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I walked down to the med lab, phone in hand. "Hey Peter! Is everything okay over there?" Shuri questioned. In the hologram, Sam popped his head up and walked towards her. "Yea everything is okay. Loki is still asleep, he's going to make a full recovery. I'm just calling to say that I'll be coming back at the end of this week to perform a physical and psychological evaluation on both T'Challa and Sam." Sam made a face and I chuckled. "I wouldn't be doing this if I had a choice Sammy." Shuri and I exchanged a few more words and I hung up. I walked into Loki's room, plopping myself down in a chair by the right side of his head. "I know you're awake." He coughed and groaned, opening his eyes. "Everything hurts." I leaned forward, grabbing his hand. "You scared me." He turned his head to face me and I could see the pain in his eyes. "Here." I reached over, pressing both the nurse button and the medicine button. "Is Cooper okay?" I nodded and he smiled. "G-Good. You didn't have to come all the way down here." I shook my head and pressed a tender kiss to his forehead. "I did because you're hurt and I'd be a shitty husband to not be by your or Cooper's side. That being said, until you're moving around without pain, I'm not going back fully. I still do have to do some SHIELD stuff." He nodded and Bruce walked in. "Great you're awake." He started to take vitals and stuff. "I did have to press the medicine button." He nodded and wrote something down. "Pete can I talk to you in the hallway?" I nodded and stood up, squeezing Loki's hand before I let go.

"What's up Doc?" He gave me an unamused look and I snickered. "Sorry, not the time. Seriously, is everything okay?" He hummed and showed me brain scans. "When he hit his head, it caused some swelling, nothing that's going to cause damage. But he may not remember some things from a week or two prior to this. If the swelling gets worse, we'll have to crack open his skull to release some of the pressure." I winced. "O-Okay. Keep my updated then. He...He is going to make a full recovery though? No, he's going to die in a week kind of bull?" Bruce smiled and shook his head. "He'll be up and walking in no time." I craned my neck to look through the doorway. "He's passed out. I'm going to go be with Cooper." I patted Bruce on the arm and walked back up the ramp towards the main room.

"Daddy!" Cooper jumped out of Stephen's lap and ran towards me. I picked him up and hugged him tight. "Is Papa okay? Uncle Bruce said he was awake." I smiled softly and ran my hands through his hair. I situated him on my hip and walked into the kitchen. "Papa is going to be okay bud. He was awake for a little bit, but I had to give him some medicine and he fell back asleep. Once he can sit up, we'll go see him okay?" He nodded and leaned his head on my shoulder. "You hungry bud?" His eyes lit up and I laughed softly. "I'll take that as a yes. How about we make you some dinosaur chicken nuggets?" He giggled and nodded quickly. "Okay, go see Auntie Tasha." I set him on his feet and he ran into the living room. I grabbed out the bag from the freezer and put them on a stove tray. "Hey Pete." I tilted my head back, my attentions divided between Steve and the food. "Hey what's up?" I preheated the oven and stepped back. "Your call with Fury and Hill sounded tense. What's going on?" I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Its not really anything to worry about. Ross is just making demands and because we don't want the military on our ass, I have to do it."

"Karen can you call Scott, Hope and Eddie." I leaned back on my hands, my legs dangling off the counter. Holographic screens popped up and the three came into view. "Hey guys, I know it's a bit late. Tomorrow, a Quinjet is going to pick up all up at noon. Please be there, pack for a week and I'll see you when you get here."

"Peter, Scott, Hope and Eddie have entered the building." Friday announced and I sighed. "I've got to go. Get some sleep and I'll be back to check on you later." Loki smiled and I leaned over, kissing him gently. I left the room and jogged up to the main room. There was a bunch of chatter and confusion and I sighed. "Guys! Take a seat for the love of everything that is holy." They all took seats or leaned against something. "Okay, Ross is demanding a psych and physical evaluation. And because I'd rather not be arrested for withholding information, I have to do it." I smiled sarcastically and clapped my hands. "Natasha and Bucky are immediately ruled out because of their situations, but the rest of you, go get dressed and meet me in the gym."

"Okay, first things first, run two miles. No powers, just run how you normally would." We all lined up and Natasha blew a whistle, signifying when we need to start. Steve ran ahead and I jogged after him. "On your left." I snickered, pushing faster. Steve and I ran neck and neck, his

Silence Speaks (Book Two to Silence Series)Where stories live. Discover now