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Loki and I spent our honeymoon in Houston, Texas. They had moved Pride month to late August and I begged Loki to come with me. He loved it, I know he did. I got absolutely sunburnt though, which I only healed till I was still slightly pink.

One week later
Loki pulled into the compound, and I grabbed boxes of stuff for Tony. "I'll drive by around six and we can go home when we're done. I love you." I set the boxes on the garage floor and leaned back into the car, kissing Loki for a few seconds. "Peter!" Bucky yelled from just inside the door and I grinned. I gave him one last kiss. "I love you too Loki, have a good day at school and work." I had a few months off from school while they built the building my masters degree classes will be mainly in. Bucky grabbed a box from me and I followed him into the room. "How was your trip?" I smiled wide, remembering our marriage and honeymoon. "Awesome." The elevator opened and I watched everyone crowded around Natasha turn to me. "I told them." She muttered sheepishly and I grinned. "Good. I've got news. We have Hope Van-Dyne and Scott Lang are on our team." A few people smiled and I set the box down on the counter. "Status update, Tony how are you feeling?" He gave me a thumbs up while lifting a coffee cup to his mouth. "Nat how are you feeling?" She smiled and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up. "Great. I'm here to install some tech, you all should stay here to know how it works. Tony can you call Rhodey?" I peeked over my shoulder and he nodded, pointing to the roof. "Rhodey has been notified of his needed presence." Friday announced.

"Why are you pink Pete?" Sam asked when I pulled off my shirt to slide into a wall panel to install a security chip. "Sunburnt. Lo and I spent the week down in Texas for a festival." I pushed the chip into its correct place and waited for Friday to tell me she cleared it. "Cleared." Her voice spoke and I thanked her. "Okay Friday, Karen is sending you a file of body signatures and passwords. This will be on no matter what. Everyone will be able to get in like normal and out like normal. Anybody not cleared for passage will be locked out of the perimeter. Understood?" "Yes sir." I clicked my fingers and turned to face the group. "The same for my place, you are all in my database. This stops anyone like Wade Wilson from getting in and hurting one of the kids or one of you, and stealing." They all nodded and I cracked my back. "Okay Tony, I'm going to show you how to work all-" "Peter, your husb-" I quickly picked up the phone, my cheeks burning. "Hey our license is ready for pick up, I was thinking I pick you up, we get something to eat, pick up some groceries and then the license." I grinned. "Sounds good, I'll have Karen order a frame and we'll put it somewhere nice." I heard Loki's name called in the background and he yelled something incomprehensible back. "I've got to go baby. I love you." I bit my lip and turned back to the group. "I love you too. Oh, before you go. Natasha is pregnant with Steve's kid. Bye." I quickly hung up and snickered at him likely freaking out. "A frame for what Peter?" Sam smirked and my face went blank.

"We broke the bed." I lied and he snickered. "Anyway, Tony if you would follow me into your lab." The two of us walked down to his lab. "When's the wedding date?" I stopped short and set down the portable workstation device. "It passed." I shrugged and pulled off my wedding ring. "We eloped last week." I held up the ring before sliding it back onto my finger. "You what?" He shouted and I hummed. "Peter that's not something you do without us! You can't just go off and get married like that!" I scoffed and set up the rest of the devices I created for him. "I can and I did. We both agreed after the engagement fiasco that we didn't want to have a big marriage. We figured court marriage was easier and more quiet. No media attention or big crowds. That way we can legally be bound to each other and we'll be fine. We want to have a life and a lot of that starts when you get married. I love him more than what some silly paper decrees and I wasn't keen on a big ceremony. I'm sorry if that upsets you but it isn't your choice. I get to choose who I love, how I do it and what we do. That's not anyone else's decision. It was decided by the both of us and we went with it."

I finished explaining Tony's tech and I could tell he's still angry. I walked back upstairs and I heard my husband's voice traveling. "Loki!" Tony shouted and my eyes widened. I ran forward and stood in front of Loki, putting my hands out to stop Tony. "What happened?" Sam questioned and Tony whirled around. "They eloped!" The room went still and Loki pulled me into his arms, shielding me from Tony's outburst. "You did WHAT?" Steve yelled and I sighed. "First the engagement now this." Loki muttered and I hummed in agreement. "It can't be changed. We decided not to tell you guys because we didn't want it to be a big deal. You reacted badly to the engagement and our decision on the marriage was made right then and there. It wasn't purposeful to keep you out, it was a decision made in the thought of our relationship and us as people. He didn't want media coverage or a big crowd and I just wanted to be able to tell people he's mine. We're also both adults and you never had any say in the things we do. Also congrats on the pregnancy Nat." She smiled before sighing. "I respect your decision, but you also should know you're getting wedding presents." I huffed and Loki squeezed my arm. "If that'll makes this easier for you guys to handle, then we'll be fine with wedding gifts."

"Where you going?" Loki questioned when I got off the couch. "Patrol. The city has been a bit too crime heavy for me to be comfortable with. I'll be home before two, I promise." He stood up and pulled me into a kiss. "Be safe." I nodded and left the house. "Underoos." My suit encased me and I hopped onto my bike.

I sat on the top of a building and waited. "Peter there is a robbery happening at a bank two blocks from your current position." I jumped off the building and swung away at the last second. It took me a minute to get to the robbery and I watched police cars surrounded the area. I dropped down, "What's the inside situation?" An officer sighed. "Three hostages, one's a baby...oh shit, one was just shot." I cursed and swung up to the roof, through an access point and down into the main room. I punched two people with guns, knocking them out. "Go!" I shouted and a woman carried her baby out while a police officer ran in and grabbed the man who was shot. I kicked another man and smacked two men's heads together, knocking them out. A shot rang out next to my ear and left my ears ringing. I quickly punched the person and was pulled out by an officer. "He was shot!" I put a hand to my stomach where the bullet had entered. "K-Karen call my husband." I coughed and I was laid down onto a stretcher. "Hey Pete, I heard you saved a-" "I got shot, I need you to grab the backups from the lab and meet me at the hospital." Loki cursed and I heard running. "Where were you shot?" I coughed and lifted my head to look at the wound in the middle of my stomach. "Stomach, I think it missed the important stuff, but that doesn't mean I'm not losing blood." An EMT pushed my head down and stared to sew up my stomach. "N-No stop. The bullet is still in there." The man's eyes widened and I coughed. I did the worst thing imaginable, but I needed to save my life. A scream ripped through my throat when I stuck my hand in the bullet wound to retrieve the bullet.

I pulled the small fragments out and collapsed against the bed, panting. "What the fuck did you do?" Loki yelled and I coughed. "Dug a bullet out of my body." "Peter! Oh my god I hate you so much." I laughed weakly. "I love you too jerk."

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