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I woke with a jolt, something feeling off. It was still dark outside. I climbed out of bed, making sure not to wake Loki. I watched for any movements, but I ultimately found nothing. The bed shifted and I turned to see Loki roll over and look at me. He held his arms out and I smiled softly, walking to his side and letting him pull me back into bed. I put my head on his chest and his chest vibrated with a sigh. I closed my eyes and fell asleep shortly after.

When I woke up again, the sun had lit up the room. I could feel the shower jet vibrating from here and I pushed myself up and out of the bed. I swiped my hearing aids off the bedside and I nearly yelled out when I felt the most painful prick of Spidey sense I've ever felt. I shoved my hearing aids in my ears and stood up. "Loki!" I called and slid into the bathroom. "What's up?" I looked around, trying to find if anything was off. "There's something wrong. I'm going to to check it out." I answered and walked out of the bathroom. I put my wrists together and slid up, deploying my web shooters. I crept downstairs and reached the drawer where I keep my SHIELD sanctioned gun. I shoved that into the waistband of my pants and opened my front door. Exactly five feet from the front door lay a dead body. "Shit."

"Peter?" I leaned my back against the front door and looked at Loki. "Do me a favor, I need you to stand completely still." He nodded and I pulled out my phone. "Karen we have a code red, lockdown required. Check perimeter and I need an emergency signal sent to SHIELD and the Avengers." The click of all locks filled my ears and I heard the electrical barrier surround the front of the house. "Tell me when anyone is within fifty feet of the perimeter. You are required to tell them not to move forward." I reached for Loki and he let me grab his hand. "What happened?" He asked and I reached for the file Fury gave me about my Quantum Mechanics teacher. "That off feeling, turns out someone planted a freshly murdered body in our front yard." Loki gasped and he leaned against the wall. "Who're you calling?" I slid him the file and he grabbed it off the counter. I called the number and waited for a pick up.

"Hello?" I looked Loki and he was sucked into Strange's file. "Whatever you do, I need you at my house. I was just threatened and as much as I don't care what said person could do, I care for my boyfriend's wellbeing." Loki lifted his eyes to me and he searched me for anything. "I'm on my way." "Identify yourself when you get close to the house, Karen will let you in." Loki pulled me into a hug and I closed my eyes for a second. "I know who it was. The very first guy I had to take down. He had Chitarui and Ultron tech and was selling weapons on the black market." Loki held me tighter and we stayed like that until someone came to us.

"Incoming Avengers." Karen warned and a stream of people ran into my house. "Please explain why there is a dead body in your yard!" Tony demanded and I quickly shut the door behind everyone. "Threat. Tony that's Toomes. The Vulture. He was in prison, whoever killed him got him out." I closed my eyes and waited to see if I could feel anything. "There's nothing in the woods, but I imagine that's the cover they used. Security camera didn't pick up anything. He wasn't there and then was at six fifty eight." I looked to Loki, trying to see if he remembered the time I got up. "That was when you woke up the first time." He commented and I sighed. "Who else is coming?" Steve questioned and I crossed the room, grabbing the SHIELD file. "This guy and SHIELD." Natasha took the file from me and thumbed through it. "I've never heard of this guy before." I hummed. "He's my Quantum Mechanics teacher. He knew exactly who I was when he walked in, not something I thought about. But he claims to be the spiritual and physical protector of the Earth as well as being Loki and I's personal guard."

Some orange circle opened and someone walked through. "Doctor." He nodded at me and looked at the Avengers. "You invited the Goon Squad?" I rolled my eyes. "Protection protocol. We're just waiting for whoever Hill sends. I would say this is a bit dramatic considering the things I can do with and without powers, but I don't want to take anything lightly with Loki here." I tilted my head to look at him. He looked to be contemplating something. He slid over to him and he looked at me. "You okay?" I questioned, my voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah. Just trying to figure out who could've slipped past the barrier I put around the property." I furrowed my eyebrows and he lightly laughed. "You think you're the only person who cares about another person's wellbeing? You care too much about what happens to me that, to ensure your safety, I put a barrier around the property to double the security." I chucked and leaned forward, kissing him quickly.

Maria finally showed up with a few agents and I had us all congregate outside. "Anybody you can think of?" Strange inquired and I took a closer look at the body. I bent down, making sure to steel myself against the smell. "He's been dead for twenty four hours, you can tell by the way he's decomposing and the blood. Shot, execution style and-" I cut myself off when I saw the letters carved into his arm. "W.W." I whispered and stood up. "Karen?" I questioned, waiting for her answer. "Yes Peter?" I started to type away at my watch. "Search for any electrical disturbances in the last twenty four. Check traffic cameras for someone in a red and black suit, katanas on his back. And lastly, get in contact with Ice Box prison, find out if there has been any missing prisoners or breaches. Patch me through to Friday." I turned to the parents in the group. "This is deliberate, to me. He has initials carved on his arm and I believe he's going to strike again soon. Wade Wilson is back." Loki's eyes widened and I walked toward him. "Peter." Friday's voice projected from the house. "Friday this is a direct order, Avenger Compound goes on lockdown. Tell Sage to grab the Barton kid and Morgan and to barricade themselves in a room. I'm coming there now." I ordered and turned to Tony.

"Okay people, I need you all to understand who we are up against. I know better than anyone else that he is extremely dangerous. Because of his mutant abilities, we're looking at someone who heals and has superhuman strength. He's targeting people that I know and or care about. Strange, you get a security detail on Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds, Wade knows a lot about the two. Bucky, Clint and Nat, you three are my long distance shooters, you see him, take a shot. Sam, Tony and Rhodey are my eyes. The rest of you are to be with Loki and I, in case he gets inside the compound. Let's go."

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