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One week later
Loki came with me to the headquarters where I would be taking off on my mission. "Be safe okay? And call me when you land." I wrapped my arms around Loki's neck and stood on my toes to kiss him. "Are you going to be okay with Cooper?" He smiled and nodded. "That kid is a saint. He's probably just gonna sleep in our room with me and I'll take him to school before I go to school. And Nat has already agreed to pick him up and babysit until I get home." I kissed him again. "I'll only be a week." I promised and he hugged me tight. "I love you Peter." I smiled, "I love you too Lo. You're going to be late to work." He pulled away, kissing me again before leaving.

I landed in San Francisco and stepped off the plane, tossing my bag over my shoulder. "Parker." Hill greeted me when I stepped off. "Hill." She hugged me and together we walked to her car. "How was the flight?" I shrugged and got situated in my seat. "Flying is boring when I'm by myself." She chuckled and handed me a file before pulling out into traffic. "This is Eddie Brock. He's a major journalist, delves into the stuff people don't want to talk about." I flipped through the papers and came across the report of the Ice Box prison break out. "He's the reason that they now have dampening collars?" I questioned, looking closer at the report. "Yeah, an orphanage was burned down by the kid who started the riot, the one who helped Wilson get out. The X-Men stepped in." I hummed, impressed. "Six months ago, Brock was involved in a high speed chase, witnesses say that Brock was protected by this black mass that came out of him. A few hours later, Brock was seen walking out of a Life Foundation facility that had blown up. People have seen a person who is covered in this armor, they call him Venom. We have reasons to believe that the person is Brock."

I perched on top of a building, staring into Eddie Brock's apartment. "I've got eyes." I reported, tensing when the target walked out of the apartment building. I swung across and attached a web to his back, pulling him up. His 'armor' surrounded his body and a long tongue flicked out of its mouth. "I'm not going to hurt you. I only needed you to come with me." I reasoned and held my hands out. "I know your name is Eddie Brock and this friend of yours is Venom. I'm Peter Parker, Spiderman." I pulled off my mask and held a hand out. The black mass separated and a man held his hand out, shaking mine. "Why did you seek us out?" The armor disappeared and I smiled. "I work with SHIELD and I am the team leader with the Avengers. You ended up on my radar after a man, who supposedly wears a black monster like armor, saved people in the streets of San Francisco was reported to me. I am here to make you deal."

"You just want to recruit me?" I nodded and showed him the hologram of the things I and the other members have done. "Wade Wilson, does that name strike a cord with you?" He tensed and nodded. "I saw the report you did on the prison he broke out of." Eddie sighed, "And he's still out there." I shook my head, smiling. "I was the reason he was in the prison. He abused me for months and he broke out to come after me again. I shot him, point blank in the head." Eddie's eyes widened and I offered a shy smile. "The things we do are for the betterment of the world. I create a lot of the tech you're seeing now. We have members everywhere. My husband, although he likes to deny it, is a member of the team." He eyed me over and Venom popped out of his shoulder. "You look sixteen." It hissed and I chuckled. "I'm eighteen. What do you say? You will be called in for missions we need you on and every six months you'll get a check up from me and likely my husband, mainly because he loves the city." Eddie chuckled and held out his hand. "Venom and I will talk it over and give you a call." I shook his hand. "I'll be in the city until Saturday. I look forward to hearing from the both of you." I dropped back off the building and swung up to the building on the other side of the building.

A day later
"Peter!" Scott yelled when he opened his door. "Peter's here?" Cassie shouted from inside. Scott let me in and Cassie ran down the hall. "Cassie!" I picked her up and hugged her tightly. I walked into the living room and came face to face with faces somewhat familiar to me. "Let me guess, you're Cassie's parents? Maggie and Jim right?" They nodded and Scott came in, holding out his suit. He had called me a few weeks prior to inform me of an issue that he couldn't fix. "Thank you." I sat down and pulled out some tools. "How do you know us?" Jim questioned and I quickly eyed him, taking in the gun holstered on his pants. "Its my job to know everything about Scott. I work with SHIELD and I'm the leader of the Avengers, which Scotty here has joined." I popped open the button of his shrinker. "Scott how many times have I told you to keep track of your ants?" I questioned and a whole family of ants poured out into my hand. I held them out and Scott scooped them up. "Sorry." I chuckled and popped back the button. "Scott you work for a kid?" Maggie inquired and I rose an unimpressed eyebrow. "I'm eighteen."

"Peter?" I looked up from the adjustments was making to Scott's suit. "Where's your husband?" Cassie's parents' eyes widened and I smiled. "He's at home in New York. He says he misses you though and the next time I've got to check on Scott and Hope, he'll come." Cassie cheered and I smiled fondly. "Cassie was upset when Hope and I came to see you after your accident." I froze and my hand went to my chest. "You were there?" Scott nodded. "We heard that you had been shot and they weren't sure what your condition was and we rushed over. The last we heard was that you were going to live, but you still had fragments in your body." I hummed and sighed. "I woke up eleven days after being shot. The bullet had shattered in my body and ripped open several of my major organs, I was supposed to die two months from waking up." I tapped the arc reactor in my chest. "They put my backup in." Scott whistled and I pulled a device from my bag.

"Alright Lang you know the drill. Circle." The Paxton's watched in awe as Scott stepped into the circle. "Any adverse side effects?" I questioned and he shook his head. "Shrink." I watched as his suit encased him and I checked to make sure everything is in order. "Your bot has been taking well. You're free to step out." I lifted my head and watched him step out. "Cassie can you get me that screwdriver?" I pointed to the tiny tool, which she handed me. "Thank you sweetie. Scott don't move." He stood still while I got on one knee in front of his belt. "Mr. Odinson, you've got a husband." Scott joked and I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Shut it doofus, I'm trying to make sure you don't go quantum." I popped off the cover and took out the Pym particles. "Okay, you're good." I put the particles back into the belt and popped the top back on. "Shrink." The suit melted back and I stood up, stretching my back.

"Parker we've got a situation." My comms crackled. "Parker is online, what's the situation?" I stood up and started to gather my bag. "Venom is in a fight with a red monster similar to him." My eyes widened and I quickly shrank my bag. "Underoos." My suit swallowed me and I changed the settings on my web shooters. "I'm with Lang." "Negative." I hummed and told Scott to stay. "I've got to go, I'll come visit before I leave." I ran out of the house and swung to the fight.

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