one else makes me as happy as he does. I-I saw him yesterday morning. I literally held him yesterday morning and n-now I'm scared I won't be able to again." I pressed my face into my knees and Nat laid her hand on the top of my knees. "I know this is hard Pete, this is how he felt when you were in the hospital. Only difference is, he'll make a full recovery. His body is already healing at an extraordinary rate because of his abilities and godship. Even Thor doesn't look that worried. You need to eat, take a shower and get some rest."

I stepped out of our bathroom, my face still sore from crying. I was utterly exhausted, but I needed to be by his side when he wakes up. I'd punch myself if he woke up and I wasn't there. I grabbed one of his shirts, pulling it over my head. Because he's about six inches taller, it ended in the middle of my thighs. His smell, the air before it rains and my body wash, made me smile. I pulled on a pair of sweats, quickly tied on my shoes before walking to Cooper's room. There I packed up some stuff for him, making sure he had everything for school. As much as I know he wouldn't want to be at school right now, he needs his education and we could get in trouble. I bit my lip and ran a hand through my wet messy curls. My phone started to ring and I answered, hoping that it was good news. "Hello?" I exited the house, tossing Cooper's backpack in the passenger seat of Natasha's car. She and I both felt uncomfortable with me driving my bike in such a bad state. "Hey Pete." I smiled slightly. "Maria, what's up? There isn't something wrong is there?" Tension pooled in my stomach and I felt like I was going to burst. "No, no." She assured me, her voice calming me down a bit. I turned on the car and pulled out of my property.

"I wanted to check on you. Fury and I both heard about the accident and we, mainly me, wanted to make sure that both of you were okay." I smiled, thankful for having such a great friend. "He's going to make a full recovery, his airbag saved his life and because of his abilities he's healing fast. I-I'm okay...I'm definitely worried and if it weren't for the fact that Cooper needs me, I'd be the biggest mess. Poor kid had an asthma attack from hyperventilating and crying." She sighed and I picked up the speed down the compound's road. "I'm glad he's going to make it. There's one other thing, and I really hate to bother you with this. General Ross is asking for a progress update on the Avengers. He wants a full psychological and physical evaluation." I rolled my eyes. "That shouldn't be any of his business. The government doesn't own us, not after the Accords were disbanded." "I know, I know. But you should give him what he wants, otherwise we'll have another situation where he's arresting people left and right. Seeing as you're the top dog, he'd likely attempt to arrest you." I snorted, pulling up to the compound and getting out. "I'd like to see him try." I grabbed Cooper's things and walked inside. "Just do it. It'll get him off your back and off mine." I stepped out of the elevator and waved at everyone at the table. "You know he's never going to get off my back Maria. At first it was weapons, then it was super soldier serum, then he wanted Rhodey to be the next...terminator. I don't fucking know. He really has a lot of nerve asking for something like that, especially when I haven't been in the country."

"Parker, do it. That's not a request, it's an order. You have two weeks." Fury demanded and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "He's not going to get Bucky's. It's still too soon to ask him to shoot shit." "That's fine. Just don't piss him off and we won't have a problem." I rolled my eyes and tossed Natasha's keys on the counter. "And Parker?" "Yes?" I picked at my nails. "Thank you for cooperating." I laughed quietly. "Its my job Fury."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now