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The bedroom door closed and I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Hey." Loki climbed into bed with me and I snuggled into him, just wanting to be close to someone. "I'm sorry." He shook his head and pressed a light kiss to the side of my face. "You don't need to apologize. I'm not leaving you." I tilted my head up and his eyes twinkled. "How'd you know that was what I was thinking?" Loki chuckled. He sat up and pulled me into his lap, my back being pressed against his chest. "Sam, Steve and Tony dropped by. They wanted to know how you were doing and I don't lie." I rested my head against his chest. "I...I've lost so many people. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it, continuing on. I'm afraid that one day, I'll mess up so bad that everyone I know and love just leaves. Then what am I? Some kid who has kickass senses, can lift twelve tons and has quick healing." Loki rested his chin on top of my head and was quiet for a moment. "Your powers and mistakes don't define you Pete. It took me a long time to learn that. The time I've spent with you, I've come to know how truly radiant and amazing you are. And I don't say that to be a good partner, I mean it. You've gone out of your way to help the people in the city, you've fought some of the craziest assholes I've ever heard of and you still continue loving people like they have no fault. That's what defines you." I shifted in Loki's lap, turning just slightly to face him. "Not one person has said something like that to me." Loki smiled and grabbed my face. "I'll say it everyday if I have to." I leaned forward, our lips meeting in the middle. "Just once a week is fine." I joked quietly and kissed him harder.

I pulled myself up on the kitchen counter and started to tinker with a newer model of web shooter. "What are you thinking for lunch?" Loki questioned, putting his hands on my knees. "I don't know...how about we go on a date?" His eyes lit up slightly and I smiled, grabbing his hand. "Come on, a lunch date and then we'll go grocery shopping because we're out of Mac and Cheese and it's unacceptable." Loki laughed and let me pull him upstairs. "Get dressed loser." He lightly pushed me into my room and retreated to his own.

We got into the city and I parked the bike at Queenie's. "Where were you thinking?" Loki asked, slipping his hand into mine. I smiled and started to pull him toward the direction of the VA office. "There's this really good Italian place, and I know you like pasta." Loki chuckled and walked a bit faster to keep up with me. "I'm glad you're doing better." He said suddenly and I dropped my gaze to the concrete. "I've already dealt with the fact that he was leaving me and I was angry. Right now, I've got you and have no reason to be angry or sad." Loki stopped and pulled me into a tight hug. "I always thought that I only had Thor and those were fleeting moments. I'm glad I came here." We separated and continued our walk in a quiet comfortable silence.

"Is this even good?" Loki questioned and picked up something. I turned my head to see the god had grabbed a box of poptarts and was staring at them in wonder. "I honestly am not sure, Thor loves them and Tony wouldn't let me have any because of the sugar." Loki grinned and grabbed two boxes. "We're adults." I laughed and he set them in the basket. "Anything you need? Toiletries?" Loki thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Okay, I need some new pencils and then we can go." Loki joined me behind the basket and we walked toward the supply section.

"God dammit." I cursed when I realized we don't have a car. "I've got this baby." I blushed at the pet name and Loki quickly made them disappear from view. "Right now, they're tethered to me in a sort of space pocket." I chuckled and got onto the bike. "Come on Space Man." Loki climbed on and put his face in my shoulder. I gunned it and we were home in thirty minutes.

"Fuck." I mumbled at the amount of cars parked around my front door. "I kind of regret giving Sam a key." I mumbled and Loki chuckled. "Here, I'll go put the groceries away, you entertain." I got off the bike and followed Loki inside. "Oh and one more thing." I hummed, not exactly paying attention. Loki cupped my face and kissed me, somewhat desperately but also passionately. "Oi!" Someone shouted from the living room and Loki pulled away, only to kiss me again once more. He walked into the kitchen and I burned red. "You can't...I'm coming!" I yelled when I heard Tony start to make sounds. Loki turned and winked at me and I huffed. "This isn't over." I called as I walked backwards into the living room. "Sure it isn't!" He responded and I turned to give my family my attention. I was met with someone jumping into my arms and I hugged them tight. "They have been begging to come see you." Natasha laughed lightly. I put them back onto their feet and they ran towards the kitchen. "Incoming!" I called to Loki, that way he wouldn't get spooked. I remember the last time I scared him, he dropped me two floors and into the basement, where I subsequently crashed and put a hole in the floor.

"What has brought you all to my home?" I questioned, pulling up my home speaker system on my watch. "We thought you'd like some company after this morning." Steve admitted and I hummed. "I'm okay guys." They all gave me unimpressed looks. "Truly, honest to god, I'm okay. I knew this was coming and as much as I wished that he wouldn't, I knew he would." I made sure I could measure the sound and vibrancy of the speakers before dropping my wrist. "Karen play music, sensitivity eight. Can I get you guys something to drink?" I asked as the music began to play. "Got anything heavier than beer?" Tony asked and Pepper hit him in the arm. "I...maybe?" I leaned back and found Sage helping Loki put away groceries. "Hey Lo?" My partner turned to face me, a satisfied grin on his face. I smiled, "Do we have any tequila leftover from the other night?" He shrugged and I scrunched my face. "How did you get tequila?" Steve asked and I laughed. "The perks of dating an older guy." I snapped my fingers and remembered I had put it in my lab freezer. "I've got some in my lab, who wants to venture down with me?" Tony immediately stood up and I laughed. "Loki I'm going to be in the lab for a few minutes!"

Tony, Bruce and Rhodey followed me into the lab. "Karen lights." I said absentmindedly as I walked in. "Lights going on." They turned on low until I snapped and then they turned on all the way. "You programmed her to turn on lights?" Tony asked unimpressed and I chuckled. "That's not all I programmed her with, but it helps with sensory overload, which since Mysterio, they've been frequent." I located my freezer and opened it. "Hell yeah." I muttered and pulled out a few bottles and a plate. "You have brownies in your lab?" Rhodey snorted and I chuckled. "The house doesn't smell like weed for no reason Rhodes." I put the plate back in the freezer and shut the door. "Upstairs?" The three filed out of the room and I looked around. "Man this place needs an upgrade." I mumbled and Karen seemed to click. "Should I put that in our free time plans?" I chuckled. "I'll check with Lo. It is his house too." I walked upstairs and shut the basement door. I ventured into the kitchen to put the bottles on the counter. "Find everything?" Loki questioned, putting his hands on my hips. I hummed and leaned into his chest. "I vote that once this semester ends, we go on a trip, just you and I." He pressed his cheek to the side of my head and we stood against the counter. "As long as it's a roadtrip and we bring Sam and Bucky." I laughed. "I'll see if I can separate Bucky and Steve long enough." Loki gasped and I giggled. "Steve is not gay!" He protested and I snorted, pulling away from him. "He is too! Have you seen the way he looks at Buck?" Loki shook his head. "Nope it's Sam and Bucky all the way. Have you seen how close they are? They fight like an old married couple."

Loki and I moved to the living room. "So does Bruce and Thor." Loki chuckled. "I've known my brother for thousands of years and I'll tell you that he is bisexual." I hit Loki in the arm and laughed. "No way. I just don't see it."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now