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After the fire, I dealt with two robberies, a kidnapping attempt and two muggings. I got home around five thirty and quickly washed up. I was sore from the gun fire fight at the second robbery, where I had been shot in the shoulder. The fire had left me singed and burnt in places that were going to need a few days to heal. "Peter, the dinner." Karen reminded when I grabbed a pair of sweats. I cursed and grabbed a pair of pants instead. I worked that onto my body before grabbing a loose science shirt. I quickly wrapped up my shoulder before slipping the shirt over my head. "Karen keep an eye on vitals, I lost a lot of blood today." I breathed out and went in search for my shoes.

I arrived at the compound and walked inside. I was barraged with hugs and I had to keep myself from pushing people away. "How was patrol?" Tony smirked and pointed to the TV. The video of me saving the family and then the woman who had fallen was running in a loop. I smiled tiredly and jumped up on the counter. "I got shot, but everything else was fine." I mumbled and he handed me a beer. "Where's Morgan?" He grinned and leaned on the counter next to me. "Pepper put her to sleep just twenty minutes ago." Bruce walked in and smiled before eyeing me warily. "You look really pale." I nodded and pulled up my vitals on my watch. "My body is still working on replacing the blood I lost today." I tapped my shoulder and sharp pains shot through the muscle. "If you need some O Neg, we have a whole bunch." I shook my head at the offer and sipped my beer. "Karen's got an eye on my vitals." I promised and Bruce patted my leg before grabbing a beer of his own. "How much did you sleep last night?" I tilted my head and shrugged. "Six hours Mr. Banner." Karen responded for me and I pointed to my watch.

Steve walked into the compound carrying twenty boxes of pizza. I lowly whistled and took two off the top. "Hey!" He whined and I laughed. "Relax, I lost at least three pints of blood today." He huffed and I snagged a seat at the table. People started to emerge and everyone eyed me, well except Rhodey and Sam. "You were here not even twenty four hours ago!" Bucky laughed and I shrugged. "Karen called Steve and asked if I could come over." I looked pointedly at my watch. "It's been over a month since he saw his family and his ment-" I cut her off by turning off the watch and laughing awkwardly. "Anyway, I'm here now." I started to eat and everyone sat down. "Peter, Sage is living back in the compound." Sam announced and my eyes widened. "Natasha is going to bring them back here in just a moment, don't charge them." I nodded and relaxed in my seat, closing my eyes against the pain of my shoulder. "Do you need anything Peter? You look really pale." Bruce insisted and I shook my head again. "I-I'm okay. My metabolism is slowed." I heard footsteps and straightened in my seat. "I don't know when he'll visit next Sage. Sam said he was okay." My baby sibling rounded the corner and surveyed the room. Their eyes lit up when they saw me and made a run for it.

I stood up and caught them in my arms, grunting when their body weight smacked into my chest. "I missed you Sage." I whispered and hugged them tight. I let go and they signed out, 'I missed you more.' I pulled them to the table and Natasha handed them a plate. "Pete, you've got blood on your shirt." Sam pointed out and I huffed. "Damn, I really liked this shirt." I muttered and pulled off the garment. "What happened?" Natasha asked, nodding to my shoulder. "Robbery and shoot out. I was trying to keep a group of hostages safe and threw myself in front of some twins." I rubbed my sore shoulder and continued eating.

I stood up and staggered. "Peter you've dropped to a dangerous level of blood loss. Your body is going into hibernation." Karen warned and I gripped the counter. "Hey Tony?" The man looked away from the table and eyed me. "Ca-Can I stay here tonight?" He nodded and I thanked him. "I'm going to go set up in the living room." I made quick steps to a far corner of the living room and shot a web up. I quickly made a hammock and laid down, wincing. "How long until my body goes into hibernation?" I questioned as the rims of my vision turned black. "There not a time frame Peter, close your eyes and I'll warn Friday of your condition and to not wake you." I nodded and relaxed in the hammock, passing out almost immediately.

"Tony." Friday spoke and caught the man's attention. "Peter is asleep in a web hammock. Karen told me not to wake him or let anyone else wake him. For any reason." I furrowed my eyebrows and exchanged a look with Rhodey. "Why?" I finally asked. "He lost too much blood and is in danger of dying. Much like a spider, he goes into a deep hibernation that preserves his body and heals him. The same goes for when he doesn't get to eat or drink, it'll preserve energy. Karen says she understand it's a inconvenience, but Peter needs it to survive and until she feels that he needs to be woken up, she doesn't want anyone messing with him." Friday answered and I pushed myself out of the chair. I slid into the living room, where Peter lay unmoving in a thick hammock. I went back out to the kitchen and nodded. "He is passed out up there." I confirmed and slid back into my seat. "Why did he reject my offer?" Bruce questioned and we shrugged. "I guess he's been the lone wolf, he feels he doesn't and shouldn't want help. At this moment, we should do what Karen asked us to do and leave him be. If he's healing, albeit rather slowly, we should let him." Tony replied and grabbed another slice of pizza. "Sorry your reunion was cut short Sage." Natasha apologized and her child shook their head. She signed something out and Natasha smiled. "They said they only want him to be healthy and at his full capacity before they do anything fun with him."

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now