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One week later
Loki stood by my side as we stared at our house. The body was gone as was the tape. "Come on." Loki tapped my waist and I followed him into the house. "Welcome home." Karen greeted and I looked around. "Does it feel okay?" I nodded and Loki shut the front door. "Its irrational, but I feel like he's going to pop out anywhere." I admitted and Loki put his arms around my waist. "He's gone." I nodded and leaned into him. "Let's go take a nap. I barely slept at the compound." I grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him up the stairs with me. We made it to our room and I jumped onto the bed. Loki laughed and joined me, pulling me into him. I stared at him and smiled. "You've got pretty eyes." He laughed, shaking his head. "After all this time, you're still awkward." I gasped and lightly pushed his chest. "It's not my fault you have pretty eyes." He rolled his eyes and pressed his lips softly to mine. I responded and slid my hands under his shirt, gripping his hips. He sighed softly and I bit his bottom lip.

He removed his arms from around me and gently pushed me against the mattress. He hovered over me and looked at me, silently questioning if I was okay. "I'm okay." I breathed out and pulled him towards me, my hands holding him steady. He pressed his lips to my neck and I closed my eyes, losing myself in the feeling. He lightly bit my neck and I hummed. His fingers traveled under my shirt and began to lift it up. I swiftly grabbed the hem and pulled it off, throwing it somewhere else. He pulled his shirt off and pressed his lips to mine. "I love you." He muttered against my lips and I smiled. "I love you too."

I woke up, feeling okay. The arm thrown over my waist made me smile and I snuggled closer to the body. The grip around my waist tightened and a chaste kiss was pressed to my neck. "How are you feeling?" Loki mumbled and I turned, pressing my face against his chest. "Great." I answered and we stayed like that for awhile. "Sir's, you've got company." I groaned and Loki tapped the small of my back before releasing me. "I'll go greet them, you take a shower." He went to get up, but I grabbed him and pressed my lips to his quickly. He ruffled my hair and walked out of the room. I got out of bed and grabbed clothes, not really caring who's they were.

I walked downstairs, masking the limp well. "Well sorry to inform you Barton, the months of damage you did to him is not going to be fixed with one 'thanks for saving my wanted son's life, are you okay?'" Loki snapped and my eyes widened. I jogged into the living room and eyed the company. "Clint. Hey Cooper." The boy stood up and barrelled into me. "Loki said you were busy." I chuckled and picked him up, hugging him tight. "Just taking a shower bud. How about you watch a movie while your dad and I talk?" He nodded and I took him down to my lab to watch TV down there. I walked back up and into the kitchen, Clint and Loki followed behind me. I looked at Loki, "Are you hungry?" He nodded and I grabbed the pizza menu off the fridge. He took it from me and his phone before going to walk into the living room. "Hey Lo?" He turned and I winked at him. "You're a dork."

"To what do I owe this visit Clint?" I grabbed a Monster from the fridge and crossed my arms. "I wanted to thank you for putting the compound on lockdown before anyone of us knew what was happening." I nodded and looked out the window. "I came to know Wilson better than anyone else. Everything about him, I had memorized and I didn't do it as a hobby." Clint leaned against the counter. "Why did you bring Cooper?" I turned to look at him. "He deserves to know his big brother." I scoffed and I saw Loki move into the kitchen, his arms crossed. "You haven't given a damn about me for four months, why start now? I didn't stop Wade to save Cooper's life. I stopped Wade to prevent anyone else ever being hurt by him. Regardless, he wasn't after Cooper, he gave zero shits about him. He wanted Sage because of me. So don't come in here thinking you can stand high and mighty when you're not." He looked at my neck and rose an eyebrow. "And you think having a relationship with a god is acceptable?" I rolled my eyes, hard enough for me to see my brain. "That's not any of your business." I snapped and looked at Loki. He frowned and I tapped the counter with my finger, getting his attention. I tapped my nose and he smiled. "And why the hell isn't it my business? You're not eighteen yet!" I reached behind me and pulled out paperwork from a drawer by the fridge. "I'm emancipated dumbass! That means you don't have any authority over me as a parent."

Clint snatched the paper from me and looked it over. "I don't remember signing that." I rolled my eyes. "You didn't have to. I have my own income, I go to college and I own a house. The courts believed I was a functioning adult and I am emancipated. You got Cooper so that you could have a child that you couldn't fuck up again." I grabbed the paper back and stuffed it in the drawer. "I am not your son. If anything, I'm closer to Sam's or Tony's son. They have cared about me way more than you ever did. I trusted you, I believed that you were going to be the one person I could rely on when life went to shit. But after you found out about Wade, you were more worried about what would happen to everyone else when I snapped. You didn't care that I wasn't okay and instead of comforting me or being there for me, you had other people do it. Sam spent hours a day making sure I didn't want to kill myself. Steve made sure I ate. Tony and Bruce made sure that after every patrol I knew that I wasn't weak or pathetic for not saving everyone. And when Nat took Sage, she called me every week to tell me updates about them. You never once asked me how my day was, if I was stressed, if I wanted to have a movie night. Nothing! So you have no right to come in here and act as if you had any part in making me who I am! You only stuck around for the easy parts, why kind of a father does that make you?"

Loki wrapped me in a hug and I glared at Clint. "If Cooper ever comes to me and tells me that he feels a certain way because you made him feel that, I will personally drag your ass to hell and back. No one deserves the months of worthlessness, hatred and pain you made me feel. No one deserves to believe their own father was never proud of them. You may have done that to me, but you will never ever do that to Cooper or any other children." I separated myself from Loki and went down to my lab. "Hey Cooper." The boy looked up from where the TV was playing Big Hero Six. "Your dad is leaving, you've got to go bud." He frowned and pushed himself off the floor. "Are you okay?" I nodded and I picked him up, hugging him tightly. "I'll visit soon okay. Tell Auntie Tash that I'll come visit her, Sage, you and Morgan soon. If you ever feel like you need to get away, call me and you can stay here okay?" He nodded against my neck and I set him back on his feet. "Cooper!" Clint called from upstairs and I watched Cooper run towards him. I heard Loki letting them out and then the quick footsteps coming down. "Baby." I sniffed and Loki pulled me into a hug. "I tried to get them to leave before you came down." I shook my head and sighed. "No it's okay. I just hope that Clint never treats Cooper like he did me. Cooper is the sweetest little boy I've ever met."

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