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Shuri gave Bucky the go ahead to go to his room with Sam and to get some rest while she figured out what to do. "You said you'd explain." She spoke gently and T'challa took a seat at a table not far from our work stations. "I did. After the Civil War, I went back home, dealt with a guy selling illegal weapons. My aunt was killed shortly after she found out that I'm Spiderman. Tony Stark took me in and I was adopted by Clint Barton." T'challa's face shifted to a worried one. "The guy SHIELD just arrested?" I held up a hand. "Yes, but I'll get into that. It wasn't long before I got sick with cancer and had to have surgery. After that, I went back on patrol like normal and got shot in the neck. This all led up to the worst five months of my life. The guy I worked with at a coffee shop, Wade Wilson, found out my identity and used that to sexually, psychologically and physically abuse me. It escalated so much that the day I turned seventeen, he carved his name into my stomach and I nearly bled out when I got home. Police were called and he broke into the compound, where he carved the words mine and freak into my arms." Shuri grabbed my arm and flipped them over. "I can't see them." I nodded and put my hand over hers. "I'll get to that."

"He went on trial and was convicted of a whole slew of shit. He went to the Ice Box prison in San Fran. The few weeks after that were hell. I didn't want help and I was constantly pushing myself to do things until I got hurt. At one point, I broke down and cut myself where he carved words into my body. I made them so indistinguishable that I nearly bled out. But it got better and I convinced Sam to take me to San Fran to see Scott Lang and his family. Except, I snuck out and went to the Ice Box prison and punched Wade Wilson in the face. Everyone was pissed and I was taken back home. Clint then told Sam he wanted to disown me. I had graduated high school at that point and had been accepted into Empire State. I bought a house and moved out." I sighed and took off my wedding ring, holding it tight in my hand. "Then Fury contacted me and asked me to go to Europe on an undercover mission. I did and was put with my old high school class. I teamed up with this supposed other world hero named Mysterio. He was actually a man mad at Tony Stark and was hellbent on being the hero that the world needed. He stole my AI and I was hit by a train. I then fought him again in London and one of his drones killed him. I went home and was arrested for his murder, which I was not guilty of. I spent two weeks in prison for it."

Shuri shook her head and T'challa just looked like a way younger Tony Stark with his concern. "The charges were dropped when they found the video evidence had been tampered with. I was then asked to join SHIELD and become a field agent. I agreed and I started to go to school. That's.." I smiled and looked down at the wedding ring in my hand. "That's where I met my husband. He had no where to go and I offered him a place to stay. We started dating three weeks after that. Then, I woke up one morning to a dead body on my front lawn with the letters W.W. carved into it. Wade had broke out of prison and had gone after my adopted sibling, who Natasha had taken as her kid. We fought and he put a gun to my head, which I took and shot him with. A couple weeks later, I was made the Avenger's leader. They work for me and I work with them on missions. Then I turned eighteen and got married. After that, I had gone to stop a robbery and was shot. The bullet entered my chest, ricocheted off my sternum and ripped into many of my vital organs. The surgeons said there was no ideal way to get all the fragments out and I had two months to live. The fragments would enter my blood stream and go to my heart, essentially ripping it apart. Tony did the only logical thing, he put an arc reactor in my chest to stop the fragments from reaching my heart." I lifted my shirt and Shuri put her fingers over the device.

"Then it came to my attention that Clint was abusing Pietro and Cooper, his first born. I took Cooper away and put him under investigation. I later removed him from the team, had Pietro move out and put Clint as a lower level agent training other agents. Loki and I adopted Cooper and actually found out that Clint has a second baby. Her name is Lila and she'll be born in July, we're adopting her too. A few days ago, I was called about three of my best agents and friends being shot and killed. We knew exactly had done it and I went after him. When I confronted Clint, he had a gun and he asked where Cooper was. I shot him with a tranq and he shot me in the shoulder. I put him through interrogation and in order to get what I wanted from him, I let him hit me. Hence the reason I look like this, this doesn't heal very fast."

Shuri hugged me and T'challa gave me a concerned look. "I want on the team." I laughed and nodded. "Done deal." Shuri let go and I grabbed my laptop. "I was hoping you could help me with a project for school." Her eyes lit up with interest and I opened up the project file. "Howard Stark tried to create a flying car in the forties, I have to create an actual working one for school. I can't seem to get the design right and I was hoping you had some ideas or insight into this. Steve said a fresh pair of eyes might work." Shuri looked over the design before humming. "You need a coolant, something that keeps the engine from shutting down in the air. And make the car out of something that isn't so heavy, much like a bird, if it's too heavy, it won't fly." My eyes widened and I tilted my head at the design. "Holy shit, I need to think like I'm making an airplane." Shuri snapped her fingers at me, as if to say that's it. "Shuri you're a literal genius." She chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Call your husband and son, I want to see the people you've made a family with."

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